(Long Term Individual Consultant, Just Transition – African Context)

African Development Bank

Avenue Joseph Anoma

01 BP 1387 Abidjan 01 Côte d’Ivoire

Tellephone : +225 20 26 38 31

Web site :



  1. The Climate Change and Green Growth (PECG) department of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group hereby invites Individual consultant to indicate his/her interest in the following assignments as Just Transition specialist ;
  1. The services to be provided under the assignment include support to PECG to develop and implement the Bank’s Just Transition strategy in particularly through :i) reviewing and analyzing the just transition works conducted by the CIF, AfDB and other stakeholders at global level; ii) analyzing policies, strategies, and approaches at play and map out priorities, relevant partners and entry points for the Bank’s work; iii) identifying opportunities and challenges as well as defining just transition in the African context; iv) defining the role of the bank in contributing to or interacting with efforts to promote just transitions in the Regional Member Countries (RMCs); v) identifying relevant development issues to be linked with just transition initiative such as gender and youth and entry points and potential sectors for interventions such as access to energy; vi) undertaking any other duties as assigned by PECG Management ;
  1. The eligibility criteria, the establishment of a short list and the selection procedure shall be in conformity with the Bank’s Procurement Policy for the recruitment of Corporate Consultants. Please, note that interest expressed by a Consultant does not imply any obligation on the part of the Bank to include him/her in the shortlist ;
  1. The estimated duration of services 12 months. The estimated starting date is May 15,2021. The duty station of the consultant will be Abidjan, but due to COVID-19 he/she will start the assignment at home station. When the conditions allow, he/she may relocate to Abidjan in due course. The consultant may be expected to undertake international work-related travel ;
  2. Interested Individual Consultant may obtain further information at the address below during the Bank’s working hours: 08:00am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday ;
  1. Expressions of interest including at least: (i) a cover letter and (ii) a comprehensive CV must be sent by e-mail to the e-mail addresses below no later than April 25 at 5:00 PM Abidjan Time. Submissions should quote “Long Term Individual Consultant – Just Transition Expert – African Context” and should be submitted in English to:


Manger, Climate Change and Green Growth PECG 1 Division

African Development Bank

Avenue Joseph Anoma

01 BP 1387 Abidjan 01

Côte d’Ivoire

E-mail : G.PHILLIPS@AFDB.ORG with copy to

  1. 8. Establishment of the Short list

A shortlist of three to six individual consultants will be established at the end the request of expressions of interest. The consultant on the shortlist will bejudged on the following criteria on the basis of their cover letters and updated CV:

General qualification and years of experience in general 30 points
Experience in the specific assignment described 50 points
Experience with multilateral organizations 10 points
Experience in Africa 10 points



  1. Introduction :

The Climate Change and Green Growth (PECG) department of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group with a support from Climate Investment Fund (CIF) wishes to recruit individual Just Transition Specialist to lead the bank wide Just Transition Initiatives specifically within the Power, Energy, Climate and Green Growth (PVEP) Complex. The PECG Department is primarily responsible for mainstreaming climate change and green growth into the organization’s High 5 strategic priorities, mobilizing climate finance, and leading Bank-wide efforts to minimize and respond to the effects of climate change on the continent, provide technical support to the Regional Member Countries(RMCs). Through both its own resources and blended financing from partners like the Climate Investment Funds, AfDB has aimed to allocate 40% of all annual investments to climate finance by 2021 and to channel an additional $25 billion as climate finance by 2025.

The Climate Investment Funds were established in 2008 to provide scaled-up climate financing to developing countries to initiate transformational change towards low-carbon, climate-resilient development. Since 2008, the CIF has built a portfolio of over 300 investments in 72 developing and middle-income countries to scale up renewable energy and clean technologies, mainstream climate resilience in development plans and action, and support the sustainable management of forests. Although most programs and projects are still in the early stages of implementation, CIF funding has already contributed to over 3 gigawatts of new renewable energy capacity and reached close to 3 million people as beneficiaries of CIF-supported climate resilience measures. The AfDB is an implementing entity of the CIF with 26 approved projects in 13 countries, totaling over $2.7 billion in joint CIF and AfDB financing.

