Immeuble du Centre de commerce International d’Abidjan CCIA

Avenue Jean-Paul II

01 BP 1387

Abidjan 01, Côte d’Ivoire

Civil Society Community Engagement Division (AHGC2)

E-mail : [email protected] and copy [email protected]

Telephone: +225 20264464


  1. The African Development Bank hereby invites qualified individuals to indicate their interest in the following Assignment : Consultant for mapping Civil Society Engagement Financing Mechanisms ;

The purpose of this assignment is to support AHGC2 in the design of a financing mechanism for mainstreaming Civil Society Engagement in Bank policies, operations and projects and supporting Civil Society Organizations empowerment given their critical role in the Bank’s inclusive agenda brought to light by the COVID19 pandemic.

The specific assignment is to carry out a mapping of CSE financing mechanisms within the Bank and explore benchmarking opportunities.

  1. Tasks and deliverables :

The Consultant will work under the supervision of the Civil Society Advocacy Officer, Task Manager, the oversight of the Manager of the Civil Society and Community Engagement Division (AHGC2) and in close consultation with the Key Bank departments/Units and social stakeholders. The Consultant would be expected to implement the following tasks : Undertake a Desk review.

A desk review shall be undertaken of existing literature on CSE engagement financing initiatives within the bank. A thorough analysis of the references reviewed will help determine how relevant existing financing mechanisms within the Bank’s Group as tools, instruments or practices can be adapted to fit the current specific context. This documentation and capitalization exercise shall also inform a dedicated instrument to be set up. Good and bad practices, challenges, experiences and lesson learned shall be documented in this purpose through mapping, screening and assessment.

Ensure a Benchmarking of Multilateral Development Institutions practices.

Benchmarking of ongoing CSE funding mechanisms with other Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) and development agencies will complement the assessment. This involves collaborate, consult and share information with other Multilateral Development Banks to determine whether a collaborative effort will be sought for imagining innovative and transformative funding tools. It also includes assessing instruments that other development actors utilize to finance their CSE.

Propose an assorted Mechanism :

The desk review, the benchmarking and further consultations will inform the option of developing a programme for financing CSE, elaborating a dedicated CSE trust fund or navigating in the Bank’s Group existing instruments such as the Bank’s Group Governance Multi-Donor Trust Fund which is in a rehabilitation process, or merging them. This mapping exercise shall be carried out in compliance with the Bank’s rules and validation processes ;

  1. The Civil Society and Community Engagement Division (AHGC2) invites individuals to indicate their interest in providing the above-described services. Interested eligible candidates shall provide information on their qualifications and experience demonstrating their ability to provide the services (documentation, references for similar services, experience in comparable Assignments, such as list of previous contracts of similar nature undertaken, certificate of good completion of works for these previous contracts from clients ; 
  1. The eligibility criteria, the establishment of a short list and the selection procedure shall be in conformity with the Rules and Procedures for the Selection of Consultants of the African Development Bank.

The consultancy is on a full-time basis for a period of 40 working days and shall essentially be home-based expect the current situation with regards the COVID 19 pandemic improves and it becomes possible to travel. In that case, the need for the consultant to travel to Abidjan shall be assessed and she/he informed accordingly. The consulting period will be spread over 3 months.

  1. Interested individuals may obtain further information at the address below during the Bank’s working hours: (9h00. – 17h00 GMT).

Expressions of interest must be received at the address below no later than Tuesday 25th August 2020 at 17h30 GMT local time and specifically mentioning Consultant for mapping Civil Society Engagement Financing Mechanisms for the attention of:

Mrs. Zéneb TOURE

Manager, Civil Society and Community Engagement Division

African Development Bank Group

Civil Society and Community Engagement Division (AHGC2) Immeuble du Centre de commerce International d’Abidjan CCIA

Avenue Jean-Paul II

01 BP 1387

Tel: +225 20 26 44 64

E-mail: [email protected] and copy [email protected]


A shortlist of three to six individual consultants shall be established at the end of the request of expressions of interest. The consultants on the shortlist will be judged on the following criteria based on their updated resumes :

General Qualifications and suitability to the Tasks 40
Experience in the specific assignment 30
Experience with International Institutions 10
Language Capacity 10
Working knowledge of the Africa Region 10


  • Hold at least a master’s degree or its equivalent in Development Studies ;
  • Sociology, Anthropology, Economics or closely related disciplines;
  • Relevant knowledge with at least 8 years’ experience in civil society engagement, advocacy, stakeholder dialogue or resource mobilization;
  • A good mastery of quantitative and qualitative methods in social research
  • Relevant experience in the design of resource mobilization instruments. Experience in the design of civil society funding instruments is a strong advantage
  • Good knowledge of African economic and social development issues;
  • Excellent analytical and negotiation skills, coupled to good skills in stakeholder consultation;
  • Good communication skills and ability to build effective working relationships in a diverse multicultural environment;
  • Communicate and write effectively in English or French, with a good working knowledge of the other language;
  • Competences in the use of standard Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint).
  • Please attach an updated Curriculum Vitae on the basis of the template below:





Position Duration:  40
Consultant for mapping Civil Society Engagement Start date: 15/09/2020
Financing Mechanisms working days
Supervisor’s title
Division Principal Civil Society
Civil Society and Community Engagement (AHGC.2) Advocacy and Partnership

The African Development Bank (AfDB or the Bank) recognizes the importance of integrated approaches to addressing socioeconomic development challenges through programming with citizens to drive governance for enhanced delivery, management and oversight. Civil Society remains the most critical partners in achieving active community engagement in the Bank’s work with its Regional Member Countries.

