Recrutement aux Nations Unies d’un spécialiste de la gestion des programmes

Intitulé publication: PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT OFFICER, P3 (Temporary Job Opening)
Département / Bureau: Programme des Nations Unies pour l’environnement
Lieu d’affectation: MONTREAL
Période de candidature: 23 juillet 2020 – 05 août 2020
No de l’appel á candidature: 20-Programme Management-UNEP-137844-J-Montreal (X)
Staffing Exercise N/A

Cadre organisationnel

The United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment. At the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, world leaders agreed on a comprehensive strategy for ‘sustainable development’. One of the key agreements adopted at Rio was the Convention on Biological Diversity. The Convention has three main objectives: the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components, and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits from the use of genetic resources. The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD) is located in Montreal and is administered by UN Environment. This post is located in the Convention on Biological Diversity, Science, Society and Sustainable Futures Division (SSSF) at the Montreal duty station. Under the overall guidance of the Principal Management Officer of the Science, Society and Sustainable Futures Division and the direct supervision of the Senior Programme Management Officer of the People and Biodiversity Unit (PB) the incumbent will perform the following duties:


  1. Leads the Convention’s joint work programme on biodiversity and health with the World Health Organization (WHO) to support the objectives of the joint work programme and activities of the Convention on biodiversity and health, including monitoring and analyzing project development and implementation; reviewing relevant documents and reports; identifying relevant issues to be addressed; liaising with relevant parties and partners of the joint work programme. B. Leads and undertakes scientific research, develops and provides scientific advice on biodiversity and health and its interlinkages, in particular those addressed in the State of Knowledge Review, Connecting Global Priorities Biodiversity and Human Health and related Guidance. C. Organizes and prepares written outputs on biodiversity and health and its interlinkages (e.g. food security nutrition and noncommunicable diseases, the impacts of ecosystem alteration on human health, One Health, Ecohealth, microbial diversity, etc.), including draft background papers, analysis, sections of reports and studies, inputs to publications, and organizes events to support in the implementation of the Convention’s joint work programme on biodiversity and health with WHO and their partners. D. Coordinates the activities of the Interagency Liaison Group on biodiversity and health, co-chaired by WHO, organizes meetings of the group, prepares relevant technical documents, briefing papers, analysis, sections of reports and studies, inputs to publications, and related education materials on biodiversity and health and its interlinkages, and provides substantive backstopping to consultative and other meetings, conferences, etc., to include providing substantive input, proposing agenda topics, identifying participants, preparation of documents, presentations, etc. E. Conducts capacity-building and training workshops, seminars, and flagship events on biodiversity and health and its interlinkages; prepares and delivers presentations on biodiversity and health and supervises, initiates and coordinates education and outreach activities on biodiversity and health. F. Strengthens partnerships under the Convention’s joint work programme on with WHO on biodiversity and health, to support the inclusion of biodiversity and health considerations in relevant strategies of the Convention such as the post-2020 Global Framework for Biodiversity, as well as Sustainable Development Goals and 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development. G. Performs other duties as required by the Convention and WHO in line with the objectives of the Convention’s objectives joint work programme on biodiversity and health.


  • Professionalism: Advance the work of the Convention’s joint work programme on biodiversity and health and the Interagency liaison group on biodiversity and health to mainstream biodiversity and health linkages at all levels. Shows pride in work and in achievements. Demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter within the Unit. Is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results. Is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns; Shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges. Remains calm in stressful situations.

    • Planning and Organizing: Develops clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies. Identifies priority activities and assignments; adjusts priorities as required. Allocates appropriate amount of time and resources for completing work. Foresees risk and allows for contingencies when planning. Monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessary.

    • Teamwork: Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals. Solicits input by genuinely valuing others’ ideas and expertise; is willing to learn from others. Places team agenda before personal agenda. Supports and acts in accordance with final group decision, even when such decisions may not entirely reflect own position. Shares credit for team accomplishments and accepts joint responsibility for team shortcomings.


Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in environmental science, environmental health, environmental impact assessment or biological sciences is required. A first-level university degree in combination with additional two years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.

Expérience professionnelle

A minimum of five (5) years of progressively responsible experience in the area of biodiversity and human health and their interlinkages is required. Please explain in examples how you meet this requirement.
Experience within an international organization and/or the United Nations is desirable.

Connaissances linguistiques

English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For this post, fluency in oral and written English is required. Working knowledge of French is desirable. Knowledge of another UN official language is an advantage.

Méthode d’évaluation

Evaluation of qualified candidates may include a substantive assessment which will be followed by a competency-based interview.

