Request for Expressions of Interest for Individual Consultant


  1. The African Development Bank (AfDB) wishes to recruit an individual consultant for the following position of Communications Officer under the Africa Climate Change Fund (ACCF) and the Global Environment Facility to support communications activities of the ACCF Secretariat and AfDB’s Global Environment Facility Coordination Unit.
  1. Under the leadership and guidance of the Climate Finance and Environment (PECG.1) Manager and the ACCF Coordinator, the Consultant’s core duties will include the following activities but not limited to (further details are outlined in the Annex: Terms of Reference):
  • Assist the ACCF to update and implement its 2018 Communication Strategy.
  • Support the GEF unit in finalizing its communication strategy.
  • Ensure media coverage of the ACCF and GEF activities in order to enhance visibility.
  • Liaise internally with the AfDB’s Communications and External Relations Department (PCER) in all matters requiring communication to ensure compliance.
  • Design and layout various documents including annual reports, brochures, newsletters, fact sheets, success stories/case studies, posters, roll ups.
  • Develop graphics including charts, diagrams, graphs, images as well as to support the design of slide decks, interactive presentations/ animations.
  • Support ACCF and GEF websites management including content development to make them more interactive and regularly updating the wesbite; Demonstrated knowledge and application of web-based programming, html, etc.
  • Produce photographic, video and other communications materials for and during ACCF and GEF events;
  • Develop an archive of visual materials for the ACCF and GEF including photos, presentations, infographics, videos from the project partners.
  • Work with external commercial vendors including contract design and typesetting firms as well as print service providers.
  • Other tasks related to ACCF and GEF communications and graphic design that may be required from time to time;
  1. For more details, please refer to the Terms of References in the annex
  1. Interested Individual Consultants shall provide information on their qualifications and experience demonstrating their ability to undertake the Assignment (relevant documents, information on similar services undertaken in the past, relevant experience, etc.).
  1. The eligibility criteria, the establishment of a short list and the selection procedure shall be in conformity with the Bank’s procedures for the acquisition of consulting services funded by the ACCF’s budget. Please, note that interest expressed by a Consultant does not imply any obligation on the part of the Bank to include him/her in the shortlist.
  1. The Consultancy will be based at the Bank’s headquarters with occasional field missions when required.
  1. The duration of service is 6 months with possibility of renewal based on satisfactory performance and availability of budget. The tentative starting date is in August 2021. Interested Individual Consultants may obtain further information at the address below during the Bank’s working hours from 08:00 to 17:00, Abidjan local time.
  1. Expressions of interest must be received by email at the address below no later than 13th July 2021 at 4 p.m. Abidjan local time and specifically mention “ ACCF-GEF Communications Officer”. For the attention of:   Rita Effah, ACCF Coordinator; Ayanleh Daher, Coordinator, AfDB-GEF Coordination Unit

African Development Bank

Climate Change and Green Growth Department

Avenue Joseph Anoma, 01 BP 1387, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire Tel : +225 2026 4260 or +225 2026 4346

E-mail: [email protected];  [email protected]  with copy to  [email protected]


A shortlist of three to six individual consultants will be established at the end the request of expressions of interest. The consultants on the shortlist will be judged on the following criteria on the basis of their resume/ curriculum vitae.

•  Level of education in general 20%
•  Educational level compared to the field of mission 20%
Years of experience in general 20%
Experience/suitability in the specific assignment described in the 40%
  Terms of Reference  


Terms of Reference for Consultancy Services

ACCF-GEF Communication Consultant


The African Development Bank (AfDB or the “Bank”) is the leading development finance institution on the African continent, focused on promoting economic development and poverty reduction.

The Climate Change and Green Growth Department (PECG) under the Power, Energy, Climate Change and Green Growth (PEVP) Complex is responsible for the mainstreaming of climate change and green growth into all the Bank’s operations under the High 5. The Bank is committed under its Climate Change Action Plan II (CCAP II: 2016-2020) to scaling up climate finance to 40% of all approved investments by 2020 from both internal and external sources. Also, assisting African countries to develop and implement their NDCs as well as to increase their access to global climate finance; and leading all efforts within the Bank focused on minimizing and reversing the effects of Climate Change on the continent.

The Department consists of two main divisions: (i) the Climate and Green Growth Division (PECG.2), and (ii) the Environment and Climate Finance Division (PECG.1). PECG.1 is responsible for ensuring the Bank’s and RMCs’ enhanced access to climate and environmental (green) finance. The Division manages the growing pool of climate and environment resources available within and outside the Bank, develops innovative mechanisms and tools to increase Bank’s access to climate and environment finance, strengthens the capacities of RMCs to access global climate finance through their Nationally Determined Contributions. PECG.1 hosts several climate funds including the Africa Climate Change Fund (ACCF) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

  1. The Africa Climate Change Fund

The ACCF is a multi-donor trust fund managed by the AfDB with funding contributions from Governments’ of Germany, Italy, Flanders, Quebec, and Global Affairs Canada to provide small grants to African governments, research institutions, regional institutions, and NGOs, as well as Bank departments, to support African countries to scale up their access to climate finance and advance low-carbon, climate resilient development in line with their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

The ACCF has 15 projects at various stages of execution, with some nearing completion in its current portfolio. Furthermore, the ACCF provides targeted capacity building on climate change and climate finance issues to relevant stakeholders at both national and regional levels. From 2020 to 2023, the ACCF will focus on supporting preparatory activities such as project development and capacity building to African countries to enable them to scale up their access to climate finance and to demonstrate impactful adaptation approaches that build the resilience of vulnerable communities, particularly women and youth.

