The Republic of Rwanda


Muvumba Multipurpose Water Resources Development Program (Phase 1)


  1. The Government  of  the  Republic  of  Rwanda has  received  a  loan  from  the  African Development Bank (“the Bank”) to finance the “Mvumba Multipurpose Water Resources Development Program (Phase 1)”. The project will be jointly financed by Bank and the Government of Rwanda. The Rwanda Water Resources Board, RWB is the Executing Agency. RWR therefore intends to apply the proceeds of these funds for payments of all goods, works and services to be procured under this program.
  1. The principal objectives of this project are to :
  • Supply water for Domestic and industrial use to: The residents of Karangazi, Rwimiyaga and Nyagatare Sectors of Nyagatare District where the water demand is to high ;
  • Supply water for irrigation: The estimated gross command area for this project is 10000 ha with 7380 ha net command area, which will be used to grow: Maize, Soya bean, rice, vegetables and fruit trees in Tabagwe, Karama, Gatunda, Rukomo, Nyagatare, Rwempasha, Rwimiyaga and Musheri of Nyagatare District ;
  • Flood control: The dam project will help to control flooding at downstream of Muvumba river because the excess water will be stored in the reservoir ;
  • Hydro-electric power with production of annual energy of 5719 Mwh with installation capacity of 740 KW (370×2).

The procurement methods include the African Development Bank or the Government of Rwanda procurement procedures such as: Open Competitive Bidding (OCB), Quality and Cost Based (QCBS), Least Cost Selection (LCS), Restricted Tendering, etc. which will be captured in the Procurement Plan as well as the respective Specific Procurement Notices (SPNs).

  1. The project includes the following components :
  • Component 1: Dam construction: comprising Design review and supervision of dam construction, Construction of Muvumba Dam including Hydropower and recruitment of International Dam Panel of Experts (IDPE) ;
  • Component 2: Preparatory studies for follow up phase that comprised detailed design and environmental and social impact assessment for irrigation schemes and livestock water use ;
  • Component 3: Catchment/ watershed management: comprising Catchment protection/ rehabilitation (afforestation, progressive terracing, management of gully flash floods etc.) and Capacity development interventions for communities and district officials ;
  • Component 4: Project Management and Coordination including recruitment of staff to the Special Project Implementation Unit (SPIU) and supply of goods.
  1. Procurement of goods (including the acquisition of consulting services, financed by the Bank for the project, will be carried out in accordance with the “Procurement Policy for Bank Group Funded Operations”, dated October 2015. Bidding and Request for Proposal (RFP) documents are expected to be available in March 2021 ;
  1. Interested bidders and consultants may obtain further information, and should confirm their interest, by contacting :

Rwanda Water Resources Board (RWB) Kigali-Rwanda, Nyarugenge Pension Plaza NGABONZIZA Prime, Tel: + 250-788-303-075 P.o.Box 6213 Kigali

Emai address : [email protected] and copy to [email protected]