Rue Joseph Anoma, 01 BP 1387 Abidjan 01, Cote d’Ivoire E-mail : [email protected]




The Blue Economy program is one of several flagships to implement the Feed Africa Strategy and contributes to effective utilization of aquatic food systems. To this end, a fishery specialist is required to provide assistance to program development, portfolio management, and various support to ecosystem approach, regional trade corridors, value chain development, integrated watershed management, marine spatial planning, innovative financing, and climate resilience.

The role of the consultant is to continue the ongoing dialogue with African countries in the blue economy sector by contributing to the Banks High 5s. Specifically, it will be necessary to maintain an acceptable frequency in processing and implementation of Feed Africa Strategy under the AHAI.1 Division work program based on key performance indicators in the Department. The broad objective of the assignment is to review, assess, analyze, and synthesis various sectoral and cross-sectoral policies, laws and regulation influencing the inland and marine sectors in RMCs. Five specific areas of focus have been identified: i) resilient fish value chains in the SADC region; ii) blue economy investments in potential selected countries (e.g. Benin, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Gabon, Madagascar, Comoros, Mauritius); iii) aquaculture and inland fisheries in ECOWAS region; iv) business development and co-financing partnerships. In addition, the consultant is expected to make critical recommendations to the management of the AHAI based on results and findings from the desk review research, policy intervention areas with potential for immediate impact.

Department issuing the request : Agriculture and Agro-Industry Department

Place of assignment : Virtual

Duration of the assignment : 6 months

Tentative Date of commencement : 18th January 2021

Detailed Terms of reference for the assignment : [see TORs below]

Deadline for applications : 16th December 2020

Applications can be submitted to : the Chief Fisheries Officer Ahmed Khan : [email protected] and copy Team Assistant Rufine K. Yameogo : [email protected]



1.1 In support of the Blue Economy Flagship, the consultant is required to provide assistance to the AHAI.1 Division in portfolio management and various technical expertise in the area of blue economy programming focusing on the economics and management of aquatic food systems.

1.2 The Agribusiness (AHAI.1) Division is part of the Agriculture and Agro-Industry Department, which aims to implement the Bank’s strategy on value chain development towards poverty reduction, food security and sustainable resource management. In this context, AHAI.1 manages the project cycle of Blue Economy flagship programs as an effective means of implementing the African agriculture transformation strategy: « Feed Africa » for the period 2016-2025 (Feed Africa 2016-2025). Project cycle management, which includes both the project design and implementation cycle, is a very demanding task, and performance of operations depends on it, so Bank experts in charge of operations are under pressure in the context of the AHAI Department’s work program. In order to maintain an acceptable frequency of file processing and continuation of the work program according to the required standards, the Bank needs to proceed with the recruitment of a highly qualified professional on the issues of portfolio management, blue economy, fisheries resource management, aquaculture development, co-financing and familiar with Bank procedures


The objective of the assignment is to continue the ongoing dialogue with African countries in the blue economy sector according to the pillars defined by the Bank. Specifically, it will be necessary to maintain an acceptable frequency in processing and implementation of the AHAI. 1 Division work program based on key performance indicators of both the Division and the Department.


Under general supervision of the Division Manager and in collaboration and with other task managers, the Blue Economy Consultant will provide support to the AHAI.1 Division in the implementation of work program, including the portfolio of projects and programs, procurement of goods and services, participation in various missions and meetings, and expertise in fisheries and regional economic planning. He will also provide his expertise to the operational activities of the AHAI Department.