  1. Background on Just Transitions :

There is no single, universally accepted definition of Just Transition. However, the CIF emphasizes that Just Transitions towards low-carbon and climate-resilient development create opportunities for environmental sustainability, social equity, and economic prosperity. The Just Transitions concept built on the dual premises that: (a) collective global action is required to address the drivers and effects of climate change, in line with the tenets of the Paris Agreement, and (b) the totalizing transformational change needed to address these issues for economies, societies, and the global commons has the potential to negatively impact some actors while positively impacting others. The theoretical concept of just transition is also a growing social movement and conceptual framework, which has the potential to directly affect public policy and decision-making. The importance of achieving a just transition in the face of transformational change continues to gain momentum, as both the disruptive impacts of a changing climate and the scope and scale of the necessary transformation come more clearly into focus. The notion of just transitions suggests that these diverse changes should be managed to bring about environmental sustainability, social equity, and economic development in ways that “leave no-one behind.”

AfDB has set its own Working Definition of Just Transition “A framework for facilitating equitable access to the benefits and sharing of the costs of sustainable development such that livelihoods of all people, including the most vulnerable, are supported and enhanced as societies make the transition to low carbon and resilient economies. A Just transition affirms Africa’s right to development and industrialization based on the Paris Agreement negotiated language of equity and the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, in the light of different national circumstances”. The Bank does not see the just transition as another layer to climate change related requirements, rather it sees the just transition as an integral part of the broader sustainable development agenda of the Bank. Ultimately, the Bank views the outcome of a just transition as “ensuring the wellbeing for all Africans”, which is aligned with the Bank Group’s High 5 priorities.

The purpose of this consultancy service is therefore to lead the Just Transition initiative that explores how it can be achieved alongside the type of transformational change that is necessary to address climate change. The consultant will: draw from previous work on just transitions conducted by the CIF, AfDB and other stakeholders at global level; assess the positioning of the just transition concept within Africa; explore relevant policies, strategies, and approaches at play; define the role of the bank in contributing to or interacting with efforts to promote just transitions in the RMCs; develop models of just transition including gender and youth; develop and incorporate just transitions in the Banks work and explore both current and future challenges and opportunities related to a just transition in the continent.

  1. Duties :

The Consultant will work under the general guidance of the PECG 1 Division Manager. The Consultant shall be assigned tasks related to the just transition initiative being designed, implemented, and monitored. His/her core duties shall include but not limited to the following:

  • Review and analyze the just transition works conducted by the CIF, AfDB and other stakeholders at global level ;
  • Analyze policies, strategies, and approaches at play and map out priorities, relevant partners and entry points for the Bank’s work ;
  • Identify opportunities and challenges as well as define just transition in the African context ;
  • Define the role of the bank in contributing to or interacting with efforts to promote just transitions in the RMCs ;
  • Identify relevant development issues to be linked with just transition initiative such as gender and youth and entry points and potential sectors for interventions such as access to energy ;
  • Undertake any other duties as assigned by PECG Management.
  1. Deliverables
  • Counting on strong analytical and technical skills, the Consultant shall be expected to make contributions and participate in the following ;
  • Develop models of just transition including gender and youth and incorporate in the Banks work ;
  • Lead and implement just transition initiatives within the Bank including designing a just transition framework from Africa as well as the Banks perspectives ;
  • Prepare knowledge product(s) and organize at least one knowledge sharing session to internal and external stakeholders of the bank including RMCs ;
  • Develop practical tools and guideline for just transition based on the Bank’s High Fives, the 2016 – 2020 Climate Change Action Plan and the Climate Change and Green Growth Framework (under preparation) ;
  • Establish partnership and network with relevant stakeholders and partners including participating the MDB working group in on supporting a just transition ;
  • Prepare report and publications on Just transition and disseminate to relevant stakeholders and partners ;
  • Establish a dedicated website that contains a just transition case studies, knowledge products, database, tools, guideline, framework to advocate and integrate just transition in the Banks work ;
  • Provide guidance, accessible resources and operational outputs that can help RMCs integrate just transition strategies more fully into their national development strategies.
  1. Selection Criteria :
  • At least a master’s degree in Climate Change, Natural Resource Management, Environmental Policy, Social Development Studies, or any other related discipline ;
  • A minimum of ten (10) years of relevant professional experience in the areas of Climate Change, just transition, inclusive and sustainable development, environmental/social compliance, stakeholder engagement and public consultations; especially in Africa ;
  • Well-rounded understanding of critical issues in international climate change land scape including the negotiations, gender, social enhancement measures, labor, youth employment, etc. ;
  • Proven working experience and understanding of Africa’s unique contexts ;
  • Excellent organizational, administrative, and time management skills with proven ability to work promptly and efficiently under pressure and meet tight deadlines.
  1. Contract Duration :

The estimated duration of services 12 months. The estimated starting date is May 15, 2021.

  1. Duty Station :

The Consultant will be based in the Bank’s Head Quarter in Abidjan, but due to COVID 19 he/she will start the assignment at home station. When the conditions allow, he/she may relocate to Abidjan in due course.