Immeuble CCIA, Avenue Jean Paul II, 01 BP 1387, Abidjan 01 Cote d’Ivoire Gender Women and Civil Society Department (AHGC)

E-mail : r.ijimbere@afdb Telephone : +22520264246


  1. The African Development Bank hereby invites Individual Consultants to indicate their interest in the following Assignment : Communication Consultant for AFAWA ;
  2. The services to be provided under the Assignment include planning, developing and implementing innovative communication strategies to promote the Affirmative Finance Action for Women in Africa (AFAWA) within the African Development Bank Group and externally. The Consultant will be responsible for developing partnerships with relevant media channels with keen interest in promoting gender financial inclusion, to disseminate information and create awareness about AFAWA and its different activities. The duration of the consultancy will be six (6) months with possibilities for extension ;
  3. The Gender Women and Civil Society Department (AHGC) invites Individual Consultants to indicate their interest in providing the above-described services. Interested Consultants shall provide information on their qualifications and experience demonstrating their ability to undertake this Assignment (documents, reference to similar services, experience in similar assignments, etc.) ;
  4. The eligibility criteria, the establishment of a short list and the selection procedure shall be in conformity with the Bank’s Procurement Policy for Recruitment of Corporate Please, note that interest expressed by a Consultant does not imply any obligation on the part of the Bank to include him/her in the shortlist ;
  5. The estimated duration of services is 6 months and the estimated starting date is 15 July 2020 ;
  6. Interested Individual Consultants may obtain further information at the address below during the Bank’s working hours: 09.00 to 17.00;
  7. Expressions of interest must be received at the address below no later than 2nd July 2020 at 17.00 local time and specifically mentioning “Individual Consultant to develop Women Markets program”

For the attention of: Ms. Esther Mariem DASSANOU

African Development Bank

Gender Women and Civil Society Department

Immeuble CCIA, Avenue Jean Paul II

Abidjan Plateau

Cote d’Ivoire

Tel : +22520264246

E-mail : [email protected]


A shortlist of three to six individual consultants will be established at the end the request of expressions of interest. The consultants on the shortlist will be judged on the following criteria on the basis of their updated resume.

Level of education in general 20%
Educational level compared to the field of mission 20%
Years of experience in general 20%
Number of years of experience relevant to the mission 40%






Established in 1964, the African Development Bank Group is the premier pan-African development institution, promoting economic growth and social progress across the continent. There are 81 member states, including 54 in Africa (Regional Member Countries). The Bank’s development agenda is delivering the financial and technical support for transformative projects that will significantly reduce poverty through inclusive and sustainable economic growth. In addition to providing finance, the Bank is Africa’s voice on global economic, financial and development issues, a role that has taken significant importance in light of increasing global integration and interconnected risks. In order to sharply focus the objectives of the Ten-Year Strategy (2013 – 2022) and ensure greater developmental impact, five major areas (High 5), all of which will accelerate our delivery for Africa, have been identified for scaling up, namely; energy, agro-business, industrialization, integration and improving the quality of life for the people of Africa.


The Vice Presidency for ‘Agriculture, Human, and Social Development’ is a Sector Complex focusing on the Bank’s Ten-Year Strategy High 5s priority of “Feed Africa” and “Improve Quality of Life for the People of Africa”. The complex objectives are: (i) to develop, policy and strategy; (ii) provide deep sector expertise to the Regions by gathering pool of experienced individuals who can be consulted to provide sector expertise on complex transactions; (iii) develop new financing instruments; and (iv) represent the Bank with external stakeholders on aspects of “Feed Africa” and “Improve Quality of Life for the People of Africa”.


The Gender, Women and Civil Society Department is designed to improve coherence and coordination across complexes on Gender and Civil Society Organization issues. The Department ensures strategic priorities are reflected in resources allocation, enhances monitoring and management of performance, and strengthens the focus on results. The Department also houses a number of special initiatives including the Affirmative Finance Action for Women in Africa (AFAWA), a flagship program of the Bank that aims to bridge the gender gap in access to finance and unleash women’s entrepreneurial capacity across the continent. AFAWA’s holistic approach focuses on 3 pillars: (a) access to finance, leveraging AfDB’s various instruments such as lines of credit, equity investments and risk sharing mechanisms, (b) technical assistance, to financial institutions as well as women entrepreneurs, and (c) policy dialogue to reform the legal and regulatory frameworks affecting women businesses.


The Affirmative Finance Action for Women in Africa (AFAWA) Communication Consultant reports to the Bank’s Director of Communication and External Relations, and the AFAWA Coordinator.

Under the guidance of PCER, the Communication Officer will be responsible for planning, developing and implementing innovative communication strategies to promote the Affirmative Finance Action for Women in Africa (AFAWA) within the African Development Bank Group and externally.

