UNESCO recrute un consultant pour une étude régionale sur l’impact du covid-19 sur les systèmes éducatifs en AOC, Dakar, Sénégal




Aperçu :

Secteur parent : Secteur de l’éducation (ED)

Lieu d’affectation : Dakar

Famille d’emplois : éducation

Type de contrat : Non personnel

Durée du contrat : De 1 à 6 mois

Recrutement ouvert à : Candidats externes

Date limite de candidature (minuit, heure de Paris) : 03-SEP-2020

Valeurs fondamentales de l’UNESCO : engagement envers l’organisation, intégrité, respect de la diversité, professionnalisme

Le contexte :

In the framework of COVID-19, UNESCO Regional Bureau for West Africa (Sahel), based in Dakar, will take the lead in carrying out the study on short-term impact on education systems in WCA in cooperation with UNICEF and other partners, such as the concerned national governments, research community, NGOs and other development partners.

The objectives of the impact study are to :

  • Understand short-term impact of COVID-19 on education systems in WCA in reference to: (1) access to and participation in education, (2) financing of education, teaching and learning, including the teacher availability, quality, motivation and COVID vulnerability issues which may have affected teachers, and (4) gender, inclusion and equity as cross-cutting issue of the above-mentioned three themes ;
  • Identify country education responses adopted in WCA to mitigate the negative impact of the COVID-19 crisis and strategies to build resilient education systems prepared for future crisis ;
  • Generate policy insights and recommendations for governments and partners to consider.

Long Description :

The impact study will be mainly informed by the following studies, to be commissioned within the framework of the present project: (1) a regional desk review covering WCA on the short-term impact of COVID-19 on education, and (2) five country case studies on the impact in Burundi, Cameroon, Guinea Bissau, Nigeria and Sierra Leone.

The key findings and recommendations of the impact study will be communicated widely, including through the organization of a webinar and preparation and dissemination of policy briefs.

The overall timeline is as follows :

  • Preparation of the inception note, the draft regional review and the country case studies: September-October 2020 ;
  • Preparation of report on the short impact of COVID-19 on education systems and responses in West and Central Africa, based on the draft regional review and country case studies; and finalization of country case studies: November-December 2020 ;
  • Organization of webinar and production of policy briefs: January 2021.

Assignment :

The consultant will produce (1) an inception report, (2) the regional desk review related to impact of and responses to COVID-19 in the education sector in West and Central Africa, and (3) the short term impact of COVID-19 on education systems and responses in West and Central Africa drawn from the information contained in the regional desk review as well as the five country case studies.

The consultant will work under the supervision of a devoted regional technical team comprising two staff from UNESCO Dakar and two staff from UNICEF WCA set up to coordinate the overall impact study. He will work closely with the Secretariat of the Regional Coordination Group on SDG4-Education 2030 in West and Central Africa (RCG4-WCA).

Inception note :

The note will set out the conceptual framework to be used in the evaluation, the key evaluation questions and methodology, including information on data sources and collection, proposed orientations and outline for the country case studies, proposed literature/data to review, sampling and key indicators. The inception report also include a global timeline for the evaluation and drafts of data collection instruments. It will be based also on different documents already produced and related to the study (concept note of the study, ToRs for the recruitment of consultants, GPE project document…). The inception note review will be between 2000-3000 words in English or French.

Regional desk review :

The regional desk review will be between 5000-10000 words in English or French, and address :

  • Regional trends with regard to short impact of COVID-19 on education systems in WCA ;
  • Regional trends with regard to responses and measures taken to mitigate the negative impact of COVID-19 on education as well as strategies to build resilient education systems ;
  • Recommendations for way forward for short- and longer-term education development in WCA.

The desk review will draw information and data from existing academic literature and reports, including those generated by international organizations, such as UNESCO’s survey of national education responses across 60 countries, UNICEF’s survey on promising practices for equitable education responses and education tracker across 128 countries, the World Bank’s study on shocks to education and policy responses, and the joint UNESCO-UNICEF-World Bank survey on monitoring the evolution of education system responses.

