Avis de recrutement : Organisation pour l’Alimentation et l’Agriculture (FAO) recherche un Spécialiste des opérations d’investissement.





Tasks and responsibilities

•    Lead, or participate in, multidisciplinary teams to assist governments in the identification, assessment and preparation of investment operations in the fields of food security, nutrition, agriculture, rural development, natural resource management and climate change adaptation and/or mitigation, and participate in pre-appraisal and appraisal missions.
•    Lead, or participates in, multidisciplinary teams for the implementation support and the preparation of final evaluation of investment operations.
•    Advise governments, or provide technical expertise, in the preparation of food security, nutrition, agriculture, rural development, natural resource management and climate change adaptation and/or mitigation studies and strategies, and in the formulation of national sector and/or sub-sector investment plans and programmes. ( only for Consultants)
•    Advise on developing, or support the development, of inclusive and sustainable food systems, involving producers, their organizations, other private sector actors, civil society organizations and government.
•    Lead the formulation, or formulate, and delivers monitoring and evaluation, communication and capacity development strategies and activities in the areas of food security, nutrition, agriculture, rural development, natural resource management and climate change adaptation and/or mitigation, investment support to government staff, and non-state actors and private sector organizations.
•    Prepare reports in accordance with government and financing partners’ requirements.
•    Promote international cooperation and collaboration leading to new investment opportunities and cooperative agreements, advocates best practices and effective policy dialogue and provides technical expertise at international meetings.
•    Perform other related duties as required.

Minimum Requirements :

  • University degree in economics, agricultural economics, agricultural sciences, environmental sciences, agribusiness management, natural resource management, irrigation and drainage engineering, rural infrastructure engineering, communication, social sciences, international relations or a related field as appropriate for the specific profile;
  • From one to fifteen years of relevant experience in conducting agricultural/rural sector/subsector analytical studies, and/or in planning, design, supervision of agricultural and rural investment operations, including elaboration of feasibility studies and implementation of agricultural and rural investment operations in developing countries and/or countries in transition  ;
  • Working knowledge of English, French or Spanish and limited knowledge of one of the other two or Arabic, Chinese, Russian (for consultants). Working knowledge of English, French, Spanish, Arabic or Russian (for PSAs).

Close on 3 Apr 2023

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