Trade Finance Division (PIFD3), Financial Sector Development Department

CCIA Building, Avenue Jean Paul II, Plateau, Abidjan, Ivory Coast




Title of the assignment : Consultancy services for the preparation of Expanded Supervision Reports (XSR), also called Project Completion Reports, for Trade Finance Risk Participation Agreement (RPA) projects.

Brief description of the Assignment : The Expanded Supervision Report (XSR) is a standard one-time supervision report undertaken once a project reaches operating maturity or completion. The objective of the XSR is to assess the implementation experience and evaluate the result chain from inputs, outputs, outcomes and impacts while drawing lessons to enhance future projects. The assignment involves reviewing project documents, visiting clients to collect information about the performance of the project and subsequently producing a comprehensive report. However, given the current COVID19 pandemic context, discussions with clients will be done on virtual basis. The assignment will cover among others the followings areas: (i) implementation arrangements for the Project; (ii) Operational and financial performance of the project.

Development impact assessment; (iv) Compliance with transaction eligibility criteria and adherence to the Exclusion List; (v) AfDB’s work quality; (vi) AfDB’s additionally (role and contribution); and (vii) Key issues and lessons learned, including recommendations.

Through this consultancy recruitment process, AfDB plans to identify and recruit a qualified consultant to undertake the preparation of XSRs for two (2) RPA projects.

Department issuing the request : Trade Finance Division, Financial Sector Development Department

Place of assignment :  Abidjan, Ivory Coast. Assignment involves virtual

Interaction with Clients located in European and Asian countries

Duration of the assignment : 15 working days per RPA project.

Tentative Date of commencement : 17 May 2021

Deadline for applications : 16 April 2021

Applications to be submitted by email to : [email protected]

Any questions and requests for clarification should be sent to : [email protected]

Terms of Reference (ToR)

Trade Finance Risk Participation Agreement (RPA) Project Expanded Supervision Report (XSR)

  1. Introduction :

The Trade Finance Risk Participation Agreement (RPA) is an unfunded guarantee product through which AfDB (the Bank) shares the credit risk (usually up to 50%) of a portfolio of eligible trade transactions with partner Confirming Banks (CBs), mainly global banks, African regional banks as well as regional development finance institutions active in trade finance. The Bank provides partial risk mitigation to these CBs for the risk they take on the trade finance activities of banks in Africa (issuing banks), especially letters of credit. The wholesale approach of RPA means that the Bank relies on these international banks to perform credit/risk analysis on the issuing banks, as well as originate, process and monitor the guaranteed transactions. AfDB classifies the partnership with each CB as a project, typically with a tenor of 3.5 years. The CBs submit a monthly report to the Bank with details of all guaranteed transactions. The Bank maintains a special database for recording and monitoring all accepted guaranteed transactions.

The purpose of this Assignment is to prepare XSRs for Trade Finance Risk Participation Agreement (RPA) projects. The XSR is a self-evaluation product representing the tail end of the project monitoring process. The preparation of XSRs for RPA projects is under the responsibility of the Manager, Trade Finance Division of the Financial Sector Development Department (PIFD).

  1. Objective of the XSR :

The objective of the XSR is to enable AfDB learn from its experiences, document the achievements/outcomes of the project compared to initial projections, and finally to identify and use the lessons learned to enhance future RPA projects.

  1. Methodology for preparing the XSR :

The XSR assessment will be a combination of a desk review and a virtual mission.

The desk review will consist of a review of existing project documents such as project appraisal report (PAR), supervision reports, project credit notes, the risk participation agreement, as well as analysis of data on the project extracted from the database system. This phase will also include information gathering via meetings with various staff of AfDB involved in the origination and implementation of the project.

The virtual mission will include conference calls with confirming bank to gather more information on the actual implementation and performance of the project.

  1. Deliverables, Feedback & Reporting

After the virtual mission, the consultant will prepare a Back to Office Report (BTOR) and a draft XSR.

A meeting will be held with staff of various divisions of the Bank to review the draft XSR. Thereafter the consultant would revise the document and produce the final XSR.

  1. Resources (Team Composition) and Specific Tasks of the Consultant :

The joint team for this Assignment will consist of at least one staff member from the Trade Finance middle/back office in PIFD3 and the Consultant. The designated Bank staff (Task Manager) would oversee the work of the consultant.

The specific tasks of the Consultant will include the following :

  • Review background information of the project (appraisal report, risk participation agreement, project status reports, annual supervision reports etc.) ;
  • Analyse the information collected from background documents, database extracts and findings from the virtual mission to :
  1. assess the performance of the Bank and the project partner (CB) with respect to the design of the project vis-a vis the defined objectives;
  2. evaluate the development outcomes of the project, including the impact on the availability of trade finance in various countries.
  3. evaluate the operational and financial performance of the project;
  4. determine the lessons learnt and make recommendations that could be used to improve future projects.
  • Prepare a draft report and present it to staff of the Department ;
  • Finalize the report by incorporating comments and feedback.
  1. Duration of the Assignment :

The estimated duration of the assignment per project is 15 working days.

  1. Qualification and Experience required :

The Consultant must have solid experience in commercial banking with specific emphasis on trade finance and correspondent banking. The Consultant must be proficient in English, which is the working language of almost all the project partners. Knowledge of French is desirable. Prior experience in preparing project completion reports would be an advantage.

  1. Remuneration :

The Consultant will be paid a daily fee or a lump sum in accordance with the Bank’s remuneration scale for Consultants taking into account the number of years of relevant experience.

Please attach your Curriculum Vitae based on the template below: