Who we are
PSI is a network of locally rooted, globally connected organizations working to achieve consumer-powered healthcare — people-centered health systems that ensure quality, affordable care wherever and whenever it is needed.
PSI uses the insights we have gained from 50+ years of experience working directly with consumers, communities, government, and businesses to create, institutionalize and scale consumer-powered healthcare programs.
Our origins in sexual and reproductive health (SRH) have grown into a broader mission. Today, PSI works with the public and private sectors as well as local communities, prioritizing people’s voice and choice and developing solutions to meet their essential health needs.
PSI Latin America (PSI LAC) has worked over the past two decades helping push boundaries, break taboos, set trends, and develop innovative solutions to different health challenges.
Why Telemedicine?
Since the pandemic of COVID-19 the need for virtual health services has grown in the region as well as its acceptance and PSI Latin America seek the opportunity to reach consumers through telemedicine services. This has been supported by research carried out by the PSI LAC office and our initial insights from both physical service delivery through PSI owned clinics in El Salvador and Nicaragua and White Labelled Telehealth services delivered as part of our Viya business. Telemedicine offers significant opportunity to ensure a frictionless user experience that links content and community, with products and services, moving seamlessly from online, to offline and back again. Telemedicine also offers opportunities to align what services are provided through what channels, therefore maximizing provider productivity while improving the patient journey, increasing equitable access to quality services and reducing out of pockets payments or improved efficiency of health financing models.
As the telemedicine implementation continues to provide insights and lessons, the organization wants to shift its current services offering, integrate services (both brick and mortar and telehealth) as part of its social business (Viya) and sustainably scale. To ensure the success of the telemedicine offering PSI LAC is looking for a consultant (independent or group/firm) to perform a regional assessment (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic) and develop actionable plans to improve and transform it into a business.