J-PAL recherche un stagiaire en recherche, LSE / Harvard, République démocratique du Congo




Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Education: Bachelor’s/ Master’s
Start Date (Earliest): 
Language Requirement: French
Length of Commitment:  One year


We are looking for qualified applications for the position of Research Intern to work on research projects in development economics and political economy in Kananga, Democratic Republic of Congo. This is an opportunity to gain field research experience in development economics and political economy, including experience managing large-scale randomized controlled trials. You will also acquire management and analytical skills in this role. The position will require significant commitment and long hours in a poor, remote setting. This 12-month position will be based in Kananga, DRC. You will chiefly report to Jonathan Weigel (Assistant Professor of International Development, LSE). You will also interface with Nathan Nunn (Professor of Economics, Harvard), James Robinson (University Professor, University of Chicago), Sara Lowes (Assistant Professor of Economics, University of California San Diego), Augustin Bergeron (Postdoctoral Researcher, Stanford University), Gabriel Tourek (Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Pittsburgh), and other collaborators.


Project description:

The Research Intern will work on several ongoing research projects, including but not limited to the following topics: (i) the effects of access to cities – via social networks and markets – on individuals’ economic behaviors and beliefs; (ii) the effects of progressive taxation on compliance, revenues, and the social contract; and (iii) the interaction between legal and fiscal capacity in weak state settings.

Responsibilities of the Research Intern:

  • Managing a team of enumerators, including trainings (in French)
  • Preparing and managing survey instruments and other project materials
  • Cleaning and managing project data with Stata
  • Working closely with local implementation partners in the government and civil society
  • Managing the finances of the research site


  • Bachelor’s degree in economics or a related field
  • Good quantitative skills and experience with Stata
  • Excellent management and organizational skills
  • Outstanding interpersonal and communication skills
  • Fluency in French required (native speaker or advanced fluency)
  • Being detail oriented and able to work independently
  • Familiarity with randomized evaluations and econometric methods preferred
  • Experience living in a developing country preferred

How to Apply

Send a CV and cover letter in both English and French to Arthur Laroche at [email protected] using the subject “Research Intern – LSE/Harvard RDC”.