- Background
The Government of Zambia, the African Development Bank (the Bank), acknowledge the centrality of gender equality and the empowerment of women to national development. This is reflected in national and international commitments to achieve gender equality goals, as outlined in national socio-economic policies including the National Gender Policy, the 7th National Development Plan, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), CEDAW and Beijing Platform for Action (BPFA). Whilst gender cuts across the various policies and national development plans of the country, it was observed that there is limited tracking and accountability for gender results across sectors. This is because the Ministry of Gender and Development who has the responsibility to coordinate gender mainstreaming efforts across all sectors, has a limited budget and staffing complement to carry out this role effectively. In this regard, the government, with the support of the AfDB, plans to produce a country gender equality profile (the Profile). The production of the Profile provides an opportunity to increase national knowledge on progress and gaps in achieving gender equality, strengthening monitoring systems, and providing evidence to inform strategic policy priorities and upscale gender equitable programming to advance the development agenda going forward.
The first stage of the assignment will involve production of an Issues Paper (20 pages maximum), which will survey existing gender analyses, country reports, and identify recently released gender disaggregated data. The Issues Paper will set the baseline and reference point for the Country Gender Equality Profile, which will focus on the country’s priority development sectors. It will provide updated information particularly about offering an overview of existing projects and programs addressing gender inequalities and inequities, the differential effects of COVID-19 on women and men, identifying major donors and their priorities, as well as major gaps in funding and project/program coverage. It will therefore have a practical approach, which is focused on what has been done already, what needs to be done, and what has been the encouraging developments/approaches, which are worth replicating. The issues paper shall inform the design and shape the focus of a more comprehensive sectoral gender analysis which will result in a national gender equality profile. The envisaged comprehensive gender analysis of the situation (and gender roles) of women and men in the selected sectors: in their socio-economic position, needs, participation rates, access to resources, control of assets, decision making, individual freedoms and human right conditions will be used to guide the development of strategies, policies and interventions.
The process shall be supported by an Advisory Group acting as technical backstopping, comprising a broad range of stakeholders, including representatives from government (inclusive of ZAMSTATS), AfDB, UNCT/UNDP, civil society, private sector, media, and academia.
Government shall use the profile to inform ongoing law & policy engagements, supporting decisions and priorities to respond to the current socio-economic context, monitoring achievements and national development planning, upscaling and expanding of existing programmes and development of new initiatives. The profile shall also serve as a reference point and guidance to development partners, civil society and the private sector. Overall, the profile will assist in accelerating and institutionalising mainstreaming of gender and women empowerment concerns across all sectors and levels, for maximum impact in achieving gender equality and poverty reduction. It shall serve also as a reference for setting a forward-looking gender equality agenda in line with national, regional, and international norms and standard.
- Objectives
The objective of this assignment is to undertake a comprehensive multi sectoral gender analysis in Zambia, culminating into a Country Gender Equality Profile. Specifically, the key objectives are:
- To undertake a review of existing gender analyses, policies and programmes identifying available information and gaps, and producing an issues paper
- To identify key gender inequalities that constrain inclusive growth, assess the prevailing macro and sectoral policies and legal frameworks that impact on gender equality and women empowerment, and recommend key areas for strategic actions.
- To examine the socio-economic impacts of the COVID 19 on women and men, with a specific analysis on how the multiple forms of discrimination experienced by women impact exacerbates the impact of the pandemic on their lives
- To examine the institutional and human resources capacity for advancing gender equality and empowerment of women.
- To provide concrete recommendations regarding existing gender gaps and inequalities and for accelerating the advancement of gender equality and the social and economic empowerment of women and their equal participation in decision-making.
- To identify key sector priorities for Zambia’s national development plan including but not limited for example to infrastructure development (with focus on energy, transport, and water and sanitation), agribusiness, employment, and human capital development; and
- To reference regional and international normative frameworks in undertaking the gender analysis, and global development blueprints such as the Sustainable Development Goals, SDG5
- Description of the main tasks to be undertaken by the consultant
The Zambia National Gender Equality Profile should combine description, qualitative analysis and statistical data in a manner that is useful for the planning, programming and preparation of projects that are gender responsive. The specific assignment of the consultant will cover the followings:
- Examine the socio-cultural, economic, political and legal factors that hinder the efforts of gender equality in Zambia;
- Assess the institutional capacity of sectoral ministries and other stakeholders to promote gender, equity, equality, and the empowerment of women in Zambia, where strategic institutional support and capacity building shall be provided by partners, including the UN and AfDB.
- Analyse the specific constraints to gender sensitive financial inclusion: enabling environment for all entrepreneurs, their access to credit and financial services, etc.
- Evaluate sectoral policies and strategies from a gender perspective and identify good practices and shortcomings.
- Collect secondary data regarding gender issues by sector, for infrastructure, private sector, industrialization, agriculture, water, health, education, energy, science and technology.
- Update major needs and concerns with regard to the closing of gender gaps in Zambia and identify the coverage of these by other development partners, the UN, the Bank, and other development partners, gaps which they could address, where impact can be made and opportunities for programmes identified.
- In the context of the COVID 19 pandemic:
Assess the socio-economic impacts of the COVID 19 on women and men, particularly in the productive sectors, informal sector, access to social services, employment and gender-based violence; Evaluate the COVID 19 rapid response teams, in particular the number of female health personnel trained;
- Evaluate the gender responsiveness of the communication and awareness strategy to respond to COVID 19;
- Recommend actions to respond to the impacts of COVID 19, taking into account gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls
- Make recommendations to advance gender equality and the empowerment of women in the financial, economic, and social sectors, and participation in decision-making processes; and
- Conduct a field mission with the technical team and facilitate a half a day national workshop on the preliminary results and findings of the study.
