Appel d’offres : Recrutement d’une Entreprise de collecte de données pour mener des entretiens qualitatifs et des discussions de groupe dans le cadre d’une étude sur l’autonomisation économique des femmes au Guatemala.









Under the Applying New Evidence for Women’s Empowerment (ANEW) project, the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) has received support from the Walmart Foundation to develop and validate new metrics to measure women’s empowerment in the context of collective-based agriculture value chain interventions. ANEW has three main objectives: (1) Develop new metrics that adapt the existing project-level Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture for Market Inclusion (pro-WEAI+MI) to include aspects relevant to high value market-oriented interventions, and those delivered through collective organizations, as well as develop a shorter M&E version of the tool for projects to incorporate into their existing monitoring systems, (2) To generate evidence on what works to improve women’s empowerment in projects implementing these interventions, and (3) To build the capacity of implementing and other organizations to collect and analyze the M&E women’s empowerment tool to track progress over the course of their projects. The scope of work described herein focuses specifically on the qualitative study components of the Smallholder Market Access Program implemented by the non-governmental organization (NGO) TechnoServe in Guatemala.

The firm will lead the qualitative fieldwork based on the plan of qualitative work provided by ANEW partners, TechnoServe and IFPRI. Specifically, the firm will be responsible for the attendance of an in-person training (5 days), providing technical oversight of the data collection team while they are in the field (6 days), producing and reviewing verbatim transcripts of interviews, and translating those transcripts into English (15 days).

It is estimated that training for the field team will begin in April 2023, with data collection to immediately follow.  It is anticipated that the work will be approximately 30 total working days between April and May 2023.

Statement of Work:

The goal of this work is to collect qualitative data around women’s and men’s participation in agricultural value chains in Guatemala, women’s empowerment, and perceptions of TechnoServe’s Smallholder Market Access (SMA) Program. As such, IFPRI seeks a qualified firm to conduct a pilot test of the instruments and collect approximately 36 in-depth interviews and 6 focus group discussions with SMA staff, farmer-producer organization leaders, and SMA trainees. The 36 in-depth interviews and 6 focus group discussions will be drawn from 3 communities located in Sololá, Sacatepéquez, and/or Chimaltenango, to be confirmed in consultation with the firm. Each interview is expected to take between 1 and 1.5 hours to complete, and the field team is expected to spend 1.5 – 2 days in each community for data collection. The data collection period will take place in April and May 2023.

The firm will be responsible for assisting in finalizing the sampling plan, translating the instruments from English to the target languages (Spanish and indigenous languages, as applicable), recruiting households to participate, supervising facilitators, collecting data, and providing verbatim transcripts of the interviews and focus group discussions in English.


  • Finalize sampling plan; assist in identifying respondent households.
  • Assist in submission of study protocol to a local IRB.
  • Prepare a detailed COVID-19 safety protocol to mitigate the risk of COVID transmission among the field team and study participants. This will include precautions to be followed during training, travel, and data collection.
  • Select and train all field staff; IFPRI to support training (5 days).
  • Translate the interview question guide into the local language(s).
  • Pilot test the question guides.
  • Procure all supplies for data collection including materials for administering the cognitive interviews (e.g., paper copies of the guides, audio recorders, and computers for transcription and translation).
  • Take primary responsibility for fieldwork (6 days). Responses during the interviews will be audio recorded and later transcribed and translated verbatim (15 days) into English for analysis.
  • Deliver data collected and final field report.

Required Qualifications:

  • Demonstrated experience conducting qualitative studies.
  • Ability to provide adequate logistical resources to recruit, train, deploy, and supervise facilitators.
  • Ability to conduct interviews in target languages (to be identified in consult with the firm) while providing data and documentation in English.
  • Experience in building trust and good relations with village leaders, interviewees, and communities.

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Experience working with international and national researchers.
  • Experience co-authoring publications.


The application requires a letter of intent elaborating on capacity, experience and availability to conduct the work within the presented timeframe and a budget. Please include the curriculum vitae (CV) of person who will be managing the cognitive interviews. All supporting documents should be uploaded as one pdf to the application section indicating « CV or Resume » .

Application process

Deadline to apply: April 5th, 2023