The UNESCO Office for the Pacific States promotes development opportunities, actions and mobilize resources for sustainable development, democracy and peace in the Pacific. The Office’s work in the Pacific is guided by the United Nations (UN) Cooperation Framework, UNESCO Pacific Strategy and other international and regional frameworks.
Based in Suva, Fiji, the Senior Finance Assistant, GS-6, Project Appointment (PA) works as part of both the Administration and Education Sector teams in the UNESCO Office for the Pacific States, providing full-time , financial, procurement and administrative assistance support to the GPE funded and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) administered grant to UNESCO for the implementation of the Pacific Regional Education Framework (PacREF). The Senior Finance Assistant reports to the Finance and Administrative Officer who leads the Administration Unit in the UNESCO office for the Pacific States. The position will work closely with the Senior Project Officer (P4) who manages the Programme under the PacREF, the Senior Project Assistant (GS-6) of the education team as well as with other members of the education sector in the UNESCO Office for the Pacific States, and education staff from other offices as advised by the supervisor. The senior manager (or the Senior Project Officer’s manager) is the Programme Specialist for Education who acts as the team leader for the education sector in the Pacific. The Senior Finance Assistant will work closely with the Admin and Finance team of the UNESCO Office for the Pacific States to ensure administrative propriety, internal coordination, information-sharing and reporting, and joint actions as required.
Under the guidance and supervision of the Finance and Administrative Officer and the Senior Project Officer, the Senior Finance Assistant provides programme administration, including, operational and secretarial support for the implementation, monitoring and reporting on the programme by UNESCO. The Senior Finance Assistant works in close collaboration with the IAs, partners and the government counterparts to support the Programme Manager deliver UNESCO’s work in accordance with the regulations, rules and procedures of the Organizations and additional procedures set by the Office.