Notice spéciale

This position is temporarily available until [specific date]. If the selected candidate is a staff member from the United Nations Secretariat, the selection will be administered as a temporary assignment.

• While this temporary assignment may provide the successful applicant with an opportunity to gain new work experience, the selection for this position is for a limited period and has no bearing on the future incumbency of the post.

• Subject to the funding source of the position, the eligibility for this temporary job opening may be limited to candidates based at the duty station.

• This temporary job opening may be limited to “internal candidates,” who have been recruited through a competitive examination administered according to staff rule 4.16 or staff selection process including the review of a central review body established according to staff rule 4.15.

• Staff members of the United Nations common system organizations who will reach the mandatory age of separation or retirement within the duration of the current temporary need period are not eligible to apply. .Submitting an application or selection for the current temporary job opening does not delay or increase the mandatory age of separation.

• Retirees above the mandatory age of separation who wish to be considered for the current temporary job opening must indicate the reason for their last separation as « retirement. » Such retirees shall not be employed by the Organization, unless (a) the operational requirements of the Organization cannot be met by staff members who are qualified and available to perform the required functions; and (b) the proposed employment would not adversely affect the career development or redeployment opportunities of other staff members and represents both a cost-effective and operationally sound solution to meet the needs of the service.

Charte des Nations Unies

Aux termes du paragraphe 3 de l’Article 101 de la Charte des Nations Unies, la considération dominante dans le recrutement du personnel doit être la nécessité d’assurer à l’Organisation les services de personnes possédant les plus hautes qualités de travail, de compétence et d’intégrité. Ne seront pas retenues les candidatures des personnes qui ont commis des violations du droit international des droits de l’homme, des violations du droit international humanitaire, des actes d’exploitation, d’atteintes ou de harcèlement sexuels, ou au sujet desquelles il existe des raisons plausibles de croire qu’elles ont été impliquées dans la commission de tels actes. L’expression « exploitation sexuelle » désigne le fait d’abuser ou de tenter d’abuser d’un état de vulnérabilité, d’un rapport de force inégal ou de rapports de confiance à des fins sexuelles, y compris mais non exclusivement en vue d’en tirer un avantage pécuniaire, social ou politique. On entend par « atteinte sexuelle » toute atteinte physique de nature sexuelle commise par la force, sous la contrainte ou à la faveur d’un rapport inégal, ou la menace d’une telle atteinte. Le harcèlement sexuel s’entend de tout comportement déplacé à connotation sexuelle raisonnablement propre ou de nature à choquer ou humilier, lorsqu’il entrave la bonne marche du service, est présenté comme une condition d’emploi ou crée au lieu de travail un climat d’intimidation, d’hostilité ou de vexation, et lorsque ce comportement est assez grave pour justifier le licenciement de son auteur. La candidature de personnes qui ont commis des infractions autres que des infractions mineures au code de la route ne sera pas retenue.

Sera dûment prise en considération l’importance d’un recrutement effectué sur une base géographique aussi large que possible. Aucune restriction ne sera imposée par l’Organisation à l’accès des hommes et des femmes, dans des conditions égales, à toutes les fonctions, dans ses organes principaux et subsidiaires. Le Secrétariat de l’Organisation des Nations Unies est un espace non-fumeurs.

Les candidats sont invités à respecter scrupuleusement toutes les instructions disponibles sur la plateforme de recrutement en ligne Inspira. Pour des informations plus détaillées, ils ou elles peuvent consulter le manuel d’instructions pour le candidat, en cliquant sur le lien hypertexte « Manuels » sur le côté supérieur droit de la page d’accueil de leur compte Inspira.

Les candidatures feront l’objet d’une évaluation et d’un examen préalables sur la base des informations soumises conformément aux critères d’évaluation de l’avis de vacance de poste et aux dispositions législatives internes applicables de l’Organisation des Nations Unies, notamment la Charte des Nations Unies, les résolutions de l’Assemblée générale, le Statut et le Règlement du personnel, les textes administratives et les directives. Les candidats doivent fournir des informations exhaustives et précises conformément aux instructions fournies sur la plateforme Inspira. Une fois la candidature envoyée, aucune modification, suppression ou révision, ni aucun ajout ou changement ne pourra être fait. Il sera procédé à une vérification des références des candidats faisant l’objet d’une attention particulière pour s’assurer de l’exactitude des renseignements qu’ils ont fournis dans leur candidature.

Les avis de vacance de postes publiés sur le Portail des carrières sont retirés à 11:59 p.m. (heure de New York), le jour de la date limite de dépôt des candidatures.

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