Concern Worldwide recrute un coordonnatrice du programme de nutrition, Liberia
Salary : €40,003 – €44,449
Based in Country : Liberia
Job Title : Nutrition Programme Coordinator
Contract Type : Unaccompanied Fixed Term International Contract
Benefits : Please see document attached
Closing Date : 22 May 2020
About the role :
This is a 24 month role with unaccompanied terms based in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County with significant time in the field. This is a Grade 4 position with a salary range of €40 003 to €44,449 .
You will report to the Programme Director and will line-manage the Irish Aid funded ANSARM (Accelerating Nutrition, Sustainable Agriculture and Resource Management) Programme Managers, as well as the Manager for two Nutrition pilot projects, and for other potential nutrition programmes. You will work closely with EU-funded Prosperous Agriculture Roadmap To Nutrition, Entrepreneurship and Reinforcing Sustainability (PARTNERS) Programme Coordinator, WASH Coordinator, M&E Manager, Systems Coordinator and with the Ministry of Health, SUN movement, and lead the Nutrition Technical Working Group for the PARTNERS programme.
Your purpose :
To ensure the effective, high-quality implementation of ANSARM, which is an integrated Nutrition and Food Security, Livelihoods, WASH and Gender transformation programme in Grand Bassa and Rivercess Counties, through the effective leadership and management of programme staff to ensure delivery of the outcome level results. To line manage other projects with which have a strong nutrition focus.
To provide technical support to PARTNERS and Liberia WASH Consortium programmes in the fields of Nutrition and Health. The ANSARM Coordinator is a member of the Country Management Team.
The expected level of effort foresees approximately 60% of time for coordination of ANSARM, 20% of pilot and other nutrition projects, and 20% for provision of technical support to PARTNER.
You will be responsible for :
Nutrition Programmes/Project Implementation :
- Coordinate with ANSARM Programme Managers to ensure that the programme is delivered in line with the approved donor proposals and budgets, and that plans are in place to support this, and procedures are followed :
- Activity plans are in place ;
- Procurement plans timely developed and shared with relevant team members ;
- Donor and internal reports are prepared as required
- Cash forecasts for the programme are submitted monthly.
- Be the main budget holder for the ANSARM programme and nutrition pilot projects, and support Programme Managers to ensure proper budget management, reforecasting, and that all expenditure is authorised and spent in accordance with Concern’s internal procedures ;
- Identify activities/opportunities to integrate and mainstream cross-cutting themes and support Programme Managers to implement these: Equality and Gender, HIV and AIDS, and Covid-19 in program planning, implementation and evaluation ;
- Timely identify potential challenges that could entail delays in Programme implementation, and work with Managers and Supervisors to prevent/address them ;
- Ensure regular coordination, communication and collaboration with ANSARM and WASH Coordinators, Gender & Equality Officer, to jointly enhance synergies, anticipate and timely address potential issues, identify areas for improvement.
Health and Nutrition Technical support to PARTNERS, LWC and other programmes as required :
- Provide technical support to the PARTNERS and LWC members, and to Concern’s programmes, to ensure nutrition components of all programmes are delivered to a high standard ;
- Ensure that training manuals, guidance and tools developed for implementing nutrition activities are appropriate and of high quality, and that staff are equipped for delivering quality, participatory trainings
Capacity Building :
- Design, plan and implement a capacity building plan for all nutrition programme staff on key elements of the different components of the Multi-sector program ;
- Contribute to the daily capacity building and strengthening of decision-making capacities of Liberia national staff ;
- Liaise with PARTNERS consortium members to identify capacity building activities that can be delivered for Concern staff by their technical staff, and vice versa
People Management :
- Manage Programme Managers, contributing to their capacity building and career development through technical support and on-the-job training and coaching; ensure the Managers are engaging in the same process with the staff they line-manage ;
- Ensure that all department positions have accurate job descriptions and that each member of the team fully understands which outcomes are expected of them. Assist Programme Managers in developing performance objectives for their teams, and implement the Performance Development and Review cycle; give feedback and take decisive action in the case of poor performance ;
- Support Programme Managers to ensure that work within the team(s) is planned and organised to meet the organisation’s needs in the most cost effective manner possible; ensuring that team members are given appropriate workloads and are working efficiently, and that HR needs are met ;
- Ensure that all department staff are aware of and comply with all of Concern’s policies and procedures.
