Water Development and Sanitation Department (AHWS)

Agriculture, Human and Social Development Complex (AHVP)

African Development Bank (AfDB)

CCIA Building – Avenue Jean Paul II, Abidjan Plateau

01 BP 1387 Abidjan 01 – Cote d’Ivoire

The African Development Bank hereby invites Consulting Firms to indicate their interest in the following Assignment.

The Water Development and Sanitation Department (AHWS) of the African Development Bank (AfDB) has primary responsibility for supporting Regional Member Countries, to attain water security through the provision of financial, technical expertise, generation and dissemination of pertinent sector knowledge and fostering strategic partnerships.

The Water security and Sanitation Division (AHWS2) plays a lead role in supporting Africa to attain water security through the provision of technical expertise, generation and dissemination of pertinent sector knowledge and fostering strategic partnerships. Specifically, in line with the mandate of the Department, the division provides guidance in the following thematic areas, among others: (i) Integrated & Transboundary Water Resources Development and Management for Water Security; (ii) Water Supply for All; (iii) Sanitation for All; and, (iv) Water Sector Governance; as well as the cross-cutting areas including gender, climate change, private sector engagement and fragility. Also, the division undertakes un number of initiatives including economic and sector work.

In the context of this unprecedented COVID 19 pandemic, very significant negative impacts on both economics’ performances and development plans of African countries are foreseen. African governments have undertaken several measures aimed at relieving the population the negative pressure of the pandemic and to stimulate economic growth. Some governments have announced free access to social basic services including water and sanitation. These measures would not be without negative consequences on utility performance and sustainability of services. In order to fully understand the impact of the pandemic on the service provision and the resilience of the water utilities, the African Development Bank is seeking to hire a Consulting Firm to assess the impacts, capture the lessons and propose measures to enhance the resilience of Water utilities and the sector in Africa in the face of similar pandemics. The studies will concern a sample of eleven (11) countries selected from the five Africa Regions (East, West, North, Central and South).

The consulting Firm will assess both actual implementation and impact of Government announcements related to free water supply and/or no disconnection policy over the covid-19 outbreak on the water service providers by undertaking a critical analysis of the effects of these relieve measures on water utilities performances, revenue, cash-flows as well as service delivery and sustainability across the continent.

Duration of the assignment : 6 calendar months

Tentative Date of commencement : September 1st, 2020

Deadline for applications : June 30th, 2020 (Publication + seven (7) calendar days effective)

Applications to be submitted to :

Ms. Bronia NAIVASHA. E-mail : [email protected]

With copy to : [email protected]; [email protected]

Any questions and requests for clarifications may be sent to the contact persons.