Context :
For more than 30 years, Médecins du Monde, a campaigning medical organisation committed to international solidarity, has been caring for the most vulnerable populations at home and abroad. It has continued to highlight obstacles that exist in accessing health care and has secured sustainable improvements in health-for-all policies.
Those working for this independent organisation do not solely dispense care and treatment but condemn violations of human dignity and rights and fight to improve matters for populations living in precarious situations.
MdM currently works in more than 35 countries across all continents where it focuses on 5 priority areas: emergency and crisis, sexual and reproductive health, harm reduction, migrants and displaced populations (health rights), health and environment.
Based on the assessment findings carried out by MdM France and MdM Germany in the Somali region, an emergency project has been developed, aiming at the humanitarian needs in the Nogob Zone caused by ongoing drought and conflict in the area.
The project has started in July 2019 (24 months duration, extension possible depending on the context). With fundings from German Foreign Affairs Office (GFFO), MdM is implementing several health activities in and around the village of Gerbo, Somali Region, focusing on SRH, BEmONC and prevention of epidemics, whereas a local partner NGO is focusing on Nutrition and WASH in Nut activities.
The progamme is a joint MdM network project between MdM France and MdM Germany. The field coordinator will be responsible for the MdM Germany part of the programme (Somali Region) within the joint MdM mission in Ethiopia.