Appel d’offres : Conseil pour la production de courtes vidéos animées et éducatives par Finn Church Aid Mozambique.





1. Context

The project « Inter-religious Dialogue for Peace and Social Cohesion in Mozambique (ID-PEACE) » seeks to reduce inter- and intra- communal tensions and related religious freedom abuses by strengthening social cohesion and religious tolerance in Mozambique.

The intervention has defined two objectives: (1) Enhanced dialogue and mediation processes for social cohesion and constructive tolerance between diverse religious, ethnic and other groups; and (2) Strengthened enabling environment for freedom of religion and belief (FORB) and advocacy for peace, tolerance and redressal of grievances.

As part of the project, community members in target districts have received training on religious tolerance, conflict mediation, and inter- and intra-religious dialogue. The MASC Foundation and the Network of Religious and Traditional Peacemakers (NRTP), represented by Finn Church Aid (FCA), intend to produce short (3 – 5 minutes) animated videos based on the training guides for mobilization and participation of the communities. Therefore, the NRTP intends to hire an independent consultant/company with the following

2. Objectives

The main objective of this consultancy is to produce 6 short (3-5 minutes) animated videos that explore themes related to prevention, mediation, and management of conflicts at community level in Northern Mozambique (including a focus on inter- and intra-religious dialogue). The videos will be shared on social media and be used in trainings of community members on conflict sensitivity and mediation.

More specifically, the videos should portray realistic scenarios related to conflict prevention, mediation, and management corresponding to the reality at the community level. The themes that the videos will explore are the following:

  • Religious pluralism: concept; rights guaranteed by the State; Mozambican population by religious affiliation; ideals and basic teachings of each religious group that contribute to tolerance and reconciliation between religions
  • Conflict: revision of the concept, typology, visible and hidden causes, levels, positive and negative aspects;
  • Conflict parties and power dynamics: parties of the conflict and their identities, needs, interests and positioning; influencing elements of the conflict including power, prejudices and intolerance, emerging and extreme forms of violence;
  • Conflict escalation dynamics: Conflict evolution spiral, Early Warning Systems, different forms of post-conflict resolution and management;
  • Peacebuilding process: conflict management cycle/concept and levels- political, economic and social construction of peace; framing of peacebuilding through interreligious dialogue, role of needs and human rights in peacebuilding;
  • Interreligious Dialogue: concept, objectives of dialogue, difference with debate, facilitation of dialogue: principles, key guidelines and process of facilitating dialogue

The type of video that is intended is a 2D animation with realistic ambient sounds. The videos should combine scenes where the animated characters are explaining/talking about the topic, and scenes that demonstrate examples of situations that occur in communities.

While the 6 videos will explore similar themes around prevention, mediation, and management of conflict, the stories presented in each video must be independent.

The content of the videos will need to be available in three versions of the Emakhua language (from Cabo Delgado, Niassa and Nampula). All videos will include sign language translation (in the corner of the video)

How to apply

Please visit our website for the full ToR, including information on eligibility requirements and how to apply.

Closing date :