Objective and scope of the assignment:
Expertise France is looking for a Senior expert in communication, visibility and knowledge management for the actions implemented by the AFD Group in the framework of EUROCLIMA+ Country Dialogues (13 actions to date). The expert will be responsible for:
- Defining and elaborating the Communication and Visibility (C&V) Strategy and the Knowledge Management (KM) Strategy (2 documents) for the actions derived from Country Dialogues implemented by the AFD Group, in line with the Programme’s C&V and KM Strategies and with the AFD Group orientations regarding C&V and KM. C&V and KM strategies shall address actions at country level and not separately, and highlight the synergies and cross-cutting issues between the different actions implemented within the framework of the Country Dialogue.
- Elaborating the respective C&V and KM annual action plans (2022, 2023 and 2024), their periodical update, and supporting their implementation by advising AFD Group in the budget planning, realization of specific C&V and KM activities and coordination with C&V provider(s) for specific C&V/KM products;
- Supporting AFD Group in its coordination with partners, including participating and contributing in C&V and KM taskforces piloted by the PSU (EC+ Programme Support Unit) on C&V and KM topics at Programme level.
Description of assignment:
To carry out these activities, the senior expert will work under the supervision of the Expertise France Project manager based in Paris Headquarters, in close collaboration with the EF team based in Bogota, Colombia (EF Programme Coordinator and project managers) and the AFD team (AFD Programme Coordinator, project manager and climate finance expert).
The list of deliverables below covers the minimum expected and will be extended by further specific deliverables to be discussed upon demand and needs with the project team.
PART I – Development and elaboration of C&V and KM strategies
Based on the EC+ C&V and KM strategies at Programme level, and specific orientations of the AFD Group regarding C&V and KM, the Senior expert will elaborate the C&V and KM Strategies for actions implemented by the AFD Group in the framework of the Country Dialogues, considering the following activities (the expert is free to suggest other activities in his technical offer):
- Revision of documentation available, including but not limited to: action description documents and logical frameworks, EC+ C&V and KM strategies, and C&V and KM manuals and tools, including those developed during Phase 3 of the Programme in the different sectors, EUCLIDES (monitoring database of the EC+ Programme), AFD Group strategies.
- Coordinate meetings with the team members of AFD Group involved in Country Dialogue actions, to jointly identify the main C&V and knowledge products to be developed by the different actions, as well as opportunities, weaknesses and risks regarding C&V and KM in each action.
Meetings with other partners could be considered (for instance, C&V and KM teams of other implementing agencies).
- Data collection and analysis: analyze and classify foreseen C&V and knowledge products developed by actions, risk analysis, etc.
- Define and elaborate the C&V and KM Strategies (draft).
- Discuss the draft strategies with the AFD Group teams and the PSU and make adjustments.
- Elaborate final C&V and KM Strategies for actions implemented by the AFD Group in the framework of the Country Dialogues, considering lessons learned and best practices from previous phases of the EUROCLIMA+ Programme.
PART II – Elaboration and implementation of the C&V and KM operational plans
Based on the C&V and KM strategies developed and validated by the AFD Group, the expert will elaborate detailed operational plans and support EF in the implementation of C&V and KM activities. C&V and KM operational plans should ensure the systematization and aggregation of lessons learnt and good practices generated by actions implemented by the AFD Group at Country Dialogue level, identify knowledge management priorities related to products and media, ensure the dissemination of generated knowledge internally and externally to the EC+ Programme. The expert is expected to provide the following deliverables (non-exhaustive list):
- C&V operational plan, with clear definition of responsibilities for each task, clear outcomes, indicators, processes, tools and estimated budget, including detailed resource needs, and timeline;
- KM operational plan, with clear definition of responsibilities for each task, clear outcomes, indicators, processes, tools and estimated budget, including detailed resource needs, and timeline;
- C&V operational plan and KM operational plan periodically revised, adjusted and updated.
