Consultance : OMS recrute un.e Consultant pour soutenir le partage des connaissances sur le vieillissement en bonne santé dans le Pacifique occidental, WPRO/DHP à Manila, Philippines.









The incumbent will support the implementation of the Regional Action Plan on Healthy Ageing in the Western Pacific, by focusing on knowledge sharing among Member States for better policy making and programme designing, recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The incumbent will support the implementation of the Regional Action Plan on Healthy Ageing in the Western Pacific, by focusing on knowledge sharing among Member States for better policy making and programme designing, recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic.


Over 240 million older adults (aged 65 and above) currently reside in the Western Pacific Region (WPR). By 2050, this number is projected to double due to the region’s accelerated population aging. To tackle this issue, the WHO-WPR Member States adopted the Regional Action Plan (RAP) on Healthy Ageing in 2020. The plan adopts a comprehensive, lifelong approach that prioritizes equity and utilizes existing resources. Its goal is to have « healthier older adults in the Western Pacific Region thriving and contributing in society ». The RAP encompasses five objectives: promoting social engagement, supporting healthy aging, conducting research, monitoring, and evaluation. It emphasizes early preparedness for countries with a low percentage of older adults and a multi-sectoral approach for those with a high percentage. The plan provides actionable recommendations for each objective.

Previous outbreaks like H1N1 influenza, SARS, and MERS have shown that older individuals are particularly susceptible to new infectious diseases. The COVID-19 pandemic has further underscored this vulnerability, with older adults experiencing worse outcomes and higher fatality rates compared to younger age groups. In Australia, Japan, and the Republic of Korea, the case fatality rate for individuals over 80 years old exceeds 4.4%, while it is less than 0.2% for those under 80 [1,2,3]. The COVID-19 pandemic has also brought to light the importance of knowledge sharing among Member States.

As we prepare for the post-COVID-19 pandemic « new normal », it is crucial that different sectors work together to improve the health and livelihoods of older people. For prioritizing the health and wellbeing of older adults, we need knowledge sharing among young, ageing, aged and super-aged societies. We can build more resilient and sustainable communities through introducing context specific policies and programmes.

The Healthy Ageing unit (AGE) at WHO-WPR Office is hiring a consultant to support designing knowledge sharing platforms and preparatory work pre-knowledge sharing events. The selected consultant will work closely with WHO regional office, country office focal points and external partners.

3. PLANNED TIMELINES (subject to confirmation)
Start date: 7 August 2023
End date: 3 June 2024
Note: 2 days per week for 42 weeks


The consultant is assigned to:

Output 1: Support the AGE with designing knowledge sharing platforms for healthy ageing/age-friendly environment/ageism/life-course approach, etc.

  • Deliverable 1.1 – Assist in drafting background information (as part of pre-meeting/conference/workshop/forum preparation) including literature review, study proposals/concept notes;
  • Deliverable 1.2 – Create presentations/reports for different knowledge sharing events organized by AGE – infographics, presentation slides, summaries, etc.;
  • Deliverable 1.3 – Assist regional office and country offices’ focal points in organizing knowledge sharing events/platforms – including identifying experts, drafting agenda, preparation of visual aid (e.g. infographics, videos, slides), drafting meeting reports etc.;
  • Deliverable 1.4 – Produce written communication materials to share research findings, latest evidence and WHO guidance with Healthy Ageing WHO country office focal points, external partners, and general public, and for publication in peer-review journals.

Output 2: Support the Healthy Ageing unit with providing technical guidance to Member States

  • Deliverable 2.1 – Write technical guidance, under AGE’s supervision, to support Member States in introducing new policies/strategies for building a more resilient, age-friendly community
  • Deliverable 2.2 – Visit Member States, based on the requests, to write situational analysis, present (knowledge sharing) on healthy ageing topics, i.e. relevant case studies from other Member States, and drafted context appropriate recommendations.


Essential: First university degree in public health, medicine, nursing or social sciences.
Desirable: Advanced university degree (Master’s / PhD) in public health, medicine, nursing or social sciences.

Essential: At least 3 years of work experience in public health and/or academic research in healthy ageing.
Desirable: International experience within WHO or other UN Organizations at multiple geographical locations; demonstrated experience in evidence generation and knowledge sharing for public health (e.g. academic articles, presentation at international conferences, field projects); experience in producing technical reports, frameworks, action plans at WHO or other UN organizations; led and conducted quantitative and/or qualitative research studies and published at least three academic article in peer-reviewed journals as a first author; experience in editing academic publication.

More details

Closing date : May 29, 2023, 11:59:00 PM