Immeuble CCIA, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

African Natural Resources Centre

E-mail : [email protected]

Telephone : +225 20 26 32 13

Department issuing the request : AFRICAN NATURAL RESOURCES CENTRE (ANRC)


Place of assignment : Home based

Duration of the assignment :  30 Days

Tentative Date of commencement : August 15th, 2020

Deadline for applications : August 1 2020

Applications to be submitted to : Maali Harrathi ([email protected])

Any questions and requests for clarifications may be sent to:

MAALI HARRATHI ([email protected])



The African Natural Resources Centre (ANRC) is a non-lending entity of the African Development Bank (AfDB). The AfDB established the Centre to support Regional Member Countries (RMCs) to maximize development outcomes from their natural resources. The ANRC generates high quality knowledge and conducts impactful policy dialogue on harnessing natural resources for accelerated sustainable development in Africa. It also provides technical support to RMCs on natural resources planning, investment and governance, with a focus on land, forestry, fisheries, water, oil, gas and minerals. The ANRC also informs the Bank’s operational work in the natural resources sector.

In 2015, the Centre adopted a Five-Year Strategy (2015 – 2020) anchored in the Bank’s Ten-Year Strategy (TYS) which places emphasis on sound natural resource governance through its twin objectives of inclusive development and transition to green growth. The scope of the 2015-2020 strategy includes both renewable and non-renewable resources, specifically: Land, Water, Forestry, Fisheries, Minerals, Oil and Gas. The strategy has two core strategic pillars: integrated natural resource management and good governance of natural resources.

By filling this position, the ANRC seeks to consolidate its contribution to the implementation of Bank’s Ten-Year Strategy by fostering the harnessing of natural resources for inclusive and green growth in Africa through:

Strengthened knowledge generation in the economics of natural resources and sustainable development; Enhanced policy analysis and dialogue on the economics of natural resources and sustainable development; Improved technical assistance on natural resources planning, investment and governance;

Enhanced operational effectiveness of the Bank through improved ‘feedback loop’ between, to and from, country diagnostic analyses, project design, implementation and evaluation.


The Centre is seeking the services of a consultant to undertake a mid-term review of its 2015-2020 strategy. The mid-term review of the strategy fulfils the Bank’s institutional requirement for an independent mid-term evaluation of its strategies for the purposes of learning and review of programme implementation.

The main objectives of the mid-term review are to :

  1. Assess the effectiveness of the Centre in achieving the objectives of its 2015-2020 Strategy ;
  2. Assess the relevance of the vision and objectives of the 2015-2020 strategy in light of several internal and external developments since its inception ;
  3. Assess if the current structure permits or enables the Centre to effectively deliver its mandate ;
  4. Evaluate and present progress achieved in the implementation of the 2015-2020 strategy ;
  5. Identify and make recommendations on options for completing any remaining activities or commitments of the strategy ;
  6. Identify new opportunities to strengthen the delivery of the Centre’s mandate, related to thematic, strategic or operational dimensions ;
  7. Identify lessons learned from the implementation of the Centre’s 2015-2020 Strategy and provide recommendations to inform the development of the Centre’s next Strategy.


The evaluation will be carried out by an independent consultant who will report directly to the Centre Director. This assignment will be home based. The Centre will support the Evaluator by providing all relevant documentation and facilitating virtual meetings with internal Bank Staff and external stakeholders.

SELECTION CRITERIA : (including desirable skills, knowledge and experience)

  1. A Master’s Degree in a relevant Social Science discipline (Development Management, Development Studies, Economics, Sociology, Monitoring and Evaluation, Public Administration, Business Administration, etc) or related fields. A PhD is a strong advantage ;
  2. A minimum of fifteen (15) years’ experience in natural resources sector monitoring and evaluation, governance, administration, research, policy analysis or advocacy ;
  3. A strong publication record on monitoring and evaluation or the natural resources sector or the African development landscape ;
  4. Established reputation in leading evaluation, research, development or policy networks ;
  5. Proficiency in English and/or French


The Consultant will be selected in accordance with the African Development Bank’s Implementation Manual relating to the Procedures for Acquisition of Consulting Services funded by the Administrative or Capital Expenditure Budget of the Bank Group. Candidates shall be evaluated based on the following technical criteria:

CRITERIA Marks (%)
General qualifications and adequacy for the proposed assignment 30
Similar experience in the area of expertise of the assignment as supported by sample evaluation 50
work and or peer reviewed and other publications
Experience with the Bank or other international donors 5
Knowledge of the Region (environment of the assignment) 10
Language capacity (Excellent technical writing in English and French is an advantage) 5

Applicants must submit a cover letter, resume, copies of academic certificates and transcripts, at least 3 samples of prior work in strategy evaluation and /or peer reviewed articles on development evaluation. Applicants should also submit proposed methodology and approach to the work. Appendix 1 gives a template for submission of CVs. Only the best candidates earning 70% and above will be shortlisted.


The consultant will work on a fulltime basis for a period of 30 days starting in August 2020.


The Consultant will be hired for thirty (30) working days over a maximum period of three (3) months and paid a contract lump sum based on the AfDB Consultants’ remuneration scale and the schedule and conditions to be negotiated with the ANRC. This consultancy will be home based. Where field missions are required, cost of travel and per diem will be covered in line with AfDB rules.

Service Conditions :

The African Development Bank conditions for retaining short-term consultants will apply.

Appendix 1:

Please attach an updated Curriculum Vitae on the basis of the below :