The expert will also be in charge of the following activities:
- Supporting the implementation of C&V activities:
- Ensure the smooth running of all activities planned in the C&V operational plan;
- Ensure the correct use of EC+ and AFD Group branding and C&V guideline in all communication products developed around the actions;
- Develop key communication messages for reproduction in presentations, conferences, workshops, annual meetings and speeches by Expertise France and the AFD;
- Coordinate C&V activities (such as launch public events, etc.) related to Country Dialogue actions implemented by AFD Group, with AFD Group teams and in-country institutional partners;
- Develop and update indicators to monitor and evaluate the progress of communications activities, in order to measure the impact on achieving the overall objectives;
- Monitor public perception, mass media and reports, at action level;
- Participate to periodical reporting to EU on communication aspects.;
- Provide technical specifications for ToRs of specific communication services and products (video production, layout, proofreading, graphic designing, etc.);
- When needed, coordinate with C&V provider(s) for specific C&V services (timeline, feedback and quality review, etc.);
- Supporting the implementation of KM activities:
- Propose different modalities for peer-to-peer learning and knowledge-sharing between the different actions (webinar series, newsletter, communities of practice, collaboration tools, etc.);
- In cooperation with the area of monitoring and evaluation, elaborate formats for knowledge management products for e.g. the documentation of best practices and lessons learned, the construction of relevant databases, policy documents, analysis of procedures and experiences, aimed at enhancing knowledge within and outside EUROCLIMA+ Programme, in close coordination with the PSU, taking into account the products and formats already developed by the EC+ Programme;
- Identify platforms and networks for knowledge products sharing;
- Guarantee the management, classification, organization and availability of the knowledge products in the platforms indicated by the contracting authority;
- Participate to periodical reporting to EU on knowledge management aspects;
- Provide technical specifications for ToRs for externals consultants who shall deliver services and products related to knowledge management (systematization, publications, etc.);
Part III – Coordination on C&V and KM at Programme level with the PSU and other MSA
- Participate in coordination meetings with the C&V and KM staff of the PSU and other partners if considered relevant by EF, and report on it to EF Coordination team.
- Contribute to KM and C&V activities led by the PSU at Programme level.
Expertise France (expertisefrance.fr) is the French public agency for international technical cooperation. The agency serves the technical advisory needs of partner countries in the main areas of public action: democratic and financial governance, security, sustainable development and human development. By its action on the ground, it contributes to the objectives of solidarity and influence of French and European development policy.
With a volume of activity of 237 million euros, Expertise France is involved in more than 100 countries and handles more than 500 projects. Expertise France has more than 350 employees at its headquarters in Paris and more than 600 partners around the world.
In Latin America, Expertise France mostly intervenes with regional projects or programs. In October 2018, the first Expertise France office was opened in Bogotá, Colombia. Its main objective is the implementation of the EUROCLIMA + program financed by the European Union.
Project description
EUROCLIMA+ (EC+) (euroclimaplus.org) is the flagship regional cooperation programme of the European Commission in Latin America for mitigation and adaptation to climate change. It aims to support 18 countries of the region in the implementation of their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) elaborated within the framework of UNFCCC, through the identification and implementation of innovative actions in six prioritized sectors and six action lines, jointly identified with the countries of the area through national and regional political dialogues.
Five Member States Agencies (MSA) of the European Union and two agencies of the United Nations implement the actions of the programme. In its new phase (phase 4 started in 2020), the programme promotes Country Dialogues, in efficient coordination with the National Focal Points (NFP), the sector ministries and relevant institutions, to define, programme and implement the priority actions in each country or region.
In this context Expertise France is the main interlocutor of the AFD Group (which includes here Agence Française de Développement – AFD, and Expertise France – EF) within the programme. The AFD Group focuses its interventions on the line of action 1 “Plan and policies[1]” and 2 “Climate financing[2]”, coordinating actions related to the forest, biodiversity and ecosystems (FBE) and resilient food production (RFP) sectors, and ensures the communication, visibility, knowledge management and capitalization of experiences of those actions.
In 2019, GIZ and FIIAPP launched four pilot “Country Dialogues” in order to develop a methodology tailored to the specificities of the EUROCLIMA+ programme. This “Country Dialogue” methodology’s objective is to organise a joint identification of actions between EC+ and the partner that can be endorsed by the programme in the field of climate change, according to the country’s strategy and policy along with EC+’s priorities and capacity to meet these needs. Other Country Dialogues began in 2020 and 2021, according to the expression of interest of the countries of the region, as well as multi-country and regional dialogues, including in the Amazon.
