Academy for Scientific

Research and Technology



The Academy for Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT)

Tanmia wa Tatweer -Egypt’s Entrepreneurship Development Project

Grant No: ML0032 – P. No: G-EG-KZO-ZZZ-004







The Arab republic of Egypt has received financing from the Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Countries in Transition (TFT) through the African Development Bank toward the cost of the “Tanmia wa Tatweer – Egypt’s Entrepreneurship Development Project”, and intends to apply part of the agreed amount for this grant to payments under the contract for “Accelerator for Clean and Green in Cairo”.

The purpose of these Terms of Reference is to recruit a consultancy firm/service provider that is capable of designing and implementing an Acceleration Services Program to support existing and registered start-ups in their growth trajectory, operating in the clean and green sector within Greater Cairo.

The consultancy firm/service provider is expected to provide support in the form of technical, administrative, managerial, business, financial and legal coaching and mentoring program that will enhance the start-up growth potential, enrich its innovation dimension, and refine its business model to boost operational and financial readiness for raising additional capital.

The Academy for Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT), Tanmia wa Tatweer – Egypt’s Entrepreneurship Development Project (TWT), now invites eligible firm consultants (NGOs, private sector firms, accelerators and similar entities) to indicate their interest in providing these services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.). Consultants may constitute joint-ventures to enhance their chances of qualification.

The shortlisted criteria are :

  1. Demonstrated previous experience in Accelerator Programs ;
  2. Well-reputed service providers with good track record. Evidence provided on reputation and success stories will be needed to get priority ;
  3. Use of innovative, creative and youth-friendly techniques ;
  4. Access to location and fabrication/design lab suitable for Clean and Green Accelerator in Greater Cairo ;
  5. Access to wider community, including investors, technical and industrial stakeholders ;
  6. Key Experts to have previous experience working with start-ups is a must (evidence will be required) ;
  7. Presenting a solid accelerator model with an appropriate time line and within budget ;
  8. Strong marketing, communications and outreach using print, electronic means and social media ;
  9. Strong understanding of monitoring and evaluation methodologies and an ability to conduct/assist in data collection and analysis.

Academy for Scientific

Research and Technology

10- International candidates should be acquainted with Egyptian and regional entrepreneurial ecosystem, relevant laws and regulations and demonstrate regional experience in the clean and green business.

Eligibility criteria, establishment of the short-list and the selection procedure shall be in accordance with the African Development Bank’s “Rules and Procedures for the use of Consultants” dated October 2015, which is available on the Bank’s website at using a Fixed Budget Selection (FBS) method. Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office working hours Sunday through Thursday, from 10:00 am to 15:00 pm, Egypt local time. Interested consultant firms can access the full text of the Terms of Reference (TOR) through or requested through emails below.

Expressions of interest must be delivered in hard or soft copy to the address below on or before Thursday December 3, 2020 at 15:00 PM marked “ACCELERATR FOR CLEAN & GREEN IN CAIRO.

Academy of Scientific Research and Technology Address : 3rd floor, 101 El Kasr Alaini St., Cairo, Egypt Attn : Mrs. Shaimaa Helal, TWT Director E-mail :; Copy to : Mr. Ahmed Hashem, Procurement Officer E-mail :

Telephone numbers : 002 02 27921305 – 002 02 27921286 Fax number : 002 02 27921270