Chemonics recrute un(e) Consultant(e) francophone en financement de la santé à Antananarivo, Madagascar.
Chemonics seeks a Francophone Health Financing Consultant for the ongoing USAID Frontier Health Markets Engage project in Madagascar. Building on over 30 years of USAID investment, FHM Engage focuses on strengthening local health markets by addressing the root causes of market failures in the core market functions to create the necessary behavior change that catalyzes supply and demand and supports sustainable change. In its 2021 work plan, one of the project’s objectives is to ensure that consumer markets stimulate demand and improve access to family planning (FP), maternal and child health (MCH) and other services for hard-to-reach including young people, to FP, MCH and nutrition services. nutrition services. In order to achieve this objective, the project calls on the services of a consultant to develop a health financing model to facilitate access to integrated FP, MCH and nutrition services to young people and suburban and « landlocked » populations through private health providers. This position will be based in Antananarivo, Madagascar. We are looking for individuals who have a passion for making a difference in the lives of people around the world.
Responsibilities include:
- Undertake a complementary documentary study to inventory and conduct a SWOT analysis all existing and past experiences of free and prepaid health care in Madagascar (FANOME – Funds for Equity in Coverage) or the provision of certain health benefits, services or programs, including tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, malaria, extended vaccination program, voucher and e-voucher, individual birth kit (KIA), Cesarean operation kit (Kit OC), national solidarity fund for health, mutuelles, insurance) that propose a model for a health financing mechanism. This should include a quantitative indication of the costs associated with these mechanisms, including potential costs to consumers and private sector players.
- Design a health financing program that supports both supply-side and demand-side initiatives for integrated FP, MCH and nutrition services in urban/peri-urban areas through practices, medical centers, pharmacies and distributors, and possibly community health workers (CHWs). The design should also include an indication of funding requirements for program set-up and implementation.
- Develop a partnership model to implement, manage and sustain the health financing model.
- Develop an action plan to pilot the health financing model in one or more selected regions.
- Degree in either :
- Health economics, medicine, public health, or similar field with a minimum of Bacc+5;
- Management/economics/finance with a minimum of Bacc+5 with specialization in health financing;
- At least 10 years’ experience in the health sector, in the development of financing or in the field of sustainable development;
- Excellent knowledge of health financing mechanisms;
- Understanding of the FP, MCH and nutrition market in Madagascar;
- Ability to analyze and design sustainable market solutions;
- Proven experience in the field of « Youth » or having conducted similar would be an asset;
- Good communication and writing skills in French;
- Ability to work in English;
- Demonstrated leadership, versatility and integrity.
How to apply
Please send an email with your CV, cover letter, and a methodological note describing the overall work approach, a detailed timetable, and daily rate attached and “Health Financing Consultant” in the subject line to [email protected] by July 30, 2023. No telephone inquiries, please. Chemonics will contact finalists.