Consultance pour la recherche des experts à court terme en Suivi, contrôle et surveillance (MCS) au Kenya






The project is seeking to hire two experts to support Kenya Fisheries Service (KeFS) in strengthening the Monitoring, Control & Surveillance (MCS) proficiency of its personnel along the Kenyan coast, and most notably the newly recruited Fishing Constable Guards and Fisheries Officers who are in need of training to improve their MCS proficiency.

The experts will develop two distinct Training of Trainers (ToT):

(i) A practical training for Fishing Constable Guards, focused on understanding fisher’s expected behaviour and how to detect potential IUU fishing and other crimes made under the cover of fishing.

(ii) A practical training for Fisheries Officers, focused on how to best manage fisheries, exploiting the data provided by the MCS tools available to KeFS.

Both Training of Trainers (ToT) should result in the development of a curricula which Kenya Fisheries Service (KeFS) instructors should then be able to implement in full autonomy. In addition to the Training of Trainers (ToT) and curricula development, the experts will assist the Kenya Fisheries Service (KeFS) instructors with the delivery of the first curricula in Mombasa, Kilifi and Kwale counties.

The project “Go Blue: Strengthened, effective and integrated maritime law enforcement capacity and capabilities to protect the maritime domain and its sustainable development” (Component 3 of the Go Blue programme) is implemented by Expertise France and funded by the Delegation of the European Union to Kenya. This project aims to contribute to the development of the blue economy in Kenya through the improvement of maritime safety and security along the Kenyan coast.

As part of its project activities, the maritime security component of the Go Blue programme is working with the Kenya Fisheries Service (KeFS) on sustainable solutions to increase the Monitoring, Control & Surveillance (MCS) operational capacity along the Kenyan coast.

Qualification and skills

  • Qualification as constable officer AND/OR fisheries officer, at management/officer level.
  • Fluent in spoken and written English. Clarity of expression (lectures).

General and specific professional experience

  • A minimum of 10 years of professional experience in fisheries management.
  • Proven experience in teaching or capacity building of staff belonging to maritime administrations. Experience in writing curricula is a plus.
  • Good understanding of the fishing stakes in Kenya.

Social skills

  • Excellent coaching skills.
  • Tolerance and adaptability to the Kenyan way of proceeding.
  • Team spirit expected, along with the drive to get things done.

Deadline : June 25th, 2023

Application process