Initiative mondiale conjointe en matière de passation de marchés – Consultation pour l’examen de l’hulo en Europe.
Context of the consultancy:
The Humanitarian Logistics Cooperative, also known as “hulo”, is the first European Cooperative Society (SCE) created in June 2021. Hulo now regroups 11 organisations: ACTED, Action contre la Faim (ACF), Bioport, the French Red Cross (FRC), Handicap International / Humanity & Inclusion (HI), INTERSOS, Médecins du Monde (MDM), Oxfam Intermón, Plan International, Première Urgence International (PUI), and Solidarités International (SI).
Its objective is to increase the impact of humanitarian aid by strengthening links and solidarity between humanitarian logistics actors and improving performance through the pooling of logistics and supply chain resources and expertise. Hulo’s « Joint Initiatives » are already underway in 4 countries (Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, DRC and Lebanon) and include on the ground: Joint Procurement Initiatives, shared human resources, a digital solution for pooling resources, Joint Transport Initiatives and Joint Environmental Initiatives. At global level (i.e., across Headquarters of hulo member organisations), the hulo activities focus on Joint Procurement Initiatives. These initiatives save time and money, improve the quality of goods and services provided, and therefore provide more effective assistance to those who need it most.
With its 2 years of existence and the rollout of many different pilot projects, hulo now intends to:
- Produce and share a “Lessons Learnt Report” based on return of experience, with a focus on global initiatives.
- Assess how hulo’s processes and tools are understood and integrated by each organisation’s Headquarters participating to global Joint Procurement Initiatives.
- Relaunch “Joint Procurement Initiatives” at global level.
Overall scope of work expected from the Consultant:
The Consultant is expected to:
1. Lessons learnt and way forward:
- Propose a structured Lessons Learnt Methodology and planning regarding hulo global initiatives.
- Conduct and summarize interviews with each of the targeted stakeholders.
- Produce a report containing notably:
- key recommendations for the further development of hulo Joint Initiatives at global level;
- key obstacles to a wider integration of hulo’s way of working within INGOs operational guidelines.
- Draft the 2024 Joint Procurement Initiatives Strategy at global level.
2. Pre-qualification of “Joint Procurement Initiatives” processes and tools:
- Based on existing tools and methodology, propose improvements of existing documents and/or create new documents in order to establish the first version of hulo’s modus operandi for Joint Procurement Initiatives at global level.
- Define and test the pre-qualification of hulo’s processes and tools by each participating organisation’s Headquarters.
- Ensure hulo representation in global fora (GEC, IAPG, etc…) to propose that hulo facilitated Joint Procurement Initiatives become part of the internal standards of each participating organization and define opportunities for increased collaboration.
Key priorities and deliverables:
For each of the two objectives listed above, a specific Plan of Action and Report must be formalized and officially presented to the below mentioned manager for approval.
Other presentations will be required to facilitate the work with hulo’s member organisations.
Management and Reporting Lines:
The Consultant will be working under the direct line management of the hulo Operations Coordinator.
The Consultant will also be working in close collaboration with the rest of the Executive team, including hulo’s CEO, and with some representatives of hulo’s member organisations.
This consultancy is targeting a maximum of 50 working days within the July-October 2023 period.
Application & Contracting process:
The selected Consultant will be contracted by hulo for a duration of 4 months but is not expected to work full time during this period. He/She is expected to outline the main key steps of the process as part of the Expression of Interest (EOI). The required tasks can be fully carried out remotely.
Hulo invites applications for the provision of services described above. Interested candidates must submit their EOI outlining their financial offer (daily rate with clarifications on other cost covering expectations, plus a proposed overall cost), proposal to meet the ToR, scheduling and CV providing information on capacity and experience, showing qualification for the technical skills required by the scope of work, including:
- Project management, with distance working,
- Strong representation capacities,
- Ability to facilitate work with a large number of stakeholders,
- Knowledge of humanitarian logistics parameters and constraints, with a specific focus on compliance.
Deadline & Contact:
Interested Consultants should express their interest by June 19th 2023, by sending an email containing all the above-mentioned documents to [email protected], mentioning “HULO-TOR-EUR-2023-001” in the email title.
A shortlist of 3 Consultants will be established based on the offers received, and the consultation will follow the rules and procedures of hulo for the use of Consultants.
Please note: the interest shown by a Consultant does not imply any obligation on behalf of hulo for inclusion in the shortlist.