

Brief Description of the assignment : CONSULTANT IN DATA ANALYTICS

Department making the request : SNDR

Place of assignment : ABIDJAN

Period of assignment : Sept 25, 2020 24 March 2021 (6 months)

Expected start date of the assignment : 25 Sept 2020

Last date for expressing interest :  Sept 13 2020 at 5:00PM (Abidjan) local time.

Expression of interest to be submitted to : [email protected]

Questions/ clarifications to be addressed to : [email protected]

  1. Background and rationale :

The Department for Delivery, Performance Management and Results (SNDR) is at the centre of Bank’s efforts to improve operational and corporate performance, accelerate the pace of delivery and increase impact on development. As part of its mandate, it also works to strengthen the Bank’s external and internal accountability for results and promotes a performance-driven culture across the organisation.

The Delivery Support Division (SNDR.2) is responsible for driving delivery and performance improvements in critical priority areas of the Bank. It oversees leads and coordinates operational performance management activities, provides early warning on areas of poor performance, to facilitate quick decision-making and support organisational Units in delivering the Bank’s mandate.

  1. Goals, Outcomes :

SNDR.2 currently produces a monthly dashboard for the Executive Management Team (Executive Dashboard), a Monthly Operations Status (MOS) Report, a weekly Lending

Tracking Report and on demand performance management reports. Several of these reports are being automated with the help of a dedicated IT team.

The major outcomes sought from the consultation offered are thus to help the team in charge of the production of performance management reports to collect, extract, compile, and analyze data from multiple sources to deliver critical insights on delivery and performance.

The Bank is therefore looking for a consultant in Data Analytics who will support the Delivery team in ensuring timely delivery of performance management reports at the highest quality standards.

  1. Outputs :

The Consultant in Data Analytics will support the team working on the performance management reports, working notably on data collection, data mining, analysis, forecasting and visualization for Business Intelligence (BI) reporting.

S/he will also contributes to the presentation of data to effectively inform Senior Management on current and projected Bank-wide operational and program performance for decision making purposes on specific Bank priority areas

As SNDR reports to the Senior Vice President, flexibility will be required to also undertake ad-hoc assignments as the need arises.

  1. Duties and responsibilities :
  • Design and update data collection systems, processes and templates ;
  • Test data for consistency, coherence with previous submissions and cross-check with other sources of data ;
  • Build coherent time series ;
  • Analyze, categorize and establish patterns, trends and correlations ;
  • Make projections based on a clear set of assumptions ;
  • Validate projections with relevant stakeholders and departments ;
  • Display data using infographics and appropriate graphs to highlight the significance of performance trajectory, trends, patterns and correlation ;
  • Safeguard integrity of Business Intelligence models and underlying formulas ;
  • Assist in the automation of Business Intelligence Reports, in particular the Lending Tracking Reports, Executive Dashboard and the Portfolio Flashlight ;
  • Develop and maintain a repository on performance data across platforms to ease access and ensure consistency, integrity, timeliness and completeness of performance data.
  1. Accountabilities :

The consultant will formally report to the manager of the Delivery Support and Implementation Division (SNDR.2).

  1. Experience and qualifications :
  • Hold at least a Master’s degree or its equivalent in Statistics, Economics, Finance or other relevant fields ;
  • A minimum of 7 years of relevant professional experience in data collection, processing, data mining, analysis, and forecasting either within the Bank, with a similar development or financial institution, or in the private sector ;
  • Excellent technical and analytical skills ;
  • Ability to design from data and report innovative solutions or options for improvement ;
  • Demonstrated interpersonal and communication skills, with strong record of working effectively across institutional boundaries ;
  • Ability to produce high quality work on a variety of issues within very short deadlines and make effective judgment calls ;
  • Ability to work within a multi-disciplinary team of staff from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds ;
  • Ability to communicate effectively (written and oral) in English or French, preferably with a working knowledge of the other language ;
  • Good command of IT tools and computer skills: Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Word or equivalent. Expertise in the use of VBA would be desirable ;
  • Knowledge and prior exposure of AfDB and Dashboard management would constitute a significant advantage.
  1. Duration and Location :

The consultancy will take place in the Bank’s headquarter premises, in Abidjan, and is set for a duration of 6 months (Sept 25, 2020 24 March 2021).

  1. Remuneration for the Assignment :

The Consultant will be paid a round trip ticket from the point of recruitment to Abidjan. No per diem and accommodation will be paid in Abidjan. The consultant will also be eligible for travel expenses (air ticket, hotel accommodation and per diem) while assigned on a Bank mission during the duration of the contract. Payment of honorarium (according to a scale based on years of experience) will be on a monthly basis after satisfactory execution of duties assigned to him/her.

  1. Evaluation criteria :
Nr. Criteria Weight
1. General qualification and suitability for the task to be performed 40
2. Similar experience in the area of expertise of the assignment 40
3. Experience with the Bank and/or multilateral donors 10
4. Language capacity 5
5. Knowledge of the region 5