Recruitment of National/Local Legal Consultant to support drafting of the National Regulation on the Marketing of Breastmilk substitute – (2002338)  – Sierra Leone-Freetown

Grade: No grade

Contractual Arrangement: Special Services Agreement (SSA)

Contract duration: 3 months


Job Posting : Jun 1, 2020, 1:10:31 PM

Closing Date : Jun 21, 2020, 10:59:00 PM

Primary Location : Sierra Leone-Freetown

Organization : AF_SLE Sierra Leone

Schedule : Full-time

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that the deadline for receipt of applications indicated above reflects your personal device’s system settings…


National/Local Legal Consultant to support drafting of the National Regulation on the Marketing of Breastmilk substitute

Contract Type

Special Service Agreement (SSA)




To support the Ministry of Health and Sanitation’s (MoHS) draft a National Regulation on the marketing of breastmilk substitute a consultant will be recruited by the World Health Organization (WHO):

  • To support the Directorate of Food and Nutrition, MoHS, the National Committee on the Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitute and its partners adapt the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitute to national context
  • To draft the national regulation on the marketing of breastmilk substitute


Poor infant feeding practices including the use (and overuse) of breast milk substitutes or Powder Infant Formula (PIF) is one of the biggest challenges affecting nutritional well-being in infants and young children. The artificial feeding of infants with breast milk substitutes is associated with a number of health risks and challenges which severely impact their lives and well-being

One of the biggest barriers to optimal breastfeeding is the false claims made by manufacturers and distributors that these products provide equal or similar levels of nutrients as breast milk to infants and young children. The claims that infant formulae are equal or similar to breast milk have been scientifically proven to be false.  The use of print and electronic media advertising campaigns, billboards, and posters depicting chubby, healthy, radiant infants and young children purportedly as a result of the use of infant formulae, has been particularly devastating where women, including poor and/or illiterate, as well as middle-class and high-income earners gullibly believe the marketing campaigns and spend their resources seeking out these products rather than using their superior breast milk to feed their infants. Despite the progress made to improve infant and young child feeding practices, the recent survey revealed 52.4 percent of infants were exclusively breastfed up to 6 months of life and 18 percent are infants are fed using a bottle with nipple, a practice that is discouraged because of the risks of illness to the child.  This practice is against the International Code of marketing of Breastmilk Substitute

According to the 2018 status report, Sierra Leone is among five countries in West Africa (Guinea, Liberia, Mauritania, and Togo) that have no legal measures on the Code of marketing of breast milk Substitute (CMBMS).  Sierra Leone has a functional National Committee on the Code of marketing of Breastmilk Substitute. This committee has been working tirelessly to ensure that Sierra Leone adapt the international Code of marketing of Breastmilk Substitute and develop a national regulation/legislation.

On 8th January 2020, the Sierra Leone Cabinet granted approval for the  drafting of the National  regulation on the marketing of breastmilk substitute. The Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes aims to contribute « to the provision of safe and adequate nutrition for infants, by the protection and promotion of breastfeeding, and by ensuring the proper use of breast-milk substitutes, when these are necessary, on the basis of adequate information and through appropriate marketing and distribution. »

To speed up the drafting process, the National Code Committee has developed an action plan to be implemented in the first half of 2020 and the key outcome is to have the draft national regulation tabled at Parliament in June 2020.


Work in close collaboration with the International consultant and National Code Drafting Committee to:

  • Ensure that the technical content, global standards and recommendations including country context are taken into consideration in the drafting of the regulations
  • Provide regulatory support and legal advice relating to the drafting of the national regulation and ensuring that the legal terminologies are well articulated according to the Sierra Leone standard/context.
  • Ensure timelines are adhered to and first draft of the national regulation is made available for review by mid-August 2020
  • Serve as a link between the drafting team and the National Code Committee by feeding in their views and communicating progress in a timely manner especially during the monthly meetings
  • Support stakeholder consultations by clearly explaining the content of the national regulation/legislation and legal implications
  • Seek guidance from Parliament on the procedures involved for presentation of the draft regulation to parliament


Deliverable 1: Draft national regulation/legislation for the attention of Parliament

Deliverable 2: Final version/ gazette version of the national regulation/legislation on the marketing of breastmilk substitute

Deliverable 3: Monthly status /progress report

Deliverable 4: Written end of contract report

Technical supervision

 Under the overall guidance of the WHO Representative to the Sierra Leone Country Office and direct supervision of the WHO Basic Package of Essential Services Coordinator, the   incumbent will work closely with the Directorate of Food and Nutrition and National Code Committee to:

  1. Align the content of the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitute and Model law where necessary.
  2. Draft and finalize the national regulation on the marketing of breastmilk substitute.
  3. Submit a written report on the assignment



Essential: University degree in Law


  • A Legal background, Specialization in drafting/development of policies/Bills.
  • A Master’s degree in Law is an added advantage

WHO only considers higher educational qualifications obtained from an accredited institution. The list can be accessed through this link:



  • At least 5 years’ of experience in working on legal documents that require concurrence by Parliament


  • At least 5 years’ experience in development or drafting of legislations and or regulations
  • Demonstrated experience in the design and content of Legal documents


Functional Skills



Excellent coordination skills with counterparts and partners

Report writing skills


capacity building of stakeholders on the content of the regulation



Respecting and promoting individual and cultural differences


Building and promoting partnerships across the organization and beyond

Moving forward in a changing environment

Use of Language Skills

Essential:  Excellent knowledge of English language. A good knowledge of local language(s) including creole would be an advantage

Other Skills:

  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office



NOC Level (SLL26, 412,250 Monthly rate)

Place of Assignment

Freetown, Sierra Leone


Apply here