Programme de bourses PROMOS 2024, Université de Brême, Allemagne.








Program for increasing the mobility of students

The mobility program supports scholarships for a maximum of 4 months per study period (BA / MA). Full-time study-related mobility (study abroad/internships/study research projects outside the Erasmus area worldwide may be supported. In addition to the four months, a one-off contribution of 500 euro per course can be applied for a language course or a subject-related course.

Only students enrolled with the goal of achieving their degree at the University of Bremen can apply. Measures in the home country are excluded. Omitted are countries for which a travel warning has been issued by the German Foreign Office.

Students in a cooperative degree program are only eligible to apply if, according to the Office for Student Affairs, the administrative responsibility is officially at the University of Bremen at the time of application.

The program supports student studies, practical and language stays abroad. Under certain circumstances, doctoral students may also be eligible for support by partial scholarships. Excluded are countries for which a travel warning has been issued by the German Foreign Ministry. Measures in a student’s home country cannot be supported.

The monthly funding for studies, thesis writing and internships amounts to 350 Euro, in some countries up to 550 Euro.

Only measures are supported for which there is no separate DAAD funding line (IAESTE, annual DAAD scholarships, etc.). The grant is awarded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Funding period: 01.01.2023 until 31.12.2023

Eligible measures

  • Study Scholarships (1 to 4 months)
    Full-time study stays and the writing of final theses are eligible for support. Doctoral candidates cannot apply under this program. It is also not possible to assume the cost of tuition fees or scholarships in the Erasmus area. In the event that students are writing their final thesis at a university, no courses may be attended in the host country at the same time. If the theses are not embedded at universities or in companies, a detailed and binding work schedule must be included in the motivation letter.
  • Internships (6 weeks to 4 months)
    Full-time sudent internships outside the Erasmus area are generally eligible for funding worldwide. Internships which fit into the separate DAAD funding lines cannot be funded under the PROMOS program.
    By way of exception, internships can also be sponsored by PROMOS during the period between the Bachelor’s degree and the start of the Master’s program. However, the prerequisite is that there is proof of pre-admission to the Master’s or a similar connection to the German university.
  • Language courses (3 weeks to 4 months)
    Full-time language courses for students and postgraduate students at public and private universities abroad can be funded with the one-off sum of 500 euro, provided they consist of at least 25 hours per week.
    Information about language courses at universities abroad can be found at
  • Subject-related courses (up to 6 weeks)
    The participation of students and doctoral students in subject-related courses (for example summer courses) offered by foreign universities can be subsidized in the amount of 500 euro per person or a flat rate subsistence allowance.

Students with a disability (at least 50%) can apply for additional funding, provided it is to fund costs incurred abroad.

Deadline :

Applications can be submitted only once within the given deadline. Applications that are incomplete or submitted at a later date will not be considered.

Deadline for the submission of applications:

  • October 31 (« Halloween »), for students starting their stay abroad between January 1 and June 30 of the following academic year (for example, if your stay abroad starts on May 15, 2023)
  • February 28, for all students starting their stay abroad on or after July 1st 2023

Application documents

All applications must submitted online and ALL required documents must be uploaded onto online portal before the deadline. Apart from submitting the application online, students may need to submit a hard copy or Email to the PROMOS-Coordinators if requested by the representative in their department.

When filling out the application form, please read all instructions carefully and thoroughly.

The application consists of the following documents:

  • Letter of motivation, maximum 2 pages
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Transcripts of academic records (for example PABO-/FlexNow)
  • Language certificate (minimum B2 in the language of instruction. You may get a language certificate at the SZHB)
  • Current enrolment certificate at University Bremen

All aplicants have to check early before the application deadline with the Promos-Coordinator in the home department, if further documents are to be submitted and if they are additionnally required in paper or digital version.

Our sheet « Preliminary Confirmation of Acceptance from the Host Institution » must be submitted as soon as possible. It may be uploaded after the application, no later than four weeks before start of the official mobilty period.

In case of an internship abroad, any financial support and/or remuneration by the employer has to be stated.

After the application deadline, no change of project will be accepted. In case of change, the scholarship expires automatically immediately.


All scholarship grants for PROMOS will be made by the International Office in December and April.

The basis for this are the nominations of PROMOS representatives in the departments.
All students enrolled in the PROMOS grant have the opportunity to take out a DAAD group insurance. This is a foreign insurance that includes health, accident and personal liability insurance. Information can be obtained from the DAAD insurance office at

Support may only be granted if there is no travel warning from the Foreign Office for the host country or the relevant subregion ( If a travel warning is issued after the start of the stay, all students must leave immediately and report this immediately to the International Office, the PROMOS representative and the host institution. The PROMOS grant cannot be continued thereafter. All students should in principle be registered on the website of the German Federal Foreign Office, especially when traveling to regions with a critical security situation (« Elektronische Erfassung von Deutschen im Ausland – Elefant »).

More details