Inter Aide : Nous recherchons un Assistant technique sur l’approvisionnement en eau et la cartographie SODO Ethiopie.







Who is Inter Aide?

Inter Aide is an association specialized in the implementation of practical development aid programs, targeting particularly poor families living in rural areas. In 2023, Inter Aide is conducting 51 programs in seven countries (Ethiopia, Guinea, Haiti, Malawi, Madagascar, Mozambique and Sierra Leone).


Inter Aide and its local partner RCBDIA are currently focusing on 16 mountainous districts in 4 areas of the South and South-West region and aim at increasing the number of functional water points. Within this framework, your missions will be the following:

1. Train and support local engineers to reinforce their progressive autonomy in the organization. They should be able to validate the studies required for the construction of new networks and to monitor the progress of the ongoing activities:

– Follow up of technical studies, construction and site closure activities through an Excel monitoring tool.

– Validation of the need assessments and command area of the targeted Federations taking into account the recommendations given in the master plans.

– Validation of the network sketch maps and topographic measurements.

– Optimisation of the design of the network using Inter Aide specific designing tools.

– Production of AutoCad sketch of the networks and structure designs with related bill of quantities for non-standard structures, making sure that they are well understood by all field officers.

– Identify constructions that require a specific follow up and plan monitoring visits.

– Control that the constructed networks are made according to the standards and check that the yield of each structures are matching the design.

– Organise the referencing of each new structure to fill the related database.

For each local engineer, the TA will develop a personalized assistance and strategy to progressively decrease the support.

2. Train and monitor Zonal Water Office specialists that will be in charge to produce master plans in new districts, for them to progressively take complete ownership of the protocol and outcomes:

– Train and organise the field data collection of all hydraulic structures, including GPS location, photo, yield, structures state.

– Encoding of the data on a specific database that will allow to export them to QGIS.

– Analysis of the data encoded and correction of the data after additional field visits.

– Production of maps representing the access to water in the district.

– Critical analysis of the maps produced and recommendations to supply each village in the district.

3. Relay to head quarter team:

– Frequent communication with the head quarter team concerning technical and mapping activities, mentioning difficulties and proposing innovations.

– Small reports concerning ongoing and finished constructions.

– Co-develop with the headquarter evaluation mechanisms to measure the team empowerment.

– Drafting of training modules on network designs/mapping according to the needs identified by the teams.


  • You have an engineering degree or equivalent, with a background in water supply through pressurized water systems;
  • You have a solid knowledge in hydraulics;
  • You have notions of civil engineering;
  • You master the Office pack (mainly Excel) and QGIS;
  • You are proficient in English (oral and written);
  • You have a capacity of analysis, rigor and organization;
  • You have the will to train and the ability to train;
  • You have interpersonal skills, listening skills, and ability to adapt to the Ethiopian context;
  • You are able to work remotely (regular exchanges with headquarters team).

Start as soon as possible

If you are interested in our structure and the responsibilities of this mission,

Please send your CV and motivation letter to [email protected]

And specify imperatively in the email the reference AT/HYDRO/SODO/2023

For more information we invite you to visit our website

Deadline : June 15th, 2023