Appel à candidature : WorldFish recrute un(e) Consultant(e) (agronome national(e) pour la production de semences à pollinisation libre) basé à Myanmar.








WorldFish is implementing Fish for Livelihoods Activity (2019-2024), an investment by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to sustain positive aquaculture sector growth through an inclusive market systems approach. The activity will provide a means of ensuring the improved availability of diverse, safe, affordable nutrient-rich foods, especially for women and young children from poor and vulnerable households.

The activity will stimulate aquaculture sector growth, increase employment and income, and improve food and nutrition security for households. It will serve a facilitating role by coordinating linkages among the value chain actors in the private and civil society sector of Myanmar.

Development Goal and Project Objectives

Inclusive and sustainable small-scale aquaculture growth to increase income and dietary diversity, and reduce poverty of beneficiary populations, especially women and children, in central and northern Myanmar. The specific objectives are:

  • Increase small scale aquaculture (SSA) production through strategic activities including improved land and water use, increased access to high quality inputs (feed, seed and equipment), capacity development and research into production, and access to credit.
  • Further develop Market-based System Approaches (MSA) and utilize those to increase access of food safe fish and fish products by poor people.
  • Deliver enhanced nutrition and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) practices through social behavior change communication (SBCC) activities.

Background and Objectives of the Call for Proposal

To achieve one of the objectives of the Activity, F4L supports small scale aquaculture (SSA) farmers by providing training on SSA technology, basic nutrition, effective WASH practices, improved post-harvest practices, and by distributing inputs e.g. seeds, feeds, fish fingerlings among others that result in increased income and improved dietary diversity.

Aside from fish farming, SSA farmer households produce diverse vegetables and fruits which are consumed and sold as an extra income. Every crop season, they purchase seeds which is an additional expense, they shared that having good quality seeds from last season can help minimize the cost of producing foods. However, they lack technical know-how, hence, they need support so they are self-sufficient by breeding their own seeds, and possibly producing good seeds that are well-adapted on their land.

Southern Shan, one of the F4L areas, farmers are interested to pilot open pollinated seed production, as they see the advantages of having knowledge and the skills to produce such seeds that are grown with minimal reliance on hybrid varieties and chemicals that can potentially contaminate ponds and other water channels.

Magway, Mandalay, Sagaing, Kachin, Eastern Shan and Southern Shan


The consultant needs to deliver the following:

  1. Conduct in person training at the field level using participative teaching methods and field demonstration with emphasis on the use of nontoxic antifungal agents when storing seeds.
  2. Create information, education, and communication (IEC) materials that support sustainable farming practices.
  3. Conduct field monitoring to farmers involved in the pilot activity.
  4. Produce a technical report on the activity.

The written proposal needs to include detailed workplan and budget, indicating how to carry out the tasks and demonstrate previous or existing work experiences related to this CfP. The proposal is evaluated following below criteria.

Evaluation criteria

  1. The consultant/s planned approach in undertaking the project (30 points);
  2. Demonstration of expertise and experience in conducting similar work especially in Myanmar (20 points);
  3. CV of the key staff who will be involved in the project (20 points);
  4. Budget breakdown and value for money (20 points);
  5. Realistic timeline (10 points).

Total of 100 points.

Duration of the Contract

The consultancy is a maximum of 30 days (within a 4-month period). The contract commence by 1 May 2023.

How to Apply

This application process is rolling, interested applicants are invited to submit the following information online by 15 April 2023:

  • A cover letter including an explanation of the understanding of the TOR and a proof of experience with similar assignment;
  • A proposed methodology and indicative work plan;
  • The current curriculum vitae of the persons who will carry out the work;
  • A quotation for services;
  • Name and contacts (telephone and e-mail addresses) of three professional referees (clients), you have consulted previously.

Apply here