L’ONG Conformité avec les droits mondiaux recrute un(e) Juriste/enquêteur en matière de compétence universelle en Ukraine.






  • Scoping exercise to determine jurisdictions appropriate for Ukraine-related universal-jurisdiction cases;
  • Work with Ukraine’s Office of the Prosecutor General to identify optimal UJ cases;
  • Liaise with national prosecutors in strategic jurisdictions in order to prepare to pursue « strategic litigation for accountability purposes » outside of Ukraine;
  • Develop three trial-ready UJ dossiers against perpetrators or structural investigations for filing in identified jurisdictions;
  • Submit UJ requests to authorities in jurisdictions in Europe and at least one additional jurisdiction that adds strategic value to the wider accountability picture;
  • Help develop strategic communication and media initiatives for filed cases and beyond, including the development of interactive and storytelling media;
  • Utilize specific cases (from inception to national prosecutions) as living examples of UJ processes in order to build the capacity of organizations, including OPG, CSOs, and survivors, to document and authenticate evidence of atrocities and engage in strategic litigation.



  • At least eight years of litigation experience;
  • Excellent skills as a case builder/legal analyst;
  • Knowledge of UJ processes;
  • Outstanding written and verbal communication skills in English;
  • Excellent organizational and communication skills; ability to work independently in a fast-paced, detail-oriented environment and efficiently organize the workflow of a diverse team.


  • Knowledge/experience of/with international criminal/humanitarian law (ICL/IHL);
  • Experience with non-for-profit (NGO) or human rights organizations;
  • Broad network among international media;
  • Entrepreneurial spirit, in order to propose/initiate new activity vectors in pursuit of GRC’s overarching goal of atrocity-crimes accountability.

 Close on 31 August 2023

Application process