The consultant will report to the AfDB teams which is composed of the AfDB Principal Statistician-Economist on gender, the Principal Country Economist, Senior Fragility Officer, and the Chief Gender Officer.
- Methodology.
The methodology to be adopted in carrying out this exercise combines desk review, focus group discussions, meetings, interviews as well as a consultative workshop. More specifically, to deliver on the expected output, the consultant, with backstop from the Technical Team, shall:
- Meet with the relevant ministries and consult on the proposed methodology and content of thestudy. Conduct necessary desktop research for the Country Gender Equality Profile. This should involve collection of and review of available literature from stakeholder reports, strategic frameworks, legislation, policies, academic literature, statistical information, UN documents, CEDAW reports, and other relevant organizations and government documentations on the subject matter Collect and review gender disaggregated statistical data and gender assessment/analysis conducted by development partners, governmental institutions, universities, and civil society organizations.
- Conduct in-depth interviews with members of key Government departments and institutions, development partners and other key stakeholders, including civil society organizations including women’s associations and universities, aiming to identify gender disparities, challenges, opportunities and good practices. The data collected through interviews and focus groups should complement the desk review.
- Review Development Partners interventions and their contribution to the closing of identified gender gaps, including research reports, and sector analyses.
- Review gender policies and strategic plans of the sectors and identifying their contribution to gender equality.
- Organize focus groups with key stakeholder’s groups including representatives of CSOs, associations of rural women, religious and community leaders, women entrepreneurs (including beneficiaries of microfinance programs); and
- Facilitate a workshop to discuss with relevant stakeholders the preliminary findings of the study (first draft) and its recommendations and integrate comments into final draft Country Gender Equality Profile.
Due to the Bank’s COVID 19 restrictions, the assignment will be desk-based and will not involve any travels. The consultant will have to hold virtual consultations with the different stakeholders.
- Format and content of the Country Gender Profile for Zambia
5.1 The Country Gender Profile will follow the format outlined below:
- A document of 20 pages maximum, detailing all above-mentioned information with all statistics disaggregated by sex. This document should contain an analysis of the current situation, gaps, challenges, opportunities, and recommended actions.
- Contain a summary 3 pages maximum, which will present the statistics disaggregated by sex on the gender situation in Zambia.
5.2 Content of the Country Gender Profile.
The Gender Profile should reflect the knowledge needs of the government of Zambia, the Bank, the UN and partners. There needs to be a « context » chapter or section, which should be very brief. It should include a summary of gender dimensions of poverty, gender in the current context of the economy, legal and policy frameworks referenced against national and international norms and standards on gender equality and women empowerment, and socio-cultural issues where these can be seen as relevant for national development planning, the work of the UN and the Bank. Where possible, and based on available literature, these should include observations on the strengths and limitations of these areas, and the implications for the advancement of gender equality, women’s rights and women’s empowerment in Zambia.
- Duration of the mission
The duration of the assignment is nine (9) weeks for the national consultant (45 days in full-time equivalent); and commencing tentatively in July 2021, after the signing of the contract. The schedule of execution of the mission will be adjusted according to the needs of the government and the Bank. The nine weeks in full-time equivalent will tentatively be scattered over a period of 3 to 6 calendar months maximum.
- Deliverables
The following are the major expected deliverables:
- The inception/Issue Paper
- The field mission report.
- The Zambia Country Gender Profile. Production of a first and final draft, and presentation of the two drafts to stakeholders for validation (including to the Advisory Group)
- A Power Point presentation on the key messages and recommendations.
- Required qualification
The consultant shall possess a combination of the following:
Education: Advanced University (at least a Master’s) degree in Gender Studies, Social Sciences Economics or related disciplines is required; a PhD in economics is a plus.
Experience: Minimum of 7 years of demonstrated extensive experience that combines research and capacity development around gender and economics and/or women’s social and economic empowerment at the national and international levels is required. Proven record of publications on economics and gender, women’s socio-economic empowerment, including publications on these topics in English with renowned institutions, is required. Demonstrated experience in facilitating multi-cultural training for adults. Knowledge of socio-cultural, geopolitical, economic and environmental country context is an advantage. Excellent writing skills and analytical skills.
Languages: Excellent command of written and spoken English and Zambia local languages.
Eligibility criteria: Establishment of the shortlist and the selection procedure shall be in accordance with the African Development Bank’s “Procurement Policy for Bank Group Funded Operations, October 2015”, which is available on the Bank’s website at: Interested Consultant should provide their EOI including update CV, indicating information on their qualifications and experience demonstrating their ability to undertake this assignment.
A shortlist of six individual consultant will be established at the end of the request for EOI. The evaluation will be based on their updated resume, level of education, years of experience, number of years of experience relevant to the assignment, knowledge of the working environment and the region. Prior Bank experience is an advantage. The consultant on the shortlist will be requested to submit a technical and financial proposal.
Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address below by 1st June, 2021.
Linet MIRITI-OTIENO | Chief Gender Officer African Development Bank Group | Southern Africa Regional Business Delivery Office Office: +27 12 003 6900 | Ext: 2358 | E-Mail: [email protected] Mobile: +27 638710175 | Web :