Le PNUD recrute un spécialiste des systèmes d’information géographique, Kenya

Geographic Information System Specialist
Procurement Process : IC – Individual contractor
Office : UNDP Country Office – KENYA
Deadline : 17-Dec-20
Development Area : CONSULTANTS
Reference Number : 73703
Link to Atlas Project :
Non-UNDP Project
Documents :
Offeror’s Template/Financial Proposal
P11 Template
General Terms & Conditions for IC

Overview :

Background :

The United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-Habitat, is the agency for human settlements. It is mandated by the UN General Assembly to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all. UN-Habitat is playing a key role in implementing Goal 11 of the Sustainable Development Goals adopted in September 2015 as well as the New Urban Agenda adopted in Quito, Ecuador in October 2016. The Planning, Finance and Economy Section (PFES) of UN-Habitat supports countries in developing urban planning methods and systems that address current urbanization challenges. It promotes urban planning approaches to address urban expansion and transformation.

The Urban Planning and Design Lab (Urban Lab) is a UN-Habitat initiative to promptly respond to the requests from national and local governments to support sustainable urban development. The Urban Lab is an integrative facility within the agency where innovative processes and partnerships are translated into tangible and transformative solutions to address complex urban challenges. Throughout the process, the Urban Lab acts as a neutral broker, managing knowledge in complex environments to resolve multi-sectoral, multi-scalar and multi-stakeholder challenges. The Urban Lab brings together a multidisciplinary team of urban planners, environmental, data-science, mobility, legal and financial experts, providing a holistic and proactive approach to sustainable urbanization. Hence, the Lab captures the necessary thematic disciplines, experts, actors, and stakeholders. In this context, the Urban Lab applies an integrated approach to systemic and strategic planning to deliver transformative change for sustainable urbanization and to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in alignment with the New Urban Agenda.

The Global Public Space Programme aims to improve the quality of public spaces and helps cities become more sustainable by providing policy advice, capacity development, knowledge sharing, and support for public space regeneration and improvement. The overall goal is to support local governments in creating and promoting socially inclusive, integrated, connected, environmentally sustainable and safe streets and public spaces, especially for women, children, the elderly, and people with disabilities.  More concretely, the programme maps public spaces and works with cities to develop city-wide strategies and urban development frameworks.

Khorog, Tajikistan :

The World Bank in 2010 commissioned a report listing Tajikistan as most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change-induced natural disasters in Central and Eurasia and with the second to least coping capacity in the region. At an elevation of nearly 2,200 meters, Khorog remains one of the highest peri-urban settlements in Central Asia. At the confluence of the Gunt and Pyanj rivers in Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast (GBAO), Khorog serves as the administrative hub for the oblast and as the cultural centre for its nearly 240,000 residents.

As a result of poor planning, land scarcity and overextended infrastructure, the expanding population base in Khorog has continued to encroach on habitats that are at significant risk from natural hazards with limited access to municipal services. This has led to ad hoc interventions in water supply, sewerage and access to energy which has further deteriorated the environment. This, alongside the increasing frequency of natural hazards resulting from climate change, has led to increasing challenges in the maintenance of social stability in the state and civil society.

The overall objective of the project developed in partnership with Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) is to develop an Urban Resilience Plan for Khorog that creates economic opportunities and builds social stability for future growth scenarios. The project aims to improve resilience for existing communities and accommodate the increasing population in Khorog. More specifically, the project aims to provide environmental, legal, economic, spatial and infrastructure policies and projections, resilient infrastructure plans, implementation mechanisms for transformative projects, and planning and technical capacity building for stakeholders. UN-Habitat’s Urban Planning and Design Lab aims to provide planning expertise, drawing on existing methodologies, toolkits and best practices in a collaborative and integrated way.

Partnerships from the international community for the Khorog Resilience Investment Programme include investments from the European Union for resilient infrastructure, the Government of Japan for Resiliency in education and health initiatives along with capacity building and engagement from the IFC and World Bank for demographic and social stabilization projects. For the Planning and Proof of Concept Initiatives the primary partnership will be with the agencies of the AKDN and the Government of Tajikistan in setting the foundation for the larger programme of works. UN-Habitat aims to support the Revised Town Planning process to support the alignment of the town plan to UNDRR resiliency principles through best practices.