Programme Design :
- Participate in identifying opportunities, and lead in the development of new proposals and concept notes, ensuring that the logic and proposed activities meet the identified community needs and are in line with Concern Liberia Strategy ;
- Lead on nutrition related research and assessments, in conjunction with the Programme Director, and document and share lessons learnt ;
- Liaise with Concern Technical Advisors at headquarters level in ensuring best practice from Concern global nutrition is brought to bear on nutrition programme development in Liberia with a specific reference to the rural Liberian context.
Monitoring and Evaluation :
- Work with Programme Managers and the M&E team to ensure that the multi-sector programme activities are accurately reflected in the integrated M&E system, identifying appropriate indicators, monitoring systems and staff to support this ;
- Ensure all aspects of the programme activities adhere to programme quality standards and policies (PM&E, accountability/CHS and mainstreaming) in a coherent and integrated manner ;
- Identify and assign programme M&E functions in close coordination with M&E Manager, to ensure timely and accurate data collection ;
- Participate in design and planning of programme surveys, contextual analysis, and research activities to inform programme development.
Representation :
- Liaise with key Liberian nutrition stakeholders at national level ensuring that Concern programme experience contributes to analysis and policy development. Represent Concern at Nutrition related meetings/events ;
- Participate in Concern’s Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) work assisting the team articulate Concern’s particular contribution to SUN in Liberia.
- Lead on technical nutrition liaison, coordination and lesson sharing, and identify areas for collaboration with other agencies implementing nutrition related work in Liberia.
Others :
- Actively participate in collective exercises such as preparation or updates of Preparing for Effective Emergency Response (PEER) plan, Security Management Plan (SMP) and other Concern initiatives ;
- Take active measures to address equality issues, particularly relating to gender, in programme as well as operational (eg HR) activities ;
- Ensure the highest stands of accountability through ensuring good communication and information sharing within and outside the programme and enabling staff, beneficiary and other stakeholder participation at all stages of the project cycle ;
- Be aware of, understand, comply with and actively promote all of Concern’s policies and procedures (P4, finance, logistics, HR, security management etc) ;
- Contribute to ongoing security management and planning as necessary ;
- Actively participate in any emergency response if called upon to do so (within the existing programme area or in a new one) ;
- Undertake other related duties as may reasonably be assigned by the Country Director or the line manager.
Your skills and experience will include :
Essential :
- Masters’ degree in Nutrition/Public Health ;
- At least 5 years’ experience in nutrition field, working internationally in technical and management positions ;
- Strong capacity to lead and develop a team across nutrition projects ;
- Significant experience in Nutrition programme design and a successful track record in proposal development and resource mobilisation ;
- Experience in Project Cycle Management (PCM) for nutrition programmes ;
- Experience in implementing nutrition interventions in development and emergency contexts ;
- Clear presenter with excellent communication skills ;
- Experience in nutrition-related research, including design, implementation and management ;
- Experience in multi-tasking, networking and coordination ;
- Demonstrated experience of managing a team to deliver results ;
- Ability to work under pressure and to strict deadlines ;
- Effective oral and written English language skills as demonstrated by ability to compile donor reports ;
- Experience in Monitoring and Evaluation.
Desirable :
- Masters’ degree in development or relevant Social Sciences ;
- Demonstrated ability to analyse root causes of extreme poverty and design effective programmes to address them ;
- Experience working in West Africa in the field of humanitarian aid / development ;
- Previous experience of working with Concern Worldwide and knowledge of their policies.
We would also like :
- Strong interpersonal, motivational, communication and coordination skills.
- Good team player, flexible and capable of working in a culturally diverse environment
- Excellent coaching, facilitation and capacity-building skills.
- Empathy with Concern’s goals and a commitment to capacity building, accountability, participation and gender equality.
All applications should be submitted through our website at by closing date. CV’s should be no more than 4 pages in length.
Due to the urgency of this position, applications will be short-listed on a regular basis and we may offer posts before the closing date.
Concern Worldwide is an Irish-based non-governmental, international, humanitarian organisation dedicated to the reduction of suffering and working towards the ultimate elimination of extreme poverty in the world’s poorest countries.