Appel d’offres : Développement des lignes directrices du MESPT en matière de suivi, d’évaluation, de responsabilité et d’apprentissage (MEAL) au Kenya.
1. Background Information about MESPT
Micro-Enterprises Support Programme Trust (MESPT) is a Kenyan development organization established in 2002. MESPT’s overall objective is to promote economic growth, employment creation and poverty alleviation through enterprise development. This is achieved predominantly through support to the development of agricultural value chains whilst embracing and promoting the green growth and climate change agenda. Through its vision of building a more Prosperous Society, MESPT facilitates increased commercialization, decent employment, and green transformation through targeted interventions in the selected value chains. The Trust is a multi-donor entity jointly founded by the Government of Kenya and the European Union who later relinquished their position to the Royal Danish Embassy in Kenya, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (DANIDA). To learn more about MESPT, please visit
2. The overall objective the assignment
The objective of this assignment is to develop MEAL guidelines which will provide the organization with a standardized framework to systematically track and measure the progress, performance, and impact of its projects or programs towards achievement of set targets and objectives. The guidelines will also seek to provide clarity, coherence, and alignment of M&E processes and procedures with the organizational goals and objectives. Additionally, the guidelines will articulate a set of principles for generating data/ information critical for evidence-based decision making, improving implementation, and enhancing accountability leading to more impactful and sustainable results.
3. Scope of the assignment
Specific tasks to be undertaken will include: –
- Desk research to review the existing M&E policy and related documents to identify gaps and areas for improvement in the current MEAL processes and practises.
- Undertake in-depth analysis of organizational MEAL requirement through interviews with key stakeholders such as program staff, M&E staff, and where possible reach out to beneficiaries, partners, and external experts.
- Define the MEAL Guidelines purpose and objectives in line with organization goals and purpose.
- Develop a comprehensive MEAL Guidelines.
- Present the MEAL Guidelines to MESPT management for review and validation.
- Sensitize MESPT staff on the new MEAL Guidelines.
- Submit finalized MEAL Guidelines for approval.
4. Approach and Methodology
The development of MEAL Guidelines will utilize a combination of desk review, interviews, targeted discussions with relevant stakeholders including representation of management, programme staff, M&E staff and where possible seek the views of external partners/ beneficiaries. The consultant will develop a detailed approach clearly outlining the criteria that will be used to developing the guidelines and the sources of information that will be utilized.
5. Expected Deliverables
The Consultant will work on the following deliverables:
a. Inception Report:
An inception report will detail the approach, criteria, and techniques to be used in the assignment. This report should not be more than 10 pages in length including the tools, comprehensive workplan with clear tasks, timelines and expected deliverables as well as a proposed budget.
b. MESPT MEAL Guidelines for validation and approval
The MEAL Guidelines should clearly articulate all critical aspects as defined in the scope of work. The structure of the Guidelines will be discussed and agreed upon with MESPT Team. The draft Guidelines shall be submitted to the MESPT programme teams for review and validation. Once finalized it shall be presented to MESPT management team for final review and approval.
c. Presentation / sensitization of MESPT team
This will include the PowerPoint presentation and all the relevant training materials that will be use during sensitization of MESPT Staff for future referencing and learning.
7. Intellectual Property
All information produced pertaining to this assignment existing information (M&E policy, relevant organizational document, reports, etc.) that the Consultant may have access to under this consultancy shall remain the property of MESPT. Furthermore, MESPT shall have exclusive rights over their use for a period of not less than 20 years. Except for purposes of this assignment, the information gathered shall not be disclosed to the public nor used in whatever form without written permission of the MESPT.
8. Administration and logistical arrangements
The Consultant will report to MEAL Manager and will work closely with programme staff and departmental heads. The assignment will be carried out with logistical support and services of the MESPT.
9. Qualifications and competencies
The consultant should have at least the following qualifications: –
- Bachelor’s or advanced degree in a relevant field such as monitoring and evaluation, social sciences, applied statistics, development studies, international development, project management and any other related field.
- Certification in monitoring and evaluation will be an added advantage.
- At least 5-years’ experience in conducting analysis and developing M&E policy, framework and/or guidelines for similar Not-for profit organization with complex programming.
- Solid foundation in M&E concepts and principles, design of M&E framework, evaluation/ research methods, data analytics, database and knowledge management etc.
- Strong knowledge on international and industry-specific M&E standards, guidelines, and best practices
- Knowledge of ethical guidelines and principles related M&E processes and procedures
- Excellent analytical, synthesis and writing skills.
- Excellent communication and facilitation skills, with the ability to convey complex concepts to diverse audiences.
Submission of proposals
Interested bidders are therefore required to respond to the TOR with technical proposal not more than ten (10) pages detailing how they will carry out this assignment. They should attach their
1) Testimonials on similar work undertaken especially in the recent past.
2) 3 referees and their contacts for the last 3 similar assignment undertaken,
3) the schedule of the activities with clear timeline and deliverables.
The financial proposal should explicitly detail the consultancy fees covering their daily professional fees and all the necessary logistical support while taking into consideration the applicable tax implications.
The technical and financial proposal should be e-mailed to on or before 2nd June 2023 by 5pm.
NB: This is Eligible to Individual National Consultants only and not firms. MESPT deserves the right to accept or reject proposals submitted.