Le FAO recherche un Spécialiste international du système d’identification et de traçabilité des animaux, Maurice
One of the major constraints in the Mauritian livestock sector is the present lack of traceability of animals and animal products. At present, tagging is being used to identify animals but this system is not backed by an efficient record-keeping system that would enable authorities to follow-up. Moreover, tags are regularly lost or tampered with, leading to considerable confusion in the administration of animal identification. The Republic of Mauritius is therefore seeking to set up a National Livestock Information System (NLIS) to address the problem of animal identification. In 2019, short-term technical support was obtained from the FAO which enabled the country to define the traceability system for cattle, goat and sheep. A traceability system was set up utilizing microchips as the main method of identification. The microchipping of the cattle herd is more or less complete for the island of Mauritius.
Building on the achievements in the island of Mauritius and on reports of previous consultants, it is necessary to extend the system (a) to the island of Rodrigues and (b) to other species such as pigs, poultry, bees and deer. Rodrigues is a dependency of the Republic of Mauritius that has a sizeable livestock population (10000 cattle, 29000 goats and sheep, 16000 pigs, 2790 beehives and 200000 chicken).
A consultant is recruited for undertaking a study of the current livestock production systems with a view to propose a practical identification method and traceability system for Mauritius and Rodrigues. The method/system proposed should:
- Effectively identify and enable trace-back of livestock and products of animal origin to the farm from which it was sourced (including where an animal is exported to Mauritius)
- Be simple and cost-effective to administer.
- Integrate with an information system to be developed at a later stage.
- Integrate with the traceability system in Mauritius.
The consultant shall also effect an assessment of the institutional setups in both Mauritius and Rodrigues with a view to determine:
- Human resource requirements for the administration of the traceability system in Mauritius and Rodrigues
- Desirable reporting structures in Mauritius and Rodrigues and between the islands for the efficient administration of the traceability system
- Appropriate procedures for registration of farms, animal identification and other events in the administration of the traceability system
- Train users once the animal identification and traceability system and the databases associated with it are approved and set-up
Reporting Lines:
The International Expert on Animal Identification and Traceability will work under the direct managerial and administrative leadership of the FAO Representative in Madagascar as the Budget Holder, the technical supervision of the Lead Technical Officer (LTO) and in close collaboration with the national team and the developer of the database.
Technical Focus:
Animal Identification and traceability System (AITS)
Database for the management of AITS
Institutional Framework for AITS
Tasks and responsibilities
The consultant is expected to:
- Meet stakeholders in the livestock sector and make a detailed analysis of the production systems in Mauritius and Rodrigues.
- Based on past reports and own findings, submit a report detailing the traceability system in Mauritius and Rodrigues for all concerned species;
- Submit a report on the desirable institutional setups in Mauritius and Rodrigues including the elaboration of appropriate procedures for the administration of the traceability system. Procedures shall be in such format as to be useful to an information technology specialist for the development of appropriate software at a subsequent stage.
- Conduct a validation workshop with all relevant stakeholders.
- Support the database developer with technical inputs on AITS
- Together with the database developer, organize and conduct training on technical use and operations of the NLIS
Minimum Requirements
- University degree in Agriculture or Veterinary Science or Animal Production or any related field
- Seven years of experience in enforcement of legislations and knowledge of requirements thereof.
- Working knowledge of English and limited knowledge of one of the other FAO languages (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish). Working knowledge of English will be sufficient for PSA.SBS.
FAO Core Competencies
- Results Focus
- Teamwork
- Communication
- Building Effective Relationships
- Knowledge Sharing and Continuous Improvement
Technical/Functional Skills
- Strong administrative and organisational skills,
- Computer literacy
- Good English technical report writing skills.
- Ability to provide team leadership and motivation
- Ability to work independently, with minimum supervision
- Knowledge and proven experience in procedures for the administration of the traceability system, analysis of the production systems
- Knowledge and proven experience of the process for animal identification
- FAO does not charge any fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview, processing)
- Please note that FAO will only consider academic credentials or degrees obtained from an educational institution recognized in the IAU/UNESCO list
- Please note that FAO only considers higher educational qualifications obtained from an institution accredited/recognized in the World Higher Education Database (WHED), a list updated by the International Association of Universities (IAU) / United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The list can be accessed at http://www.whed.net/
- For more information, visit the FAO employment website
- Appointment will be subject to certification that the candidate is medically fit for appointment, accreditation, any residency or visa requirements, and security clearances. Subject to certain exemptions, vaccination against COVID-19 will in principle be required. Vaccination status will be verified as part of the medical clearance process.
• To apply, visit the recruitment website at Jobs at FAO and complete your online profile. We strongly recommend that your profile is accurate, complete and includes your employment records, academic qualifications, and language skills
• Candidates are requested to attach a letter of motivation to the online profile
• Once your profile is completed, please apply, and submit your application
• Candidates may be requested to provide performance assessments and authorization to conduct verification checks of past and present work, character, education, military and police records to ascertain any and all information which may be pertinent to the employment qualifications
• Incomplete applications will not be considered
• Personal information provided on your application may be shared within FAO and with other companies acting on FAO’s behalf to provide employment support services such as pre-screening of applications, assessment tests, background checks and other related services. You will be asked to provide your consent before submitting your application. You may withdraw consent at any time, by withdrawing your application, in such case FAO will no longer be able to consider your application
• Only applications received through the FAO recruitment portal will be considered
• Your application will be screened based on the information provided in your online profile
• We encourage applicants to submit the application well before the deadline date.
DATE LIMITE : 01/04/2022.