He will perform, among others, the following tasks :

  1. Analyze requests from Regional Member Countries (RMCs) for ongoing projects and propose the Bank’s official communications to this effect ;
  2. Provide technical support to RMCs in the development and implementation of strategic initiatives for aquatic food systems, and in the identification of appropriate development projects, inter alia, in the area of blue economy and adaptation to climate change ;
  3. Provide high-level technical support to AHAI Department to assist selected RMCs in selection of investment program in relation to the fishery sector for the development of investment plans, as well as that the processing of the applications related to the operations which result from it ;
  4. Participate in all project cycle missions (virtually and sometimes when permissible in person), i.e., from dialogue to implementation support, in addition to knowledge work, country strategy papers, and regional integration strategy papers ;
  5. Organize, initiate and / or participate in the production of knowledge management and dissemination information concerning activities related to blue economy, natural resource management and the environment ;
  6. Collaborate with multilateral and bilateral donors to support the rational exploitation of Africa’s natural resources and increase the leverage effect of loans and grants provided by the Bank ;
  7. Participate on behalf of the Bank in various seminars and conferences on blue economy and management of aquatic resources ;
  8. Provide technical guidance and advices to other experts within AHAI Division and the Bank’s field offices on various activities of the project cycle ;
  9. Coordinate and undertake project identification, preparation and appraisal missions with a view to supporting RMCs in these blue economy prospective areas ;
  10. Ensure the processing of procurement of goods and services of ongoing operations, based on the Bank’s procurement procedures ;
  11. Participate in AHAI Division and Country Team meetings, based on instructions of the AHAI.1 Division Manager ;
  12. Collaborate effectively with all project leaders and AHAI.1 Division staff in performing day-to-day tasks ;
  13. Perform other duties as assigned by Division Manager and / or Department Director.


The Consultant will work under the overall guidance of the Blue Economy Flagship Coordinator and Chief Fisheries Officer; with Supervision from the Manager, Agribusiness Development Division of the Bank. The expected output from the consultant will be a contribution to the AHAI Division 1 work program over the period of the contract. In addition, the consultant will make contributions, in accordance with the terms of reference (ToR) of the missions in which he will participate. Monthly reports are a condition for the payment of the consultant’s fees and should be part of the reporting requirement to the coordinator.


The assignment will last for six (06) months calendar starting in mid-January and might be renewed or extended for another 6 months if need be.


This mission will be entrusted to a qualified and experienced individual Consultant with the following profile :

  • Hold at least a Masters or equivalent degree in fisheries resources planning or related disciplines in natural resource management, economics with strong writing skills ;
  • Have at least 10 years of relevant professional experience in project management, environmental management and socio-economic analysis, or related activities, of which at least two (02) as a consultant to the Bank or in any other international and / or regional body ;
  • Have in-depth expertise on issues related to climate variability and change ;
  • Possess a good knowledge of the institutional and strategic issues related to the implementation of development projects in Africa especially in the countries and regions highlighted ;
  • Have fisheries resource development assessments, as part of development projects, and if possible in fragile environments; as well as demonstrable experience on issues of blue economy in fresh and marine ecosystems ;
  • Be familiar with the procedures of Multilateral Development Banks or other Technical and Financial Partners will be an advantage ;
  • Familiarity with Bank procedures is an advantage.

Fluency in English and French and other language skills are an asset.


Applicants shall submit a cover letter and CV in addition to a technical and financial proposals based on the ToR. The consultant will be selected based on i) academic and professional qualifications, ii) years of experience in relation to fisheries and blue economy development projects iii) RMC experience and regional understanding of socio-economic and development priorities; and iv) language skills. The screening and selection procedure shall be in conformity with the Bank’s Rules and Procedure for the Use of Consultants under projects financed by the Bank Group, available on the Bank Website at Please, note that interest expressed by a Consultant does not imply any obligation on the part of the African Development Bank to include him/her in the final shortlist and only short-listed candidates will be notified.


The payment of the consultant fees will be monthly lumpsum, based on the amount set in the contract. In addition, the consultant will also receive a travel allowance, while on mission, at the Bank’s daily rate applicable in the country.


All outputs and results delivered under this consultancy contract will remain the property of African Development Bank (AfDB).

Expressions of interest must be received no later than December 16th 2020 at 5pm Abidjan time, Cote D’Ivoire to [email protected] and copy [email protected]