To date, the AFD Group is involved in 13 actions in 8 country dialogues[3]. As implementing agency, the AFD Group supports the country in the detailed definition of its needs, co-constructs with the respective national authorities and technical focal points a technical assistance offer and an action plan, and steers the implementation of the action. Expertise France is responsible for the communication, visibility and knowledge management around all the actions implemented by the AFD Group in the framework of Country Dialogues.
In this context, Expertise France is looking for a senior expert in communication, visibility and knowledge management, to define and elaborate the Communication and Visibility (C&V) Strategy and the Knowledge Management (KM) Strategy for the actions implemented by the AFD Group in the framework of Country Dialogues, and support their respective implementation.
Communication, visibility and knowledge management is an important part of the EUROCLIMA+ Programme. Implementing Agencies shall align their activities in this domain with:
- the EUROCLIMA+ Communication and Visibility Strategy at programme level.
- the EUROCLIMA+ Knowledge Management Strategy at programme level. In the framework of EUROCLIMA +, knowledge management refers to the way in which knowledge is identified, (co-) created, collected, exchanged and applied, both within the Program and with its external recipients. Knowledge management is conducted in close cooperation with the monitoring and evaluation area, and with the communication and visibility area of the program.
Both strategies detail the specific objectives and expected results to reach at programme level regarding C&V and KM and activity types to be implemented, with the support of MSAs.
[1] Strengthening of institutions, plans and policies linked to the development and advancement of national climate change targets.
[2] Strengthening enabling frameworks, institutional capacities and instruments for financing and investment for the achievement of national climate goals
[3] Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, México, Panamá and Perú.
Qualifications and skills:
- Master’s degree in one or more of the following disciplines: Knowledge management; Journalism; Communication; Community management / Social media management, Communication for Development, Public Relations, Social or Political sciences, International relations or cooperation or other relevant fields. Strong ability to make technical information understandable to a wide variety of target groups and excellent writing skills (in Spanish and English).
- Excellent command of online communications and digital tools (RSS feed, website, social networks, etc.) and awareness campaigns.
- Good command of virtual communication environments and collaborative platform (Zoom, MS teams, Jamboard, Miro, etc.).
- Full proficiency of English and Spanish (C1 as a minimum according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages available at https://europa.eu/europass/fr/common-european-framework-reference for reading, speaking and writing. Good knowledge of Portuguese and French will be considered an asset.
- Knowledge of the EU communications framework procedures, guidelines and tools.
- Proven interest for topics related to sustainable development, climate change, biodiversity conservation, indigenous and gender issues.
- Knowledge of the climate and biodiversity action sector at international level and/or at regional level in Latin America (its actors (Rio conventions system for instance) and current trending topics (ex.: nature-based solutions…) etc.)
General and specific professional experience:
- A minimum of 10 years of proven experience in designing strategies and operational plans in the field of communication and visibility as well as knowledge management.
- A minimum of 5 years of demonstrated experience in communications within the field of international development, with a proven professional record producing, creating, editing a wide range of communication tools, contents and supports, and with a good knowledge of media technology, web-based management systems, social media for public information/advocacy, digital media, etc.
- A minimum of 5 years of proven experience in knowledge management and knowledge sharing in multi-actor settings, including capitalization or systematization of experiences, lessons learnt and good practices within a project, organization or programme, coordination of editorial publication processes, etc.
- Experience in communication and knowledge management related to biodiversity, climate finance and climate change, the AFOLU sector (agriculture, forestry and other land uses) is an asset.
- Previous experience with UE-funded projects will be considered an advantage.
- Previous experience with multi-country and multi-actor projects or programmes will be considered an asset.
Other requirements:
Flexibility to work under time constraints between Europe and Latin America. For more detailed information, please see Section 2 “General information”.
The applicant must have all the software licenses needed to perform the mission, especially regarding computer programs and virtual communication tools. The purchase of such tools will not be accepted in the financial offer.
Date limite de candidature : 24/04/2022 à 23:59