La Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) lance un avis d’appel à manifestation d’intérêt pour le recrutement d’un Consultant en maintenance d’équipements motorisés et en gestion d’ateliers mécaniques, Rwanda



The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is a private, non-profit organization in the United States founded in 1895. Its mission is to preserve wildlife by understanding critical issues, developing science-based solutions, and taking conservation actions that benefit nature and humanity.

WCS has a large fleet of vehicles and other motorized equipment and has established mechanical workshops at several sites throughout the region. WCS wishes to set up a coherent, efficient and secure system for the management of these workshops as well as the development of the capacity of the staff operating there. In addition, there is a need on some sites to diagnose several vehicles and decide on their future.

We are therefore looking for a qualified, experienced, and structured consultant to carry out this activity.

Interested candidates, should request the submission package from [email protected], cc:[email protected] and [email protected] with the subject line: « Consultant for maintenance and mechanical workshop.

Deadline to request the submission package: 30th December 2024

Deadline to submit you offer: 8th January 2025”