1. In collaboration with other Better Work Country Programmes and with support from Better Work Global, manage a small team of ILO staff to support the transition of the Better Work Indonesia (BWI) programme to the Foundation Partnership at Work (the Foundation). This includes the set-up of the necessary agreement/s regulating the relationship between the ILO, Better Work and the Foundation. These agreements will ensure that the highest levels of transparency, accountability, credibility and quality are maintained by the Foundation and will need to clearly set out the way in which the Foundation will operate in relation to, among other areas, its relationships with the ILO, external donors, M&E, communications, intellectual property, in-country visibility, etc;
2. Support the Foundation in actively engaging with national social partners to identify and implement collaborative strategies to promote greater compliance in the garment industry with international labour standards and national laws. This will entail ensuring strong collaboration with related and complementary activities of the ILO, IFC and other institutions. The Foundation will also be supported to develop specific programme approaches and manage zero tolerance protocol cases, industrial relations disputes or otherwise serious labour law violations affecting factories in the programme, together with national constituents;
3. Ensure, together with the Foundation, the active engagement and partnership with the national tripartite constituents, factories and international brands associated with the programme, during and post-transition;
4. Maintain strong relationships with the multi-lateral and bilateral donor community and international buyers to mobilize resources in support of Better Work Indonesia and the Foundation;