ASEAN Sustainable Urbanisation Strategy :

The UN-Habitat Regional Office for the Asia and the Pacific (ROAP) is responsible for implementing the “Accelerating the Implementation of the ASEAN Sustainable Urbanisation Strategy” project (hereby “the ASUS project”), in collaboration with the ASEAN Connectivity Division and through support from the ASEAN-Australia Development Cooperation Program, Phase II (AADCP II). ROAP will engage the Urban Lab, under the Planning, Finance and Economy Section (PFES) to produce a series of city diagnostic reports and associated outputs under the ASUS project. This Memorandum sets out the scope of work, the basis of the agreement, and the responsibilities of each party.

The Urban Lab will produce 8 City Diagnostic Reports, one for each city under the scope of the ASUS project (Kep City, Cambodia; General Santos, Philippines; Mandalay, Myanmar; Tomohon, Indonesia; Shah Alam, Malaysia; Hat Yai, Thailand; Kaysone, Lao PDR; and Sapa, Viet Nam).

Public Space Assessment :

The city-wide public space inventory and assessment allows cities to understand the distribution, accessibility, location, network, and quality of their public spaces. This survey of public spaces brings out the possibility not only to restructure the existing public spaces but also to develop new ones in city extensions. The adopted data collection platform is called Kobo Toolbox which is an open-source web and mobile-based application. The methodology is also complemented by the Site-Specific Assessment tool.

The assessments are participatory tools that allow the communities and local governments to map their public spaces and take part in the analysis as well as propose strategies on how to improve their public spaces at a city and local scale. Cities use these tools for their own public space strategy work.

The results of this city-wide inventory and assessment of public space not only provides a basis for the development of a citywide strategy/action plan on public space but also defines the resources required for its implementation. The tool is tailored to fit any context and assess the quality of the public space network. The tool is also key in monitoring and reporting on SDG 11.7.1 as it provides an indication of the share of built-up area that is of public use by all, as well us towards the implementation of the New Urban Agenda.

Institutional Arrangement :

The consultant will directly report to the head of the Urban Planning and Design Lab with the overall supervision of the Leader of the Planning, Finance, and Economy Section within the Global Solutions Division, UN-Habitat, Nairobi.

Outputs production will be documented through interim reports on progress produced for every task and submitted every month (for interim payments). Final report to be submitted at the end of consultancy, summarizing the work done, presenting all outputs in InDesign and PDF format.

Logistical support for the projects is provided by UN-Habitat HQ in Nairobi.

The consultant will liaise and interact with :

  • Section managers and senior professionals in other branches of the agency ;
  • Senior professionals of regional offices and UN-Habitat Programme Managers at country level ;
  • Staffs within work sections/branch ;
  • Officials on global, national, local government and private sector ;
  • Academia, universities, and research institutions- ;
  • Other UN agencies ;
  • Donors, development organizations, development banks.

Duration of the work : The Consultant will be engaged for 132 person-days spread over 6 months.

Scope of Price Proposal :

  • The Contractor should send the financial proposal based on a lump-sum amount for the delivery of the outputs identified. The total amount quoted shall be “all-inclusive” (daily professional fees X number of working days, insurance, communications, transportation, insurance, etc.) that could possibly be incurred by the Contractor should be factored into the final amount submitted in the proposal ;
  • Medical/health insurance must be purchased by the individual at his/her own expense, and upon award of contract, the Contractor must be ready to submit proof of insurance valid during the contract duration ;
  • The contract price will be a fixed output-based price. Payments will be done upon satisfactory completion of the delivery by target due dates :
   No Activity Estimated time to complete output % of contract amount to be released
    1 Khorog

