African Development Bank Group (AfDB)

Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV)

                                                                                                           ********                                         Ref: REOI/TYS/BDEV.2/2021/10/03

Date: 11/10/2021

Request for Expression of Interest


Evaluation of the Ten-Year Strategy (2013-2022) of the African Development Bank Group

  1. The African Development Bank Group (AfDB or the Bank) hereby invites Consulting Firms to indicate their interest in the following assignment: Consultancy Services for the evaluation of the Ten-Year Strategy (TYS) 2013-2022 of the African Development Bank Group, henceforth “the assignment,” being carried out by its Independent Development Evaluation function (IDEV).
  2. The purpose of this evaluation is to provide the Bank’s Board of Directors with an independent assessment of the performance of the Bank in implementing the TYS. The lessons and recommendation to be generated will serve as useful and timely inputs for the forthcoming Ten-Year Strategic Plan (2023-2032), as well as improving the Bank’s overall strategic planning and implementation of future strategies.
  3. The services to be provided under the Assignment will include the following:
  4. Undertake consultations with AfDB management, the Board members and other stakeholders on the scope and methodological approach to be undertaken for the evaluation;
  5. Conduct all activities leading to the successful completion of the evaluation (data collection and analysis, preparation of evaluation reports); and
  6. Undertake other duties identified as supporting the smooth conduct of the evaluation.
  7. IDEV invites Consulting Firms to indicate their interest in providing the above-described services. Interested eligible Consulting Firms or associations of Consulting Firms shall provide information on their qualifications and experience demonstrating their ability to provide the services (documentation, references for similar services, experience in comparable Assignments, availability of qualified staff, etc.).
  8. The eligibility criteria, the establishment of a short list and the selection procedure shall be in conformity with the Bank’s Procurement Policy Framework for projects financed by the Bank Group, October 2015 Edition, available on the Bank Website at Please, note that interest expressed by a Consulting Firm does not imply any obligation on the part of the Bank to include it in the shortlist.
  9. The estimated duration of services is eight (8) months, and the estimated starting date is Early November 2021.
  10. Interested consultants may obtain further details at the address below during the Bank’s working hours (09:00 to 17:00 hours).
  11. Expressions of interest must be received at the address or to the email contacts below no later than 22 October 2021 at 12 noon local (Abidjan) time and specifically mentioning the name of the assignment in the title. Expressions of interest should be written in English. Proficiency in French and Portuguese languages are an advantage.


Address: Independent Development Evaluation, African Development Bank, Avenue Joseph Anoma – 01 BP 1387, Abidjan 01, Côte d’Ivoire


For the attention of:        
    Mirianaud Oswald Agbadome: [email protected] ;
    Mohammed Jalaludeen Issahaq, [email protected] >
Copy to: Mr. Yao Parfait Kouassi: [email protected]