Avis général de passation de marchés : République des Seychelles


Projet de système d’information sur la gestion de l’aide

Grant No:5500155013901

Project ID No.: P-SC-K00- 021

  1. The Government of Seychelles has received financing from the African Development Bank, Middle Income Country Technical Assistance Fund to finance the Aid Management Information System Project.
  2. The principal objective of this project is to strengthen the government’s aid management function through the introduction of a versatile aid management system (AIMS) within the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Trade (MoFEPT) for improved macroeconomic management in the country. The AIMS should enable donors, MoFEPT as well as beneficiary government agencies to collect and share aid development data. The system should provide an integrated source for information on development projects across all donors, improving aid tracking and the effective management of development efforts. The procurement methods envisaged in the project include Quality Cost Based Selection (QCBS), Least Cost Selection (LCS), Individual Consultant Selection (ICS) and Shopping.
  3. The project consist of two components as follows:

Component 1: strengthening institutional capacity for efficient aid management functions:

This component will (a) finance technical assistance to support the acquisition, installation of a web based aid management software as well as training of staff on the use of the new system in the Ministry of Finance Economic Planning and Trade to serve as a central platform for aid recording and reporting; (b) to support preparation of user guidelines, data migration, training and change management, as well a provision of equipment; (c) support provision of specialized training in areas such as data management, information exchanges, reporting, resource mobilization and risk management to be extended to other related departments within that are

involved in activities related to aid management including fiscal forecasting, planning and budgeting and debt management.

Component 2: project management and monitoring:

This component will strengthen the institutional capacity for project monitoring and evaluation functions of government. This would encompass provision of preparation of quarterly progress reports, annual project audit and consultancy services for conducting a project completion report.

  1. Procurement of goods and non-consulting services as well as acquisition of consulting services will be in accordance with the Bank’s Procurement Policy, 2015. Bidding documents are expected to be available in October 2021.
  2. Interested bidders may obtain further information and should confirm their interest by contacting:

Mrs. Elizabeth Agathine

Principal Secretary- Economic Planning Department

Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning & Trade

P.O Box 313, Liberty House




Tel: + 248 4 38 20 57

E-mail: [email protected]