Recrutement aux Nations Unies d’un Spécialiste des systèmes informatiques, P4 – BEIRUT

Intitulé publication: Chief, Information and Communication Technology Section, P4
Intitulé code d’emploi: Spécialiste des systèmes informatiques
Département / Bureau: Commission économique et sociale pour l’Asie occidentale
Lieu d’affectation: BEIRUT
Période de candidature: 12 juin 2020 – 11 juillet 2020
No de l’appel á candidature: 20-Information Management Systems-ESCWA-137089-R-Beirut (G)
Staffing Exercise N/A

Cadre organisationnel

This position is in the Information and Communications Technology Section of the Resource Management and Service Delivery Division (RMSDD) of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN-ESCWA –, Beirut, Lebanon. The Chief, Information and Communications Technology Section, reports to the Director, RMSDD.


Within limits of delegated authority, the incumbent is responsible for the following duties:

• Plans and directs information systems development, data visualization, web portals and mobile solutions design and implementation, office automation and document management projects.

• Directs new projects required by both administrative and substantive components of the Commission with specific focus on innovative solutions using emerging technologies, such as Robotic Process automation and Artificial Intelligence software.

• Supervises the IT operations of the Commission, namely telecommunications, infrastructure and network systems. Supervised a multidisciplinary and flexible team of internal and external members who rapidly respond to Business requirements for software solutions in several areas, to support the work of the Commission on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

• Tracks and monitors project progress against plan, requirements, quality measures, standard processes; liaises with stakeholders during all phases of development and implementation; monitors the progress of the design, installation and commissioning of the various networks and systems;

• Provides expert advice on complex systems analysis and design; identifies the need for new systems or technology, or modifications to existing systems; develops plans for feasibility assessment, requirements specification, design, development and implementation, including project plans, infrastructure design, schedules, time/cost estimates and performance measures;
oversees ongoing support of technology products and services;

• Provides professional leadership and work direction to the section with the objective of delivering appropriate ICT infrastructure and services in support of the Commission’s mandate; plans and allocates work assignments, coaches, mentors and evaluates staff; participates in staff recruitment and in training development;

• Prepares the budgets for the ICT Section, the IT component of Business Continuity in the Commission and the IT component of the PACT project (access control);

• Coordinates procurement of ICT services and goods, including conducting needs assessments and benchmarks, overseeing drafting of technical specifications for procurement, preparing bid documents in the form of SOWs and RFPs, evaluating technically bids received, and arranging contracts;

• Ensures proper inventory control and asset management of ICT systems and services;

• Develops, implements and monitors ICT standards and guidelines; serves as the main liaison between the Commission and OICT or other ICT offices, negotiating and coordinating with respect to ICT governance, ICT policy and related matters; oversees the use of ICT resources and ensures that all ICT outputs of the Commission meet standards and are compliant with corporate and local ICT governance and policy, to ensure a stable systems environment and effective delivery of services; communicates and promotes the values and priorities of ICT governance to leadership as well as to internal and external partners;

• Keeps abreast of developments in the field; determines the need for testing/evaluating new products and technologies; introduces and leads technological changes, fosters innovation, and ensures proper change management procedures and guidelines are in place and are adhered to;

• Serves on various committees and review bodies as required; ensures effective coordination with various UN agencies in order to maximize inter-agency collaboration in the field of ICT;

• Performs other related duties as required.


PROFESSIONALISM: Knowledge of a range of computer languages and development paradigms, including the latest approaches to information technology solutions. Ability to develop and oversee large centralized or decentralized institutional systems. Knowledge of the Organization’s ICT strategy as it relates to user area(s); ability to apply UN rules, regulations, policies and guidelines in work situations. Ability to translate technology concepts into language and ideas easily understood by others; ability to provide specialized advice on a broad range of ICT issues to Senior Management; ability to produce reports and papers on technical issues and to review and edit the work of others. Ability to organize and manage diverse and cross-functional groups; knowledge of administrative, budgetary, financial, procurement and human resources policies and procedures. Shows pride in work and in achievements; demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter; is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns; shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges; remains calm in stressful situations. Takes responsibility for incorporating gender perspectives and ensuring the equal participation of women and men in all areas of work.
PLANNING AND ORGANIZING: Develops clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies; identifies priority activities and assignments; adjusts priorities as required; allocates appropriate amount of time and resources for completing work; foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning; monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessary; uses time efficiently.
COMMUNICATION: Speaks and writes clearly and effectively; listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately; asks questions to clarify, and exhibits interest in having two-way communication; tailors language, tone, style and format to match audience; demonstrates openness in sharing information and keeping people informed.
MANAGING PERFORMANCE: Delegates the appropriate responsibility, accountability and decision-making authority; makes sure that roles, responsibilities and reporting lines are clear to each staff member; accurately judges the amount of time and resources needed to accomplish a task and matches task to skills; monitors progress against milestones and deadlines; regularly discusses performance and provides feedback and coaching to staff; encourages risk-taking and supports creativity and initiative; actively supports the development and career aspirations of staff; appraises performance fairly.


Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in computer science, information systems, mathematics, statistics or related field. A first-level university degree in combination
with two (2) additional years qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.

Expérience professionnelle

A minimum of seven (7) years of progressively responsible experience in information and communication technology is required.
At least three years of managerial experience in a multi-cultural environment in the public/private sector is desirable.
Experience in managing information and technology projects is desirable.
Experience in formulating and implementing innovative or emerging technologies in the field of Information and Communication Technology is desirable.
Experience in overseeing the budget/cost estimates and reporting on budget performance of a unit/section is desirable.
Experience in overseeing the procurement of goods and services including outsourced contracts is desirable.
Certification in the following areas is desirable: ITIL, Intermediate level; Prince2, Practitioner level; COBIT, Practitioner level; TOGAF, Foundation level.

Connaissances linguistiques

English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. In addition, Arabic is a working language at ESCWA. For this position, fluency in English is required.

Note: “Fluency” equals a rating of ‘fluent’ in all four areas (speak, read, write, and understand) and “Knowledge of” equals a rating of ‘confident’ in two of the four areas.

Méthode d’évaluation

Evaluation of qualified candidates will include assessment(s) and a competency-based interview.

Notice spéciale

  • Staff members are subject to the authority of the Secretary-General and to assignment by him or her. In this context, all staff are expected to move periodically to new functions in their careers in accordance with established rules and procedures.
  • The recommendation or selection decision for this position shall be void if the recommended or selected candidate does not obtain a clearance according to ST/SGB/2005/7 on designation of staff members performing significant functions in the management of financial, human or physical resources.
  • Staff members appointed to the current position are required to submit a financial disclosure statement upon assignment or appointment and annually thereafter.
  • The United Nations Secretariat is committed to achieving 50/50 gender balance in its staff. Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for this position.
  • For this position, applicants from the following Member States, which are unrepresented or underrepresented in the UN Secretariat as

Charte des Nations Unies

Aux termes du paragraphe 3 de l’Article 101 de la Charte des Nations Unies, la considération dominante dans le recrutement du personnel doit être la nécessité d’assurer à l’Organisation les services de personnes possédant les plus hautes qualités de travail, de compétence et d’intégrité. Ne seront pas retenues les candidatures des personnes qui ont commis des violations du droit international des droits de l’homme, des violations du droit international humanitaire, des actes d’exploitation, d’atteintes ou de harcèlement sexuels, ou au sujet desquelles il existe des raisons plausibles de croire qu’elles ont été impliquées dans la commission de tels actes. L’expression « exploitation sexuelle » désigne le fait d’abuser ou de tenter d’abuser d’un état de vulnérabilité, d’un rapport de force inégal ou de rapports de confiance à des fins sexuelles, y compris mais non exclusivement en vue d’en tirer un avantage pécuniaire, social ou politique. On entend par « atteinte sexuelle » toute atteinte physique de nature sexuelle commise par la force, sous la contrainte ou à la faveur d’un rapport inégal, ou la menace d’une telle atteinte. Le harcèlement sexuel s’entend de tout comportement déplacé à connotation sexuelle raisonnablement propre ou de nature à choquer ou humilier, lorsqu’il entrave la bonne marche du service, est présenté comme une condition d’emploi ou crée au lieu de travail un climat d’intimidation, d’hostilité ou de vexation, et lorsque ce comportement est assez grave pour justifier le licenciement de son auteur. La candidature de personnes qui ont commis des infractions autres que des infractions mineures au code de la route ne sera pas retenue.

Sera dûment prise en considération l’importance d’un recrutement effectué sur une base géographique aussi large que possible. Aucune restriction ne sera imposée par l’Organisation à l’accès des hommes et des femmes, dans des conditions égales, à toutes les fonctions, dans ses organes principaux et subsidiaires. Le Secrétariat de l’Organisation des Nations Unies est un espace non-fumeurs.

Les candidats sont invités à respecter scrupuleusement toutes les instructions disponibles sur la plateforme de recrutement en ligne Inspira. Pour des informations plus détaillées, ils ou elles peuvent consulter le manuel d’instructions pour le candidat, en cliquant sur le lien hypertexte « Manuels » sur le côté supérieur droit de la page d’accueil de leur compte Inspira.

Les candidatures feront l’objet d’une évaluation et d’un examen préalables sur la base des informations soumises conformément aux critères d’évaluation de l’avis de vacance de poste et aux dispositions législatives internes applicables de l’Organisation des Nations Unies, notamment la Charte des Nations Unies, les résolutions de l’Assemblée générale, le Statut et le Règlement du personnel, les textes administratives et les directives. Les candidats doivent fournir des informations exhaustives et précises conformément aux instructions fournies sur la plateforme Inspira. Une fois la candidature envoyée, aucune modification, suppression ou révision, ni aucun ajout ou changement ne pourra être fait. Il sera procédé à une vérification des références des candidats faisant l’objet d’une attention particulière pour s’assurer de l’exactitude des renseignements qu’ils ont fournis dans leur candidature.

Les avis de vacance de postes publiés sur le Portail des carrières sont retirés à 11:59 p.m. (heure de New York), le jour de la date limite de dépôt des candidatures.

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