AfDB has embarked on a broader, more integrated, and coherent collaboration with Civil Society to achieve its High 5 Priorities. As such, effective engagement with Civil Society will require effective shift from enhancing to mainstreaming Civil Society Engagement (CSE) into Bank’s policies and operations. This implies the need to provide staff with very clear guidance on engaging Civil Society in operations and projects. In this regard, the Bank has created a Civil Society and Community Engagement Division (AHGC2) located within the Gender, Women and Civil Society Department (AHCG), under the Complex for Agriculture, Human and Social Development (AHVP), with the mandate to coordinate, implement, monitor and report on the AfDB’s engagement with Civil Society Bank wide.

To ensure this effective shift and institutionalize its engagement with Civil Society, the Bank shall over the next years, adopt key civil society engagement and mainstreaming instruments and tools, which include policy and operational components. This strategic perspective will require providing funds for integrating CSE in all the Bank’s operations but also supporting CSOs to contribute in the High5s implementation.

Objectives of the Assignment :

The main objective of this consultancy assignment is to support AHGC2 in the design of a CSE financing mechanism for mainstreaming civil society engagement in Bank policies, operations and projects and for Civil Society Organizations empowerment as well.

The specific assignment is to carry out a mapping of CSE financing mechanisms within the Bank and explore benchmarking opportunities.

Main activities and deliverables :

Under the supervision of the Civil Society Advocacy Officer, Task Manager, the oversight of the Manager of the Civil Society and Community Engagement Division (AHGC2) and in close consultation with Key Bank departments/Units and social stakeholders, the Consultant would be expected to implement the following tasks:

Undertake a Desk review :

A desk review shall be undertaken of existing literature on CSE engagement financing initiatives within the bank. A thorough analysis of the references reviewed will help determine how relevant existing financing mechanisms within the Bank’s Group as tools, instruments or practices can be adapted to fit the current specific context. This documentation and capitalization exercise shall also inform a dedicated instrument to be set up. Good and bad practices, challenges, experiences and lesson learned shall be documented in this purpose through mapping, screening and assessment.

Ensure a Benchmarking of Multilateral Development Institutions practices :

Benchmarking of ongoing CSE funding mechanisms with other Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) and development agencies. This involves collaborate, consult and share information with other Multilateral Development Banks to determine whether a collaborative effort will be sought for imagining innovative and transformative funding tools. It also includes assessing instruments that other development actors utilize to finance their CSE.

Propose an assorted Mechanism :

  • The desk review, the benchmarking and further consultations will inform the option of developing a programme for financing CSE, elaborating a dedicated CSE trust fund or navigating in the Bank’s Group existing instruments such as the Bank’s Group Governance Multi-Donor Trust Fund which is in a rehabilitation process, or merging them ;
  • This mapping exercise shall be carried out in compliance with the Bank’s rules and validation processes.

Administration/reporting :

The Consultant will work under the close supervision of the Principal Civil Society Advocacy Officer in the Civil Society and Community Engagement Division (AHGC2). He/she will also have to work closely with the Bank’s key concerned Departments.

Consultancy duration : The consultancy is expected on a full-time basis for a period of 40 days, starting from September 15th, 2020.

Consultant Qualifications and requirements :

  • Hold at least a master’s degree or its equivalent in Development Studies, Sociology,
  • Anthropology, Economics or closely related disciplines;
  • Relevant knowledge with at least 8 years’ experience in civil society engagement, advocacy, stakeholder dialogue or resource mobilization;
  • A good mastery of quantitative and qualitative methods in social research
  • Relevant experience in the design of resource mobilization instruments. Experience in the design of civil society funding instruments is a strong advantage
  • Good knowledge of African economic and social development issues;
  • Excellent analytical and negotiation skills, coupled to good skills in stakeholder consultation;
  • Good communication skills and ability to build effective working relationships in a diverse multicultural environment;
  • Communicate and write effectively in English or French, with a good working knowledge of the other language;
  • Competences in the use of standard Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint).

Remuneration : The Consultant will be paid according to his/her qualifications and commensurate with the African Development Bank’s Rules and Procedures for Recruitment and Remuneration of Consultants.

When necessary, per diem will be paid for days spent on missions as well as travel expenses where applicable, in line with the Bank’s Travel Policy for individual consultants. The consultant will have to obtain personal health insurance cover at their own cost. The coverage should include all medical expenses, including those resulting from illness or injury incurred during the duration of the assignment.

Submitted by : Luther YAMEOGO

[email protected]

In copy

Date: 27/07/2020

Marie Josée Kouassi

[email protected]