Concern Worldwide recrute un coordinateur consortium MEAL, N’Djaména, Tchad
Description :
This is a 30 month (negotiable) role with unaccompanied terms based in N’Djamena. It is at grade 4 and has a salary range €40,003 – €44,449 per annual plus benefits.
Job Purpose :
Concern Worldwide is the Consortium Lead for a 4-year programme DIZA-Est “Programme de Développement Inclusif des Zones d’Accueil au Tchad dans l’Est du Chad”. Grounded in the triple nexus, its overall objective is to improve the living conditions and the resilience of the local population in areas of high concentrations of refugees and returnees in three provinces in Eastern Chad (Ouaddai, Sila, Salamat).
The Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning Coordinator (MEAL Coordinator) is responsible for ensuring high quality programme planning, monitoring, evaluation and learning across the DIZA programme in the Provinces, working in close collaboration with program managers, M&E managers, research partners and the Consortium Coordinator.
Under the responsibility of the DIZA Consortium Coordinator, the MEAL Coordinator will work closely with the other M&E focal points and DIZA staff of consortium partners to ensure effective M&E and quality in the DIZA Programme. While you will be based in N’Djamena, your role involves travel to the three programme provinces.
Main Duties & Responsibilities :
Monitoring and Evaluation :
- In collaboration with the Consortium Coordinator, design, implement and oversee an M&E system that provides appropriate measures of programme progress against agreed objectives ;
- Oversee the design and lead on the implementation of baseline, midline, and endline surveys for ;
- DIZA and provide support to the Program Managers in reviewing data and how it relates to program activities ;
- Ensure that Concern has robust tracking systems to provide relevant data for donor requirements and for internal learning ;
- Support the implementation of technical surveys working with the relevant Consortium members to ensure good practice in data collection, that staff and agents involved have a good understanding of their roles, and that the data analysis is timely and meaningful ;
- Support the Program Managers in designing harmonized data collection tools by ensuring that these tools meet the requirements of donors ;
- Ensure all aspects of the programme activities adhere to programme quality standards and policies (PM&E, accountability and mainstreaming of gender and protection) in a coherent and integrated manner ;
- Lead the M&E technical committees with the Consortium members ;
- Take the lead on internal evaluations and be the focal point for external evaluations ;
- Provide support to the programme in expanding the use of digital data collection and guidance on the use of DDG (Digital Data Gathering) devices for data collection activities where relevant ;
- Coordinate with the MEAL Coordinator for DIZA-Sud, the programme is the equivalent of DIZA-Est but in the South of Chad and with different organisations ;
- In collaboration with the Consortium Coordinator, prepare detailed and clear documents presenting programme data that can be communicated to external stakeholders ;
- Review and compile consortium reports.
Research :
- Be the focal point for research partnerships related to DIZA. In particular, provide technical advice and take part in conducting research for DIZA and support surveys for planned pieces of research. Work in collaboration with the consortium members, particularly on aspects pertaining to equality and empowerment of vulnerable groups ;
- Provide support through operational research that supports the conduct of surveys and focus groups as well as other data collection operations.
Accountability :
- Ensuring the highest accountability standards through communication and information sharing within and outside the program. Ensure the participation of staff, beneficiaries and other stakeholders at all stages of the project cycle ;
- Support internal and external reporting by ensuring that the consortium is aligned with the highest standards of compliance with donor requirements ;
- In line with Consortium Commitments under the Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS), work closely with Consortium Members to support them and actively encourage community participation during design and implementation of the Complaints Response Mechanism to ensure accountability across the programme ;
- Adhere to the standards outlined in the Code of Conduct (CoC) with Associated Policies; the Programme Participant Protection Policy (P4), the Child Safeguarding Policy and the Anti-Trafficking Policy and ensure these policies are promoted to teams, partner organizations and beneficiaries.
Learning and Knowledge Management :
- Implement a Results Based Management System of DIZA by ensuring that the data from the programme’s periodic reviews are translated into documented learning that leads to adaptations where necessary and contributes to institutional knowledge ;
- Produce publication-quality documents based on DIZA’s programmatic learning that can be shared with the humanitarian community ;
- Assist the Country Management Team in developing specific papers and reports related to DIZA as needed ;
- Provide support to the Program Managers in the management of the program and supporting files (hard copy and digital). Provide guidance and support to all staff regarding file storage protocol and archiving both digital, paper and server usage.
Capacity Building :
- Ensure needs-based training on M&E tools is provided for Consortium members so teams can implement their M&E plan effectively. Expose staff to a range of M&E methodologies for the collection of both qualitative and quantitative data ;
- Ensure that knowledge of approaches filters down to front line staff and partners ;
- Work with programme management to support them in applying lessons learnt, follow up on progress and provide continual support ;
- Ensure consortium members have fundamental PM&E knowledge, skills, attitudes and practices.
Expériences / Formation :
Essential :
Education, Qualifications & Experience Required :
- Master’s degree in Development or Humanitarian Studies or in a similar field ;
- A minimum of 3 years’ overseas experience in monitoring and evaluation activities for donor-funded initiatives, emphasis on impact and theories of change experience ;
- Strong analytical skills and understanding of all aspects of quality programming ;
- Demonstrated experience of developing and managing different project cycle M&E steps and processes (M&E plans, logical frameworks, base and end-line surveys, mid-term and final evaluations, etc.) ;
- Demonstrated experience in applying quantitative and qualitative methodologies ;
- Ability to translate M&E concepts into practical methods and tools for teams in the field ;
- Excellent communication skills (written and spoken) and significant experience in reporting to institutional donors in both French and English ;
- Proven Experience of managing coordination mechanisms with multiple stakeholders, preferably within a consortium structure ;
- Strong interpersonal skills and ability to work under pressure ;
- Knowledge of Digital Data Gathering (DDG).
Desirable :
Special Skills, Aptitude or Personality Requirements :
- Ability to build productive working relationships with multicultural and multidisciplinary teams ;
- Ability to organize and prioritize workload ;
- Initiative and creativity, both individually and working in team ;
- Positive attitude of can-do, solution-oriented ;
- Excellent writing and proofreading skills ;
- Ability to cope with stress and to work under pressure to strict deadlines ;
- Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office.
Salaire :
Voir le descriptif de poste.
Comment postuler :
All applications should be submitted through our website at by closing date. CV’s should be no more than 4 pages in length.
Les candidatures en francais sont les bienvenues.
Due to the urgency of this position, applications will be short listed on a regular basis and we may offer posts before the closing date.