Avis de recrutement : La FMI recherche un.e Expert.e du secteur financier basé aux Etats-Unis.







Work for the IMF. Work for the World.

The Monetary and Capital Markets (MCM) Department has an opening for a Financial Sector/Senior Financial Sector Expert in its Debt Capital Markets (DM) division. DM focuses on: (i) the analysis of trends and emerging risks in sovereign debt; (ii) capacity building and innovation in sovereign debt management and debt market development; and (iii) surveillance and application of Fund policies in country cases regarding sovereign debt, with emphasis on the market and financial stability implications of debt restructurings.

The selected candidate will:

– Conduct policy-oriented analysis of sovereign debt-related financial stability risks in global markets and for specific country cases;

– Contribute to the planning, delivery and backstopping of capacity development, including technical assistance and training, on sovereign debt and related areas (including debt management strategy development and implementation, institutional arrangements, market development, and debt transparency);

– Analyze sovereign debt restructurings to assess their risk characteristics, market acceptability, and ramifications for future market access, especially in the context of use of Fund resources (UFR);

– Review and participate in Fund surveillance activities, including Article IV consultations and Financial Sector Assessment Programs (FSAPs).

The successful candidate should possess an advanced academic degree in finance, economics, or a related field, with at least 10 years hands-on experience in sovereign debt management gained through work in a country’s debt management office, Ministry of Finance, central bank or at an International Organization. The candidate should also possess:

– Proven ability to conduct high quality policy-oriented analysis, and to relate debt management and sovereign distress issues to the wider macroeconomic and structural context;

– Ability to communicate concise, articulate, insightful and persuasive economic analysis and policy advice in writing and orally;

– Experience with the planning and delivery of technical assistance and training to a variety of countries;

– Ability to work independently as well as constructively in teams under tight deadlines and unpredictable schedules;

– Preferably experience of working with Low Income and/or Fragile and Conflict Afflicted States (FCS); and

– Preferably, working knowledge of other major languages.

-We encourage applications from eligible fungible and specialized economists. If selected, macroeconomists will retain the fungible career stream.

A regular staff member who is selected to fill the vacancy will maintain their open-ended status. If the selected candidate is a contractual employee, they will be offered a Term staff appointment. Staff members already on a term appointment will continue their current term but may receive an extension provided that their current term appointment has not already been extended. All others will be offered 3 year Term appointment.

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Closing date : 31 May 2023