Total lance un avis de stage – Scripting à des fins chimiques, Belgique


Total lance un avis de stage – Scripting à des fins chimiques, Belgique

Description du poste

Scripting for chemical purposes
Molecular modelling is more and more used to accelerate the development in the catalysis field. The simulation software is possessing the indispensable features for chemical modelling, but to boost the preparation of input structures and files, as well as the analysis of outcome results, additional scripts are needed.
Atomic Simulation Environment is a python library designed for setting up, manipulating, running, visualizing and analyzing molecular simulations. It allows to handle input and output files of molecular modelling software like VASP, to create starting heterogeneous structures for simulations, and also possesses modules dedicated to Density Functional Theory simulations and reaction thermochemistry. The purpose of the internship will be to create python scripts allowing easy access to the above-mentioned features for everyday user of molecular simulation tools.

Internship duration: 3-5 months

Profil recherché

The potential candidate should:
  • Is a MSc student of chemistry or similar specialization (e.g. chemical engineering, organic or physical chemistry), possibly with academic knowledge of catalysis and theoretical chemistry
  • be knowledgeable in (the basics) of python programing
  • possess basic knowledge of chemistry (and possibly catalysis)
  • be enthusiastic, methodical and creative
  • communicate in English: both good writing and speaking skills




Resp Générales Rch et Dév

Région, département, localité

Région wallonne

Type d’emploi

Stage conventionné

Durée du contrat


Unité de temps


Niveau d’expérience requis

Moins de 3 ans


Refining & Chemicals

A propos de nous/Profil de l’entreprise

Donnez le meilleur de vous-même à l’énergie ! Rejoignez TOTAL : plus de 500 métiers différents dans 130 pays. Une entreprise responsable avec des standards de sécurité et d’éthique forts, des perspectives d’évolution de carrière variées, une culture de l’innovation et une mission partagée par les 100.000 collaborateurs du Groupe : rendre l’énergie meilleure jour après jour.


Je m'abonne