Increasingly, as the ACCF’s portfolio expands and it seeks new donor contributions, it is becoming important to strengthen the ACCF’s communication. A Communication Strategy was approved in 2018, which emphasises a range of visual, written, web-based and interactive communication channels to reach various stakeholders (donor, beneficiaries, partners, and Bank colleagues) via an approach that is accessible, credible, and result-oriented.

  1. The Global Environment Facility

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) brings together 181 member countries, in partnership with international institutions, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector, to address global environmental issues. It is an independent financial organization that provides grants to developing countries and countries with economies in transition for projects related to biodiversity, climate change, international waters, land degradation, the ozone layer, and persistent organic pollutants. These projects benefit the global environment, linking local, national, and global environmental challenges and promoting sustainable livelihoods. The GEF is also the designated financial mechanism for a number of multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) or conventions on biodiversity, desertification, and climate change; as such the GEF assists countries in meeting their obligations under the conventions that they have signed and ratified. GEF projects are co-financed with the partnership agencies and thus effectively promote the mainstreaming of environmental issues within the baseline projects traditionally financed by these agencies.

The AfDB is an accredited agency to the GEF since 2007 and was able to mobilize more than USD 350 million in GEF resources to complement the Bank’s operations in areas such as land degradation, climate change mitigation and adaptation, biodiversity, and international waters. A communication strategy needs to be designed to enable the unit to i) reach out to internal stakeholders and identify more easily baseline projects but also ii) showcase its achievements to external stakeholders and thereby leverage more partnerships with them.

Objective of the Assignment

The main objective of this assignment is to support communications, website management and graphics design of the ACCF and the GEF communication materials to enhance visibility and reporting.


Duties and Responsibilities

Scope of the Assignment

The ACCF-GEF Communication Consultant will support the ACCF and the GEF to strengthen their online and offline presence by developing communication materials including infographics to demonstrate their work and impacts.

He/She will be responsible for the following key tasks:

  • Assist the ACCF to update and implement its 2018 Communication Strategy.
  • Support the GEF unit in finalizing its communication strategy.
  • Ensure media coverage of the ACCF and GEF activities in order to enhance visibility.
  • Liaise internally with the AfDB’s Communications and External Relations Department (PCER) in all matters requiring communication to ensure compliance.
  • Design and layout various documents including annual reports, brochures, newsletters, fact sheets, success stories/case studies, posters, roll ups.
  • Develop graphics including charts, diagrams, graphs, images as well as to support the design of slide decks, interactive presentations/ animations.
  • Support ACCF and GEF websites management including content development to make them more interactive and regularly updating the wesbite; Demonstrated knowledge and application of web-based programming, html, etc.
  • Produce photographic, video and other communications materials for and during ACCF and GEF events;
  • Develop an archive of visual material for the ACCF and GEF including photos, presentations, infographics, videos from the project partners.
  • Work with external commercial vendors including contract design and typesetting firms as well as print service providers.
  • Other tasks related to ACCF and GEF communications and graphic design that may be required from time to time;

Qualifications and Experience

He/she should have the following qualifications/experience:

  • Master’s degree in communications, journalism, public relations, or related field.
  • At least 5 years of relevant experience in communications including graphic design, knowledge of climate change and/or sustainable development issues is considered an asset.
  • Demonstrated experience developing (including infographics) communication materials including publications, annual reports, and website management.
  • Demonstrated experience with digital creation software, graphics, design, photo editing (Adobe Creative Suite).
  • Strong inter-personal skills and commitment to work in a team-oriented, multi-cultural environment.
  • Strong organisational and time management skills and attention to detail.
  • Constructive, problem solving attitude, innovative and creative thinker with the ability to propose and test new ideas to enhance the Trust Funds’ visibility.
  • Flexibility adjusting work schedules to the needs of the Trust Funds and delivering high quality outputs in a timely manner.
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English or French language, with working proficiency in the other language.

Duration, Location and Remuneration

The consultant will be based in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire with occasional travel when required. A remote-based assignment may be considered if a suitable candidate cannot be identified locally. The work will commence tentatively by August 2021 and it will last for a period of 6 months renewable following a satisfactory performance. A detailed work program will be agreed with the ACCF and GEF Coordinators and the Manager, PECG.1 before commencing the assignment.

Deliverables and Reporting

The Communication Consultant will report to the ACCF and the GEF Coordinators, who work under the supervision of the Manager, Climate and Environment Finance Division.

The consultant is expected to produce the following deliverables:

  • Design and layout various documents including annual reports, brochures, newsletters, fact sheets, success stories/case studies, posters, roll ups including printing, if necessary.
  • Improve ACCF and GEF website management including design and content updates.
  • ACCF and GEF master slide deck including infographics.
  • Update folder on communication materials on collaboration.
  • Produce communication materials including photographs, videos and others for and during ACCF and GEF events.

The consultant’s performance will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Professional competence
  • Timely delivery of results
  • Quality of work produced
  • Reliability
  • Organizational and communication skills