  1. Coordinate and verify spatial data received from AKAH
  2. Provide spatial analysis to support city diagnostic


5 weeks 20%
    2 Khorog

  1. Provide a spatial database for Khorog


2 weeks 8%
    3 ASEAN

  1. Set standards for the spatial analysis of the City Diagnostic Reports for the ASEAN Sustainable Urbanization Strategy Project (ASUS Project)
  2. Coordinate GIS data gathering across 8 cities of the ASUS Project
1 week 4%
    4 ASEAN

  1. Spatially analyze urban development trends in 8 cities of the ASUS Project
  2. Revise spatial analyses for the 8 cities based on feedback from reviewers
4 weeks 17%
   5 Public Space Assessment

  1. Prepare of GIS maps, questionnaires and technical material for conducting the city-wide public space assessment trainings and validation workshops
  2. Undertake public space assessments data gathering in coordination with local consultants
  3. Undertake analysis of the data gathered during the city-wide and site-specific public space assessments
4 Weeks 17 %
   6 Public space Assessment

  1. Draft and prepare reports from the city-wide public space assessment/inventory, defining the gaps and key issues to take forward in the city-wide strategy/action plan on accessible, safe and inclusive public space
  2. Revise and consolidate the City-wide Public Space Assessment Methodology


4 weeks 17 %
   7 Public space policies and participatory urban design

  1. Preparation of national, regional, and local set of principles/policies to guide the design, management and maintenance of public space interventions based on the Assessments
  2. Gather and collect SDG 11.7 data
  3. Conduct community engagement and participatory design workshops
4 weeks 17 %
TOTAL 6 months

(full time)


Duties and Responsibilities :

The Consultant will be based in Nairobi, Kenya, UN-Habitat Headquarters and interact with the local stakeholders, therefore he/she will be appointed based on securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity. As a UN representative, he/she is expected to exhibit and adhere to the highest standards of ethical conduct. Some of the key responsibilities of the Consultant are as follows :

Public Space Programme : (3 months) :

  1. Prepare of GIS maps, questionnaires, and technical material for conducting the city-wide public space assessment training and validation workshops ;
  2. Undertake public space assessments data gathering in coordination with local consultants ;
  3. Undertake analysis of the data gathered during the city-wide and site-specific public space assessments ;
  4. Draft and prepare reports from the city-wide public space assessment/inventory, defining the gaps and key issues to take forward in the city-wide strategy/action plan on accessible, safe and inclusive public space ;
  5. Revise and consolidate the City-wide Public Space Assessment Methodology ;
  6. Preparation of national, regional, and local set of principles/policies to guide the design, management and maintenance of public space interventions based on the Assessments ;
  7. Gather and collect SDG 11.7 data ;
  8. Conduct community engagement and participatory design workshops.

Urban Planning Lab :

  1. Provide GIS support to the ASEAN project (1 month) :
    1. Set standards for the spatial analysis of the City Diagnostic Reports for the ASEAN Sustainable Urbanization Strategy Project (ASUS Project) ;
    2. Coordinate GIS data gathering across 8 cities of the ASUS Project ;
    3. Spatially analyse urban development trends in 8 cities of the ASUS Project ;
    4. Communicate findings of the spatial analysis to inform the City Technical Proposals of the ASUS Project ;
    5. Revise spatial analyses for the 8 cities based on feedback from reviewers.
  2. Provide GIS support to the Khorog project, Tajikistan. (2 monts)  :
    1. Coordinate and verify spatial data received from AKAH ;
    2. Provide spatial analysis to support city diagnostic ;
    3. Provide a spatial database for Khorog.


  • Public Space (3 Months) :
    • Analysis reports on the data gathered during the public space assessments ;
    • GIS data and maps for the city-wide and site-specific public space assessments ;
    • Visualized data through Kobotoolbox ;
    • Public Space Assessment reports ;
    • Community engagement and participatory design workshop reports ;
    • City-wide/National Public Space Policies and Strategies based on the assessments ;
    • Data based on implementation of SDG 11.7 ;
    • Public Space data analysis for various countries ;
    • Public Space Participatory Design Reports.
  • Urban Lab (3 Months) :
    • ASEAN spatial analysis reports for 8 cities ;
    • ASEAN spatial datasets for 8 cities ;
    • Khorog Spatial analysis report ;
    • Khorog spatial datasets.

