



  1. The African Development Bank (“ADB” or “the Bank”) is a multilateral development finance institution, established in 1964 with a mandate to further the economic development and social progress of African countries, individually and collectively. The Bank currently has 54 African member countries regional member countries-RMCs) and 27 non-African member countries (non-RMCs) (
  1. The Staff Retirement Plan (SRP or the Plan) of the ADB is a “contributory defined benefit (DB)/defined contribution (DC) scheme” where entitlements of members are accrued on the basis of :
  • Their final average salary and years of contributory membership in the DB component and ;
  • Accumulations of mandatory contributions in the DC component, plus ;
  • Accumulations of voluntary contributions in the DC component.
  1. Interested companies are hereby invited to express their interests in providing Advising Actuary Services to the Staff Retirement Plan (SRP or the Plan) of the ADB.
  1. If you believe that your company meets our requirements and would like to be considered as a potential candidate, please submit your company details, including the following information.
  1. Summary page
  • Company Name……………………………
  • Headquarters (country): …………………
  • Physical Address……………………………
  • Contact person………………………………
  • Email……………………………………


African Development Bank, Staff Retirement Plan

  1. Additional information

Country of Incorporation : 

  • Indicate experience in providing Actuarial Advice to Pension Scheme of international Organizations (half a page answer) ; 
  • Experience in providing other actuarial services to International Financial Institutions and large public or private companies (half a page answer). 
  1. The scope of the Actuarial Advisory services includes the following, in addition to other regulatory and contractual responsibilities :
  1. Reviewing actuarial assumptions and providing professional feedback on actuarial valuations, research and other documents submitted by the Scheme Actuary ;
  1. Performing experience study of the Plan to gauge the validity and appropriateness of the Plan’s economic and non-economic assumptions ;
  2. Analyzing the structure and funding mechanism of the SRP ;
  1. Analyzing potential or proposed benefit reforms, as well as to providing alternative solutions ;
  1. Providing Asset Liability Modelling and data modelling services ;
  2. Producing a comprehensive SRP risk matrix, and risk mitigation strategies ;
  1. Assessment and review of the governance, processes and administrative structure of the Plan and assist in developing the Manual of the Plan ;
  1. Making inputs to the SRP communication strategy and the content thereof ;
  1. Updating the SRP of any significant regulatory, legal, or legislative changes with respect to pension and actuarial issues, and
  1. Any other actuarial services, as needed.
  1. To be eligible, a Firm must be a national/have its legal status in accordance with the laws of a member country of the African Development Bank ( the majority of the beneficiary interest is owned by nationals of member countries of the Bank.
  1. Please submit  your  expressions  of  interest  by  email  using  the  following  address :, with the reference (REF: AFDB/SRPU/RFP/PAAS-2021)  by Friday 22nd January 2021 at 6:00 PM GMT. EOIs shall be ranked by score and up to six successful proponents will be supplied with a Request for Proposal. Only invited candidates will be contacted. 
  1. It is required that all consultants and consulting firms of the Bank be registered in our database of using the following link:
  1. We look forward to receiving your “Expression of Interest” and thank you for your interest in the African Development Bank and the Staff Retirement Plan.