Appel d’offres international (Afrique, Asie, Europe) pour le E-cash, E-voucher et solutions bancaires lancé par Action Contre la Faim.







ACF intervenes in the following situations:

  • In natural or man-made crises which threaten food security or result in famine,
  • In situations of social / economic breakdown, linked to internal or external circumstances which place particular groups of people in an extremely vulnerable position,
  • In situations where survival depends on humanitarian aid.

ACF is now recognized as one of the leading organizations in the fight against hunger worldwide.

The purpose of this Call for Tender is to solicit competitive offers for the supply of 4 (four) different lots, in the view of selecting reliable providers able to deliver e-voucher and/or e-cash solutions on time and assist ACF all along the collaboration.

ACF aims at signing two years framework agreement(s) with one or several suppliers, depending on the solutions proposed and / or the specificities of countries of implementation. The Framework Agreement may be renewed by amendment for a period of one year, up to a maximum of 2 renewals.

The 4 lots are:

  1. Lot 1: E-voucher (via Smart cards) payment solution

E-voucher payment solutions for targeted population and local vendors (via smart cards, printed vouchers or other solutions to be specified) with the following characteristics:

  1. online registration process of (e-)voucher projects
  2. secure online registration of targeted population and vendors
  3. capacity to keep record of transactions and payments between vendors and ACF, to generate supporting documents for audits according to ACF requirements, through different methods (barcodes on printed vouchers, smart cards, etc…)
  4. capacity to keep record of transactions and payments between vendors and target population, including track of purchased items, to generate supporting documents for audits according to ACF requirements, through different methods (barcodes on printed vouchers, smart cards, etc…).
  5. If a network of vendors is already set up through this option, please specify.
  6. Lot 2: E-cash or cash payment solutions

E-cash or cash payment solutions (via chips and/or smart cards), prioritizing technologies that include the last mile solution, with the following characteristics:

  1. online registration process of e-transfer projects
  2. secure online registration of targeted population
  3. cash withdrawal process
  4. transactions and payments in any shops / establishments
  5. capacity to keep record of transactions/payments throughout the process, to generate supporting documents for audits according to ACF requirements, through different methods (bar codes on printed cards, smart cards…)
  6. Lot 3: Mobile money solutions
  1. Mobile money solutions for targeted population, running on any kind of mobile phones, both with and without Internet coverage, with options of payment to vendors through mobile money systems and cash withdrawal in designated points / counters.
  2. capacity to keep record of transactions/payments throughout the process, to generate supporting documents for audits according to ACF requirements.
  3. Lot 4: Bank solution
  1. Bank solution for targeted population relying on the bank system to be directly used in all establishments and allowing cash withdrawal at counter and/or through ATM or any other withdrawal points.
  2. capacity to keep record of transactions/payments throughout the process, to generate supporting documents for audits according to ACF requirements.

NB: Please note that targeted population and local vendors might not have a legal ID. Please point out whether this contingency may imply a limitation or an obstacle for the proposed solution in some countries.

The proposed solution(s) should be able to quickly replace any systems previously used by ACF to deliver cash and voucher assistance, to smoothly continue the activities.

All proposed solutions should offer interfaces with several languages, including – at least – English, Spanish, and French. If any local language is available for the vendor/customer interface, it should be listed in the bid.

Bidding documents can be obtained by interested parties from:

Mr. Rémi Goossens — Procurement officer : [email protected]

ACF does not bind itself to award the tender to the lowest tender or any bid and reserves the right to accept the whole or part of the tender

The deadline for submitting the offers is February 28th, 2023 before 5 PM (France Local time).