The short-term impact of COVID-19 on education systems and responses in West and Central Africa report :

This report will be based on the regional desk review and the five country reports. It must be a between 10000-15000 words in English or French, and highlight :

  • Regional trends with regard to short-term impact of COVID-19 on education systems in WCA ;
  • Regional trends with regard to responses and measures taken to mitigate the negative impact of COVID-19 on education as well as strategies to build resilient education systems in WCA ;
  • Key findings, lessons and cross cutting recommendations from the five country case studies ;
  • Recommendations for way forward for short- and longer-term education development in WCA.

The deliverables and timeline :

The assignment is desk-based and will not involve any travels.

The timeline for the production of the inception note, the desk review and the impact report is as follows :

Inception note : The consultant will prepare a draft and submit to the regional team for finalization by  20 September

Desk review :

  • The consultant will prepare a draft annotated outline of the regional desk review, proposed literature/data to review, and submit to the regional team  by  27 September  ;
  • The regional team will provide comments to the consultant on the document by 30 September ;
  • The consultant will finalize the annotated outline and literature/data to review by 04 October ;
  • The consultant shall produce a draft regional desk review and submit a draft report to the regional team by 24 October ;
  • The regional team will provide comments to the consultant by 31 October ;
  • The consultant shall revise the draft regional review in view of the comments received from the regional team, and submit the finalized report by 4 November.

Impact report :

  • The consultant will prepare a draft of the short-term impact report and submit to the regional team by 4 December ;
  • The regional team will provide comments to the consultant on the document by 9 December ;
  • The consultant shall revise the draft of the short-term impact report  in view of the comments received from the regional team, and submit another draft by 14 December ;
  • The regional team will share this version of the report with the Regional Coordination Group on SDG4-Education 2030 for their comments and will make the necessary follow up in order to receive their feedback by 20 December ;
  • The regional consultant shall revise the draft report in view of the comments received from the Regional Coordination Group, and submit the finalized short-term impact report to the regional team  by 24 December.

The length of the report shall be between 10000-15000 words (excluding the bibliography and annexes), and to be written in English or French.

Competencies (core / managerial) :

  • Accountability (C) ;
  • Communication (C) ;
  • Innovation (C) ;
  • Knowledge sharing and continuous improvement (C) ;
  • Planning and organizing (C) ;
  • Results focus (C) ;
  • Teamwork (C)
For detailed information, please consult the UNESCO Competency Framework.

Required qualifications and professional experience :

  • Advanced university agree (Master’s or equivalent) in education or related social sciences ;
  • A minimum of 10 years of relevant professional experience, of which at least 3 years acquired at international level ;
  • Good knowledge of education and development issues, including the impact of and responses to COVID-19 in Africa, preferably in West and Central Africa ;
  • Excellent knowledge of English or French, and good knowledge of the other language  ;
  • Excellent research, analytical and writing skills.

How to apply :

Interested applicants are requested to submit the following documents :

  • Updated curriculum vitae(s) ;
  • A statement indicating how the qualifications and experiences make them suitable for the assignment (maximum one page, A4) ;
  • An indication of the approach to carry out the assignment, including, for example, proposed literature to consult and data to use, methodology and proposed timeline.

Selection and recruitment process :

Please note that all candidates must complete an on-line application and provide complete and accurate information. To apply, please visit the UNESCO careers website. No modifications can be made to the application submitted.

The evaluation of candidates is based on the criteria in the vacancy notice, and may include tests and/or assessments, as well as a competency-based interview.

UNESCO uses communication technologies such as video or teleconference, e-mail correspondence, etc. for the assessment and evaluation of candidates.

Please note that only selected candidates will be further contacted and candidates in the final selection step will be subject to reference checks based on the information provided.

Footer :

UNESCO applies a zero tolerance policy against all forms of harassment.

UNESCO is committed to achieve and sustain gender parity among its staff members in all categories and at all grades. Furthermore, UNESCO is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities, as well as nationals from non-and under-represented Member States (last update here) are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the highest level of confidentiality. Worldwide mobility is required for staff members appointed to international posts.

UNESCO does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process.

Apply here