Competencies :

  • Professionalism: Knowledge and understanding of theories, concepts and approaches ;
  • relevant to urban planning and design. Strong analysis of urban form, urban systems, underlying social, legal and financial mechanisms and the political context. Ability to develop strong graphic materials (concept plans, diagrams, street sections) as well as substantive reports. Knowledge of urban development issues. Ability to observe deadlines and achieve set goals. Ability to work and deliver under pressure ;
  • Communication: Excellent written and oral presentation skills in English. Excellent capacity to produce and manipulate graphic documents and drawings. Good presentation skills. Ability to communicate complex interventions in a clear language and convincing narratives. Sketching capabilities to effectively communicate in workshop settings and teams ;
  • Teamwork: Ability to work collaboratively with colleagues to achieve agreed goals ;
  • Planning and Organizing: Ability to prioritize activities and assignments and to easily switch between different projects ;
  • Creativity: Strong conceptual thinking. Is not bound by current thinking or traditional approaches, takes ;
  • calculated risks on new and unusual ideas; thinks « outside the box », and offers new and different options to solve problems or meet client needs. Can easily develop clear plans in contexts with limited information and datasets. Finds ways to extract and combine data and information to create base maps. Is both able to reduce complexity as well as sensitive to specific urban form and the landscape.

Skills :

  • Excellency in GIS software use, data analysis, and maps production ;
  • Good writing skill in English is required ;
  • Research and analytical skills combined with good drafting and drawing skills ;
  • Ability to manipulate graphic material and production of complex urban planning documents ;
  • Able to work independently and as part of a team and deliver on time under pressure.

Required Skills and Experience :

Candidates will be evaluated based on the Combined Rating methodology :

  • Technical qualifications = 70% ;
  • Financial Proposal =    30%.

For the evaluation of the Technical Proposal, the selection of the successful consultant must be based on the following qualifications (with the appropriate obtainable points) :

                          Minimum Qualifications     Points Obtainable

          (100 points)

Minimum university degree in Built Environment Science, Urban Planning, GIS, or related field relevant for sustainable urban development is required.

(21 points for relevant Bachelor’s Degree; 30 points for Master’s)

A minimum of 3 years of proven experience in producing spatial analysis using GIS software is required. Good analytic and design skills in regional and city-wide planning and design is an advantage.

(49 points for 3 years experience; 56 points for 4-5 years; 63 points for 6-7 years; 70 points for 8-10 years; additional 5 points for listed skills/experience in regional and city-wide planning and design)


Fluency in spoken and written English (must be indicated in CV)             Pass/Fail
TOTAL                100

Applicants who will only receive 70 points from the assessment of the CV will be qualified for the assessment of the Financial Proposal. 

Recommended Presentation of Offer :

Interested applicants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications https://jobs.undp.org/cj_view_job.cfm?cur_job_id=95735. Please group them into one (1) single PDF document as the application only allows to upload maximum one document.

  1. Personal CV or P11, indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least three (3) professional references; and ;
  2. Duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability using the template provided by UNDP; Financial Proposal that indicates the all-inclusive fixed total contract price, supported by a breakdown of costs, as per template provided.  If an Offeror is employed by an organization/company/institution, and he/she expects his/her employer to charge a management fee in the process of releasing him/her to UNDP under Reimbursable Loan Agreement (RLA), the Offeror must indicate at this point and ensure that all such costs are duly incorporated in the financial proposal submitted to UNDP.

Interested applicants to note that personal Medical/health insurance (to be purchased by the individual at his/her own expense) is mandatory for the issuance of contracts. Upon award of the contract, the consultant must be ready to submit proof of insurance valid during the contract duration.

The following templates / Annexes and IC General Terms & Conditions can be downloaded from http://gofile.me/6xdJm/bE9TCw8fU:

  • General Terms and Conditions for Individual Contract ;
  • Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability ;
  • P-11 form.

In view of the volume of applications, UNDP receives, only shortlisted offerors will be notified.