Ensure INTERSOS manages the Human Resources as a Responsible Employer:
- Is responsible for all human resources management issues of the missions, ensuring they are aligned with HR policies and Responsible Employer frame;
- Ensures implementation and revision of all HR Policies for international staff adapting standard INTERSOS policies to the missions;
- Works in close collaboration with the HQ National HR Coordinator to develop local policies defining or adapting INTERSOS standard policies to the missions.
Analysis of Human Resources needs:
- Contributes to planning and defining the Human Resources needs in coordination with the HOM (International and National) in the missions, analysing local capacities and supporting identifying the optimum team set-up to properly achieve the mission’s objectives and identifying key indicators in order to follow up the results, and revise the HR plan accordingly;
- In coordination with the HOM defines HR strategies at the mission’s level for the National staff to ensure the missions count with the capacities and competencies needed, in the short, mid and long term (recruitment, remuneration, management and learning development plans);
- Provides advice and technical expertise to the HOM and relevant Coordinators, in order to design job profiles, organizational charts and decision-making channels for international and national positions.
Support to local recruitment:
- Identifies the best local sources of recruitment according to the needs and objectives of the missions as well as defines recruitment strategy based on the analysis of the labour market with the objective of recruiting professionals and people with potential to develop within the missions/organization;
- Supervises the HR Manager ensuring that local staff in the missions are properly recruited and that all staff are managed according to INTERSOS HR vision, policies and values, and provides support and technical advice to the different Coordinators in order to grant fulfilment and coherence.
Management of Human Resources (International and National):
- Defines and coordinates the internal communication policy, in collaboration with all field coordination teams, organizing personnel meetings and broadcasting INTERSOS values and vision, in order to boost team building, people commitment, active participation and adherence to INTERSOS values;
- Ensures systematic briefings and debriefing of all International staff in the missions and keeps regular contacts to support them;
- Provides expertise to Coordinators/supervisors/activity managers on how to manage HR (team management, conflict management, stress early detection, communication, meetings…);
- Facilitates the resolution of conflicts among missions staff and looks for a viable solution in case a direct intervention is not possible;
- Makes sure that cases linked to behavioural issues are prevented, detected and managed;
- Ensures, in close collaboration with the relevant departments, that all international and internal movements in the missions are properly managed (visas, tickets, dates of arrival/departure, etc.) and ensures proper accommodation conditions (i.e. room, food, etc.) by informing all relevant people;
- Supports and coaches as an expert all the Coordinators in their role of people’s managers.
Management of International staff:
- Coordinates with Hr Managers and HQ HR Administration to follow up on HR policies, in particular, Rest & Recuperation, house allowance, family benefits, staff separation clearance checklist, flight booking and leaves;
- Guarantees and facilitates the participation of the first missioners to the Induction in Rome HQ or in the region;
- Ensures proper end of assignment, debriefing and capitalization of experiences and shares it with HR Department of Rome HQ (pool managers) for proposals of future missions.
Management of National staff in collaboration with the HR Managers:
- Ensures alignment of mission’s objectives with HR institutional objectives beyond the missions (related to future HR capacity of the organization such as supporting the development of staff beyond missions roles, promoting spaces to train new staffs (first missions) or staffs under development plans, detachment, etc…);
- Follows the HR and Administration related issues at the mission level (recruitment, management and development of teams, contracting of national and regional employees’, remuneration of local and regional staff, etc.);
- Guides and supervises the HR Manager in the local implementation of a fair rewarding policy in the missions in accordance with INTERSOS policies and local regulations checking monthly calculations of salaries and taxes, in order to ensure internal equity, adequate competitiveness and legal compliance;
- Ensures a good knowledge of the labour market: in terms of profiles available, level of qualifications, specificities, lead or request labour market studies and benchmarking studies;
- Develops the missions mobility policy according to the needs and the context and with respect to policies and standards.
Follow up on legal requirements:
- Supports the HOM and the HR Managers to comply with the HR legal requirements of the different Countries;
- Supervises and manages administrative processes for all staff and manage conflicts when they appear, in order to ensure labour legal compliance and to improve employer branding awareness;
- Is responsible to make sure that Internal regulations and all HR-related policies, procedures and administrative documents (i.e. employment contracts, payslips, etc.) are within the national legal framework;
- Represents INTERSOS in meetings with Authorities and other NGOs for HR Administration related issues.