Appel à manifestation d’intérêt : Consultance en programmation sur le genre et les droits de l’homme pour aider le CCM Indonésie à élaborer la demande de financement du Fonds mondial pour le VIH pour la période 2024 – 2026 à Jakarta.
UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace, and security.
In Indonesia, UN Women works with the government, civil society organizations (CSOs), academia, the media, and the public and private sectors to address national priorities of gender equality and women’s empowerment. Placing the advancement of women’s rights at the center of our work, UN Women Indonesia focuses on (1) Ending violence against women, (2) Promoting women’s human rights, (3) Women’s economic empowerment, (4) Women contributing to and have greater influence in building sustainable peace.
As the UN Joint Team for HIV, UN Women in Indonesia supports the government in achieving the “95-95-95” Global AIDS target in 2030 and implementing the HIV National Strategic Plan by focusing on Addressing Human Rights and Gender Barriers to HIV Services in Indonesia. Currently, the Indonesia government is preparing the development of the Global Fund’s proposal for the next cycle from 2024 – 2026. Its preparation organized by the Country coordinating mechanisms (CCMs) are the governing body in each country responsible for developing and submitting funding requests to the Global Fund. The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund) has invested over USD 400 million in Indonesia through grants for HIV AIDS, TB, and Malaria in the cycle 2020-2022. The Global Fund currently classifies the country as a High Impact country. The current HIV, TB, and Malaria Global Fund Grants will end in December 2023. The latest performance of the grant has been showing adequate performance according to programmatic rating and financing absorption. To avoid any disruption in program implementation, the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) and all key partners have already requested each of the respective Technical Working Groups for HIV, TB, and Malaria to take the lead in coordinating the development of a funding request to the GF in order to secure these resources and now wish to start developing the 2023-2025 Funding Request application for implementation in 2024-2026.
The CCM has opted to submit the HIV, TB, and Malaria Funding Request for the First Window on 20 March 2022. The HIV, TB, and Malaria Funding Request 2024- 2026 will build on lessons learned during the current implementation period, adjusted to reflect the latest epidemiological trends, with the overall goal of meeting the 2030 SDGs of ending the epidemic of AIDS, building resilient and sustainable systems for health, reducing inequalities, and achieving gender equity, while acting as a catalyst for domestic resource mobilization and progress towards UHC. Technical assistance will be provided to the CCM for developing the Global Fund funding request.
The Global Fund recognizes that promoting and protecting human rights and gender equality are required to accelerate the end of HIV, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. In 2021, the Global Fund (TGF) launched its new strategy for 2023 – 2028, which has the vision of « A world free of the burden of AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria with better, equitable health for all. » In its new strategy, TGF reinforces contributory objectives, Maximizing Health Equity, Gender Equality, and Human Rights, that improve HIV, TB, and Malaria (HTM) outcomes and drive more equitable access to health services. The Global Fund will support countries and communities by scaling up comprehensive programs and approaches to remove human rights and gender-related barriers across the portfolio, supporting the comprehensive Sexual Reproductive and Health rights (SRHR) program and strengthening its integration with HIV services for women in all diversity and their partners, advancing youth-responsive programming, including for adolescent, girls, and young women and young Key and Vulnerable Population (KVP) and their partners, deploying quantitative and qualitative data to identify drivers of HTM inequity and inform targeted responses, including by gender, age, geography, income and for KVP, leveraging the Global Fund’s diplomatic voice to challenge laws, policies and practices that limit the impact on HTM.
In the current modular, eight key program areas are effective in reducing human rights-related barriers to HIV and TB services, including:
1. Eliminating stigmaand disrimination in all setting
2.Legal Literacy (Know Your Rights Campaign)
3.Ensuring the non-discriminatory provision of health care
4.Increase access to justice.
5. Ensuring rights-based law enforcement process
6. Improving laws, regulations, and policies relating to HIV and HIV/TB
7. Reducing HIV-related gender discrimination, harmful gender norms and violence against women and gilrs in all their diversity
8. Community mobilization and advocacy for human rights
The activities supported align with the UN Women Strategic Note 2021 – 2025 to Outcome 3.1 People living in Indonesia, especially those at risk of being left furthest behind, are empowered to fulfill their human development potential as members of a pluralistic, tolerant, inclusive, and just society, free of gender and all other forms of discrimination. By supporting the Global Fund proposal development, it is hoped that the document will have an important impact on the programmatic approach to HIV response that is more gender-responsive and promotes human rights principles. This will further benefit HIV communities, especially women living with and at risk of HIV, as well as key populations.
In this context, UN Women Indonesia seeks to hire a Gender and Human Rights Programming Consultant to support CCM Indonesia in developing the HIV Global Fund funding request for the 2024 – 2026 period to be submitted for the First Window that is due on 20 March 2023. The consultant will report to the HIV, Gender, and Human Rights Officer, with the general supervision of the National Program Officer EVAW.
Duties and Responsibilities
The scope of work for the post will be:
- Support the Team Leader in developing Funding Requests through a consultative process with all relevant stakeholders (government, civil society, and technical partners) under the overall leadership of the CCM related to the Gender and Human Rights Program of GFATM Funding Request 2024-2026.
- Support the writing team for inclusion of the HIV program priorities in removing human rights and gender-related barriers.
- Prepare selected key Funding Request documents (e.g., Initial list of Modules, Interventions and Key Activities, Sections of the Funding Request Form, Performance Framework, etc.)
- Provide a detailed work plan and consolidated budget for the Gender and Human Rights Program of GFATM.
- Facilitate discussions with CCM/TWG HIV regarding proposal development and integrating the TB/HIV program into the Gender and Human Rights Program.
- Present a draft frequently to the TWG HIV CCM and relevant stakeholders to get inputs, incorporating inputs and feedback to revise and finalize the FR document.
- Ensure timely completion of all relevant documents/ annexes and sections with the deadline to CCM Indonesia.
- Support the CCM in the TRP clarifications process – in close collaboration with country networks of PLWD ATM, key populations, and other civil society partners – and review Funding Request documents, if needed.
- Prepare a brief consultancy report.
The consultant is required to have the following selection criteria:
- Advance study in Gender Studies, Human Rights, Communication, Social Science, or other related fields or bachelor’s degree in the same fields with seven additional years of relevant experience.
- Demonstrated experience working related to the field of HIV/AIDS and/or VAW/ Gender Equality and Human Rights in Indonesia.
- Good experience in designing the proposal, especially in HIV and or VAW/Gender Equality and Human Rights program.
- Excellent reporting and communication skills.
- Good proficiency in Bahasa and English.
Language Skills:
- Fluency (written and spoken) in English ;
- Superior writing skills in project proposal in English (writing samples to be provided as part of the submission package).
Apply here
Application deadline : February 15th, 2023