The Consultant will be responsible for developing partnerships with relevant media channels with keen interest in promoting gender financial inclusion, to disseminate information and create awareness about AFAWA and its different activities.

Key function and responsibilities are, but not limited to :

  1. AFAWA Communications awareness :
  • The Communications Officer will work closely with the AFAWA team and PCER to ensure that relevant program materials such as different AFAWA reports including donor reports, factsheets/case studies, infographics etc. are developed and disseminated to all relevant stakeholders and media networks, including social media ;
  • Working closely with PCER, he/she will develop and maintain contact information, materials and relationships with journalists and media outlets (print, TV, radio, social media etc.) throughout Africa and beyond, to increase coverage opportunities about AFAWA activities as well as those of AFAWA partners and Ambassadors ;
  • Collaborate with the media during regional and in country events, facilitate interviews, photo coverage and TV footage; develop and lead social media plans.


  1. Communication Products :
  • Develop, implement and monitor a communication work plan covering a rolling XXX-month  period ;
  • Support for the development of new communication products, including an internal and external e-newsletter, corporate brochures. Organize the designing, editing and publishing of AFAWA brochures, power points, case studies and reports ;
  • Assist in the development of speeches, OpEds and other materials for AFAWA leadership. Enterprise, draft and disseminate AFAWA impact stories, press releases and social media content as needed in English and French ;
  • Update and/or develop the AFAWA website and social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn) as well as be responsible for daily monitoring, posting, content development and engagement ;
  • Produce content for Bank internal communications channels (intranet, infoscreens, etc) Work with external media production houses to develop multimedia content such as videos, animations, etc. ;
  • Develop and deliver AFAWA awareness campaigns to promote program and results ;
  • Monitor and evaluate the use and effectiveness of all communications and media materials ;
  • Maintain a database of media coverage, clippings etc. ;
  • Be responsible for modern and appropriate filing, archiving of photos, video and press contacts to databases managed by AHVP as well as PCER ;
  • The Consultant will help design, manage and roll out thematic events such as seminars, roundtables, and participation to conferences and Bank Annual Meetings. This also involves branding these events in coordination with PCER ;
  • Perform any other communications activities which may be required by the program.
  1. Perform any other communications activities which may be required by the program

Competencies :

  • The consultant should have a relevant Masters’ degree and background in journalism/or communication /or marketing and an ability to work with a diverse range of colleagues to bring stories to life ;
  • A minimum of 8 years’ experience with a proven professional record working in the field of communication, preferably in the area of gender ;
  • Excellent spoken and written skills in English and French ;
  • Interested individuals must provide proof of competence, including links to written and published articles, press releases, op-eds, media advisories and impact stories.

The consultant is expected to have the following skills and abilities :

  • Fast, accurate, creative and versatile writing skills, including for digital and social media, Understanding of the newsgathering and media storytelling process ;
  • Familiarity with Adobe Edit Suite is preferred ;
  • Fluency in social media and social media management platforms (Twitter, Periscope, LinkedIn, etc.) ;
  • Willingness to submit sample(s) of past event management campaigns, noting level of involvement and event impact ;
  • Willingness to submit Sample(s) of past communications materials, including articles, press releases, video scripts, social media posts, etc. ;
  • Client and results-oriented with strong analytical and communication (verbal and written) skills, sense of accuracy and attention to detail
  • Strong ability to enterprise newsworthy stories quickly and easily ;
  • Good understanding of the issues relating to Gender Entrepreneurship and financial inclusion, especially in Africa ;
  • Ability to analyze and communicate complex information and institutional language quickly and simply for audiences ;
  • Client and results-oriented with strong analytical and communication (verbal and written) skills, sense of accuracy and attention to detail. Good political and personal judgment ;
  • Excellent written editing skills ;
  • Competent in the use of standard software applications (MS Word, Power Point, Excel) Be a national of one of the member countries of the Bank.

This is a 6-month consultancy based in Abidjan with the expected start date of July 15 and options to renew based on performance and budget availability. Given the Covid-19 pandemic, the consultant will telecommute until such time when normal business can resume.


The Consultant will receive a monthly lump sum. No additional benefits or per diems will be paid. The Consultant is responsible for his/her own health insurance and accommodation costs. The Bank will cover full costs of any required missions and provide per-diem in accordance with rules governing consultant mission travel.


The Consultant will submit a monthly report detailing the activities carried out and the status of each activity.


The position is open to nationals of one of the Bank Group’s Member Countries of the African Development Bank. Interested applicants are encouraged to send an updated Curriculum Vita and samples of communications and/or multimedia material. Selected candidates will be asked to participate in a Skills Assessment Exercise. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.