INTERNSHIP – Off the shelves methods for virtual pipelines – H/F
Description du poste
The unconventional product line is asked to provide off the shelf solutions when signing new contracts in various areas. One of the solutions anticipated is to offer alternatives for installing a pipeline without flaring gas. In the early days of a project as well as for step-out wells where longer production tests are required but flaring is not considered an option, produced gas needs to be converted and/ or transported.
Scope of Work:
Identify all technological alternatives on the market and document their present maturity level, their applicability, their drawbacks/ limitations, their geographic availability and their providers and some rules of thumb or benchmarks for cost estimation.
6 months
Decision tool that allows a quick scan of the available options and powerpoint presentation
What you learn:
1. General market research
2. Gas processing
3. Virtual pipeline market expertise
Profil recherché
Les connaissances indispensables :
You are in your last year of study and looking for a 6months internship. You like Research and analytics, industrial markets and reporting.
You have analytical skills and are independent
Resp Générales Rch et Dév, R&D Analytique
Région, département, localité
92 – Hauts-de-Seine
Type d’emploi
Stage conventionné
Niveau d’expérience requis
0- 3 ans
A propos de nous/Profil de l’entreprise
Donnez le meilleur de vous-même à l’énergie ! Rejoignez TOTAL : plus de 500 métiers différents dans 130 pays. Une entreprise responsable avec des standards de sécurité et d’éthique forts, des perspectives d’évolution de carrière variées, une culture de l’innovation et une mission partagée par les 100.000 collaborateurs du Groupe : rendre l’énergie meilleure jour après jour.
Tâche arrivée à expiration
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