Consultance : Conseil Danois pour les Refugiés recherche des Consultants pour la modélisation et la conception hydrauliques, y compris l’inspection par caméra et le pompage d’essai au Kenya.







Purpose of the Consultancy

The main objective of the consultancy is to seek a Consultant/Consulting firm to undertake preliminary investigations for the boreholes, topographical survey, hydraulic modelling and develop engineering design of the water supply systems at Birkin, Kiwanja and Kuhumato water supply system. The consultant will conduct topographical survey and use the survey data to conduct a hydraulic design for an effective water distribution network as well as advice the client on the best system configuration to improve on the efficiency of water distribution network in the 4 Project locations.

The specific objectives of this assignment are:

  1. Conduct preliminary investigations – Camera inspection, test pumping and water quality analysis for the 3 boreholes for rehabilitation.
  2. Conduct assessment of the community per capita water consumption in order to establish the demand for a period of more than twenty (20) years.
  3. Mapping out of key institutions with corresponding water demand, supply and the existing gaps.
  4. Produce a water supply system hydraulic design of Birkin, Kiwanja and Kuhumato in a workable scale showing the corresponding profiles of the proposed pipe network.
  5. Conduct hydraulic modelling of all the pipeline using EPANET software and develop hydraulic designs and BoQs..
  6. Deliver both the soft and hard copies of the data and designs to the client for validation during a workshop by the relevant stakeholders.

Scope of the Consultancy

  1. Test Pumping and Camera Inspection for Kuhumato, Birkin and Kiwanja Boreholes
  2. Visit each borehole site, physically inspect and interrogate their status with the surrounding communities
  3. Carefully remove boreholes cover and pull out pumping system
  4. Conduct camera inspection to determine the casings condition, any foreign objects present, boreholes depths and water rest level
  5. Mobilize equipment for test pumping using an appropriate pump for 24 hours and recovery for at least one hour.
  6. Water sampling for physical and chemical analysis in a Government approved laboratory.
  7. Assess status of the existing pump and solar system relative to test pumping results and give recommendation.
  8. Provide comprehensive reports for Test pumping and water quality analysis
  9. Provide camera inspection findings in an external hard drive.
  10. Provide Bill of quantities for equipping of the boreholes in the design report
  11. Each borehole will have its own design report.

Pipeline extension design

  1. Conduct a demand viz a viz the supply from the existing demographic and borehole data.
  2. Review of existing water supply in the locations and establish need for extensions.
  3. Undertake a system review for more economical pipeline routing options with energy conservation in considerations.
  4. Study existing pumping system with the intent to establish its efficiency and if there is need for upgrading for optimum utilization to meet demand.
  5. Simulation of the flows using Epanet.
  6. Pegging for the pipeline route
  7. Production and submission of Design report in both Soft and hard Copies

Key Deliverables

Test Pumping and Camera Inspection for the 3 boreholes

  1. Camera inspection report;
  2. Test pumping report;
  3. Water quality analysis report;
  4. Provide recommendation on pump and solar system status and alternative improvement in line with test pumping results;
  5. Bill of quantities for equipping of the boreholes.

Pipeline design

  1. Pipeline design for the entire target areas with all associated profiles and budgets
  2. Design and pipeline profiles including appurtenances
  3. Detailed drawings to be approved by a registered Engineer
  4. Engineers’ cost estimates- BOQ for pipeline extension with its associated civil works.


The final report shall be provided in 3 hard and soft copies in an external drive. Report shall be in Microsoft word text, table/graphs and spreadsheet shall be in Microsoft excel and drawings in at least AutoCAD and PDF.

Have separate design reports and BOQs for equipping of each borehole and associated pipeline extensions as per designs developed.

Time Frame

The assignment is expected to last 30 days and the time estimates for the various components are as follows:

  1. Preliminary survey/desk study – 3 Days;
  2. Field Survey– 16 days;
  3. Design work –6 days;
  4. Preliminary designs presentation – 1 day;
  5. Final design and reporting – 3 days;
  6. Submission of final documents – 1 day.

The above stated durations are to be understood as guidance and it is the responsibility of the consultant to establish a detailed work program within the above time estimates. The estimated staff time inputs should be provided in accordance with the Consultant’s professional judgment and knowledge of the local conditions and needs.

Qualifications and Experience

Team leader

Master in Civil/water Engineering

At least 8 years experienced

Registered with EBK as professional Engineer with registration certificate

Have led in 5 similar assignments in the last 5 years

Firms are required to follow submission accompanying this TOR. This advice details the addressee of the tender, the time and date of tender closure and the location of the tender box.

Both Technical and Financial proposals should be submitted together in one envelope clearly marked “HYDRAULIC MODELLING & HYDRAULIC DESIGN INCLUDING CAMERA INSPECTION AND TEST PUMPING FOR KUHUMATO, KIWANJANI AND BARKIN WATER SUPPLY PROJECTS’’ and addressed to;

The Procurement Unit

DRC East Africa & Great Lakes Region

Lower Kabete Road (Ngecha road Junction)

P.O. Box 14762-00800 Westlands

Nairobi, Kenya

so as to be received on or before 8th May 2023 AT 1700HRS EAT.

Tender prices must remain valid for 90 days from the date of tender closing.

On the set date for opening, all appropriately labelled tenders will be opened in the presence of bidders or their representatives (should they choose to attend) and checked for compliance (both technical and financial proposals submitted) and accepted bids will be announced publicly. The financial proposal will be also opened and the proposed total cost for each bidder will be declared and recorded.